
Qualifying Educational Programs - A.Y. 2023/2024

For all interested parties, Link Campus University announces the attainment of the official accreditation for the activation of the Qualifying Educational Programs.  

While waiting for the issuing of the ministerial guidelines for the 30/60 CFU pathway, please continue to follow us for updates on the publication of the announcement.

Decree of Accreditation

Reference Legislation

The new training and recruitment system for secondary schools is articulated as follows:

  • university and academic qualifying initial training course, corresponding to no less than 60 CFUs;
  • national public contest;
  • in-service probationary period of one year with final test and evaluation.

Qualifying Programs

In order to activate the training courses envisaged by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023, Link University has established an Agreement with the Institute DUOFIN ART - Accademia delle Arti e Nuove Tecnologie di Roma..

Accredited Pathways:


  • Rome Branch - LINK Campus University - via del Casale di S. Pio V, 44, 00165 Rome (RM)
  • Naples Branch - LINK Campus University - via Cesare Battisti, 15, 80134 Naples (NA)
  • Catania Branch - LINK Campus University - via Martino Cilestri, 109, 95127 Catania (CT)

CALL (13 august 2024)

Call - Qualifying Educational Programmes 60 CFU (Attachment 1) - 30 CFU (Attachment 2), a.a. 2023-2024

the selection by qualifications, to university courses for initial training and qualification of teachers, including technical-practical teachers, of secondary schools of first and second grade provided for in the Prime Minister's Decree of August 4.

This page contains information on how to apply for the Selective Procedure. Participation in the selection is subject, under penalty of exclusion:

  • a) to the submission of the application and no later than 12 on 23/08/2024 exclusively by PEC to the following address iscrizioni@pec.unilink.it mandatorily using the attached application form.
    • i. candidates who intend to compete for the positions available at the Lazio, Campania or Sicily Region must MANDATORILY fill out the form calledhose who intend to compete for the positions available at the Lazio, Campania or Sicily Region must MANDATORILY fill out the form called “Regioni Lazio, Campania, Sicilia”;
    • ii. candidates who wish to compete for the positions available at the Umbria region must MANDATORILY fill out the form called “Regione Umbria”;
  • b) the form used must be duly completed and must be attached to the PEC, in PDF format only, together with a copy of one's valid identification document, also in PDF format;
  • c) at the payment, for those applying for places available in the Regions of Lazio, Campania and Sicily, of the contribution of 150.00 euros and attaching the receipt to the application:

The bank details are the following:

Bank: Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna Suc."A" - Via XX Settembre 37 - Roma (Italy)

c/c N.: # 000002287891 - intestato a Link Campus University

IBAN: IT59 K 05387 03201 000002287891

CAUSALE: REASON: Last Name/First Name/Tax Code/Region/60 CFU Att. 1 30 CFU Att. 2 or 30 CFU Att. 3

Said contribution is not refundable under any circumstances. Those who apply for the places indicated in the table for the Umbria region DO NOT HAVE TO PAY ANY CONTRIBUTION.

Call 60-30 CFU II edition (13 august 2024)

Form - Lazio - Campania - Sicily

Form - Umbria

Please note that on wednesday 28 august each candidate will receive their own ID number on the email address indicated in the application form.

Furthermore, please note that an administrative complaint is allowed within friday 30 august by writing a detailed email indicating the critical issues encountered (and attaching supporting documentation), exclusively to:


and specifying in the subject "Reclamo amministrativo Graduatoria/specificare Regione".

By next week, barring unforeseen circumstances, the Final Ranking will be published.

The Student Administration Office


Assessable qualification 60 CFU - LAZIO (published 27.08.2024)

Assessable qualification 60 CFU - CAMPANIA (published 27.08.2024)

Assessable qualification 60 CFU - SICILIA (published 27.08.2024)

Assessable qualification 60 CFU - UMBRIA (published 27.08.2024)


Assessable qualification 30 CFU - LAZIO (published 27.08.2024)

Assessable qualification 30 CFU - CAMPANIA (published 27.08.2024)

Assessable qualification 30 CFU - SICILIA (published 27.08.2024)

Assessable qualification 30 CFU - UMBRIA (published 27.08.2024)

Call - teachers 60 CFU (attachment 1) – 30 CFU (attachment 2) - a.a. 2023-24

Candidates found to have been admitted after the second round will be able to matriculate starting at 6 p.m. on Friday, August 09, 2024, and no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 18, 2024. Matriculation is finalized with full payment of the first installment of tuition and stamp duty.

Failure of candidates to finalize their matriculation by the deadline referred to in the previous paragraph will result in the renunciation of matriculation, the loss of their place in the ranking list, and will result in the ranking list being updated.p>

The modalities of matriculation are similar to those for application submission.

Therefore, the successful candidate must:

  1. log in to the University's institutional portal (https://www.unilink.it);
  2. click on "Accedi" at the top right of the home page of the institutional portal;
  3. enter the credentials (Username and Password) in order to access the Reserved Area. In the Reserved Area, the user will have access to the online matriculation procedure.

Please note that the registration will be completed only after making the expected payments indicated in the relevant procedure.

