
Qualifying Educational Programs - 60, 36 and 30 CFU

For all interested parties, Link Campus University announces the attainment of the official accreditation for the activation of the Qualifying Educational Programs. 

While waiting for the issuing of the ministerial guidelines for the 30/60 CFU pathway, please continue to follow us for updates on the publication of the announcement

Decree of Accreditation

Reference Legislation

The new training and recruitment system for secondary schools is articulated as follows:

  • university and academic qualifying initial training course, corresponding to no less than 60 CFUs;
  • national public contest;
  • in-service probationary period of one year with final test and evaluation.

Qualifying Programs


In order to activate the training courses envisaged by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023, Link University has established an Agreement with the Institute DUOFIN ART - Accademia delle Arti e Nuove Tecnologie di Roma.

Accredited Pathways:


  • Rome Branch - LINK Campus University - via del Casale di S. Pio V, 44, 00165 Rome (RM)
  • Naples Branch - LINK Campus University - via Cesare Battisti, 15, 80134 Naples (NA)
  • Catania Branch - LINK Campus University - via Martino Cilestri, 109, 95127 Catania (CT)

30 CFU: qualified on the subject or specialized on special education




Please note that LINK CAMPUS UNIVERSITY opens a replica “third edition” of the Educational Programs provided for in Article 13 of the Presidential Decree of August 4, 2023 as stipulated in Article 1 paragraph 2 of the notice issued by DR 1343 published on 20.2.2024.

The Pathways are replicated at the same venues indicated in Article 1, paragraph 3 of the aforementioned notice with the exception of the Città di Castello Branch.

The admission requirements and enrollment methods, as well as all other information provided in the same notice, remain unchanged. Registration will close on 30 June 2024.

Lessons - in full immersion - will be held from Friday 12 July and will end on Sunday 28 July.

The Calendar is published on the same page.

The Student Administration Office


Admission requirements as provided for in Legislative Decree n. 59 art. 18bis co.3: Master's Degree or Single Cycle Degree, II level higher education diploma, or an equivalent qualification, consistent with the competition classes (possession of qualifications for access must be verified) effective on the date of publication of the call. Master's or single-cycle degree students in possession of examinations equivalent to 180 CFU. ITP graduates in possession of at least a three-year degree consistent with the course of study.


  • 30 CFU provided in synchronous modality on subjects related to the competition class


  • Written Exams: concerning didactic planning through the use of multimedia technologies
  • Simulated Lesson


  • As provided for in Article 7 Paragraph 7 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023, a minimum percentage of attendance at the training activities equal to 70% for each of the following learning activities will be required for access to the final examination.


  • The learning pathway does not provide for the recognotion of credits, but only for the modulation of the teaching offer.


  • For the purpose of activating the Learning Pathways provided for in DPCM 4 August 2023, Link Campus University established an Agreement Protocol with the Institute DUOFIN ART - Accademia delle Arti e Nuove Tecnologie di Roma.

Calendar 30 CFU Art 13 - I Edition (updated on 04 march 2024)

Please note that lessons for the candidates enrolled in the 30 CFU Training Pathway - qualified in the subject or specialised in support - will begin on 9 March 2024 with the following timetable:
Saturday 9 march: 8.00-13.00 and 14.00-19.00
Domenica 10 march: 8.00-13.00 and 14.00-19.00

From the following week the lessons will be scheduled as follows:
Friday: 15.00-20.00
Saturday: 14.00-19.00
Sunday: 8.00-13.00 and 14.00-19.00

The University reserves the right to change the timetable of classes to enable the students who complete the course to participate in any activation of ministerial procedures

Calendar 30 CFU Art 13 II Edizione_Sessione weekend (updated on 3 april 2024)


classes start on Saturday, April 6 - classes end on Sunday, May 26

  • Friday 15:00 - 19.30
  • Saturday 15.00 - 19.30
  • Sunday 8.30 - 13.00 and 14:00 - 18.00

Calendar 30 CFU Art 13 II Edition_weekly session (updated on 16 april 2024)


start lessons monday 8 april – end lessons wednesday 29 may

  • monday - thursday, 15.30 - 19.15

The University reserves the right to change the schedule of classes to allow its students who complete the course, to participate in any activation of ministerial procedures


The student administration office can be reached by email: segreteria.percorsiformativiabilitanti@unilink.it

The candidates are informed that the rankings published on this page are PROVISIONAL.

The Provisional Ranking Lists are divided by region, by class of competition and by the type of pathway chosen by the candidate, which can be identified by a pre-matriculation number:

A coherent communication will be posted on the candidates' personal page on ESSE3, equally provisional.

Please also note that administrative complaints against these rankings must be submitted within saturday 20 july 2024 by writing a detailed e-mail indicating the critical issues encountered, exclusively to:


and specifying in the subject "Reclamo amministrativo Graduatoria/specificare Regione".

By 22 July, barring unforeseen circumstances, the Final Ranking will be published.

The Course's Managers

STEP 1 - click on the “Registrati” button on the top right.


STEP 2 - click on the “Registrazione Web” (register) button.


STEP 3 - Fill in the form in full, then click on “Avanti” (next).
ATTENTION: Check the tax code. In case of an error it will not be possible to register the user correctly.


STEP 4 -Fill in the following form with your residential address as indicated by the title of this section and then click on “Avanti” (next).


STEP 5 - Complete the form named “Recapito” (contact details) for fields with an asterisk only, in the international prefix field, if you are in Italy use 0039 as shown in the figure. Then click on “Avanti” (next).


STEP 6 - A summary screen will be displayed, check that the data is correct and click on the button "Conferma" (confirm).


STEP 7 - At the end of registration process, the candidate will receive the access credentials.


STEP 8 - Return to the portal home page and click on “Accedi” (log in) on the top right.


STEP 9 - On the following screen, click on "Cambio Password" (change password).


STEP 10 - Enter the previously provided credentials and create a new password. Then click on "Modifica" (modify).


STEP 11 - Carry out the login procedure (RESTRICTED AREA).


STEP 12 - Enter your access credentials with the password you just changed.


L’organizzazione prevista per il percorso formativo abilitante da 60 CFU è la seguente:

  • 30 CFU implemented in distance learning mode with synchronous lessons;
  • 15 CFU of direct internship + 5 of indirect internship carried out in the classroom;
  • 10 CFU of teaching activities characterizing the specific teaching class, carried out in the classroom.

The student administration form can be contacted by email: segreteria.60cfu@unilink.it

Please note that the lessons for the candidates enrolled in the 60 CFU Attachment 1 and 30 CFU Attachment 2 Training Pathways will begin on Wednesday 31 July 2024 with the following provisional schedule:

  • wednesday 31 july from 10.45 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 16.45
  • thursday 1 august from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 17.45
  • friday 2 august from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 17.45

Lessons are delivered in synchronous mode and the candidates will be notified by e-mail about the platform to which they can connect.

Classes will resume on Wednesday 28 august 2024.

The University reserves the right to change the timetable of lessons to enable its students who complete the course to participate in any activation of ministerial procedures.

The timetable of the lessons will be published tomorrow, 24 july 2024.

La Segreteria


60 CFU Call (attachment 1) – 30 CFU (attachment 2) - a.y. 2023-24

Pathway: 30 CFU (attachment 3) + 30 CFU (attachment 4)