Best regards

Lazio_60 CFU

Campania_60 CFU

Campania_30 CFU

Sicilia_60 CFU

Sicilia_30 CFU

Candidates found to have been admitted after the second round will be able to matriculate starting at 6 p.m. on Friday, August 09, 2024, and no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 18, 2024. Matriculation is finalized with full payment of the first installment of tuition and stamp duty..

Il mancato perfezionamento dell’immatricolazione da parte dei candidati entro il termine di cui al comma precedente comporta la rinuncia alla stessa, la perdita del posto in graduatoria e determinerà lo scorrimento della graduatoria medesima.

The modalities of matriculation are similar to those for application submission.

Therefore, the successful candidate must:

  1. log on to the University's institutional portal (https://www.unilink.it);
  2. click on "Accedi" at the top right of the home page of the institutional portal;
  3. enter the credentials (Username and Password) in order to access the Reserved Area. In the Reserved Area, the user will have access to the online matriculation procedure.

Please note that the registration will be completed only after making the expected payments indicated in the relevant procedure.

Best regards

Lazio_60 CFU

Lazio_30 CFU

Campania_60 CFU

Sicilia_60 CFU

Successful candidates will be able to matriculate from 00:01 a.m. on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, and mandatorily by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Matriculation is finalized with full payment of the first installment of tuition and stamp duty.

Failure of candidates to finalize their matriculation by the deadline referred to in the previous paragraph will result in the renunciation of matriculation, the loss of their place in the ranking list, and will result in the ranking list being updated.

The modalities of matriculation are similar to those for application submission. 

Therefore, the successful candidate must:

  1. log on to the University's institutional portal (https://www.unilink.it);
  2. click on "Accedi" at the top right of the home page of the institutional portal; 
  3. enter the credentials (Username and Password) in order to access the Reserved Area. In the Reserved Area, the user will have access to the online matriculation procedure.

Please note that the registration will be completed only after making the expected payments indicated in the relevant procedure.


Best regards 

Si comunica ai candidati che le graduatorie pubblicate in questa pagina sono PROVVISORIE.

Le Graduatorie Provvisorie sono divise per Regione, per classe di concorso e per tipologia di percorso scelto dal candidato che è individuabile dalla prematricola:

Sulla pagina personale di esse3 verrà riportata una coerente comunicazione altrettanto provvisoria.

Si comunica inoltre che alle presenti graduatorie è ammesso reclamo amministrativo entro sabato 20 luglio 2024 scrivendo una mail dettagliata indicando le criticità riscontrate, esclusivamente a:


e specificando nell'oggetto "Reclamo amministrativo Graduatoria/specificare Regione".

Entro il 22 luglio, salvo imprevisti, sarà pubblicata la Final Ranking List.

La Direzione del Corso

STEP 1 - click on the “Registrati” button on the top right


STEP 2 - click on the “Registrazione Web” (register) button.


STEP 3 - Fill in the form in full, then click on “Avanti” (next).
ATTENTION: Check the tax code. In case of an error it will not be possible to register the user correctly.


STEP 4 - Fill in the following form with your residential address as indicated by the title of this section and then click on “Avanti” (next).


STEP 5 - Complete the form named “Recapito” (contact details) for fields with an asterisk only, in the international prefix field, if you are in Italy use 0039 as shown in the figure. Then click on “Avanti” (next).


STEP 6 - A summary screen will be displayed, check that the data is correct and click on the button "Conferma" (confirm).


STEP 7 - At the end of registration process, the candidate will receive the access credentials.


STEP 8 - Return to the portal home page and click on “Accedi” (log in) on the top right.


STEP 9 - On the following screen, click on "Cambio Password" (change password).


STEP 10 - Enter the previously provided credentials and create a new password. Then click on "Modifica" (modify).


STEP 11 - Carry out the login procedure (RESTRICTED AREA).


STEP 12 - Enter your access credentials with the password you just changed.




The organization for the 60 CFU qualifying training course is the following:

  • 30 CFU implemented in distance learning mode with synchronous lessons;
  • 15 CFU of direct internship + 5 of indirect internship carried out in the classroom;
  • 10 CFU of teaching activities characterizing the specific teaching class, carried out in the classroom.

The student administration office can be contacted by email: segreteria.60cfu@unilink.it

Please note the following:

  • individual study for indirect traineeship does not involve synchronous or presential activities
  • synchronous online activities will be delivered mainly in the afternoon from Tuesday to Thursday
  • presential activities will be carried out mainly at weekends (Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday; all day)

The University reserves the right to change the timetable of lessons to enable its students who complete the course to participate in any activation of ministerial procedures.

The Administration Office



Please note that on September 12 2024, the “inscription” at the bottom of the calendars has been updated.

Please note that the schedule may always be subject to change according to organizational needs.


Calendar 60 CFU ATT 1

Lesson Schedule 60 CFU ATT 1 (published 12.09.2024)

Schedule - Remedial Classes 60 CFU ATT 1 (published 29.10.2024)


Calendar 30 CFU ATT 2

Calendar60 CFU ATT 1 (published 21.08.2024) 30 CFU ATT 2 (published 12.08.2024)

Schedule - Remedial Classes 30 CFU ATT 2 (published 29.10.2024)

Transitional Pathway: 30 CFU (attachment 4)