General Regulation (version in force since 6 october 2022)
Regulation on Budget administration and accounting
Regulation - Certification Committee;(version in force since 23 march 2023)
General Regulation of the University Library System (SBA) (version in force since 21 april 2023)
Regulation of the Service ‘LINK4YOU’ - Listening Desk - Link Campus University - Rome
TEACHING (degree courses, master's degree courses and academic masters)
Regulation for the Awarding of Honorary Doctorates (regulation in force since 6 february 2025)
RD Issue of the Regulation - Courses of Study
Download PDF Teaching regulation
Download PDF General Regulation of the Academic Masters (regulation in force since 23 november 2022)
Download PDF Internship Regulation (regulation in force since 13 febraury 2021)
Internship Regulations for the Degree Course L/DS (regulation in force since 16 september 2021)
Regulation on "Online Courses" (regulation in force since 2 september 2022)
Regulation of the Academic Language Center “ CLA” (regulation in force since 28 october 2022)
Regulation - Teacher Assistants “Link Campus University” (regulation in force since 19 january 2023)
General Regulation “Degree Courses of Excellence” (regulation in force since 31 march 2023)
University Regulation for the awarding of Research Grants (in force since 15 april 2022)
General Regulation on the Research Activity (in force since 23 november 2022)
Regulation for University Spin-Offs (in force since 18 may 2019)
Regulation - Code of Ethics (in force since 26 july 2022)
Regulation of the Institute for Sport Law and Management (IDEMS) (in force since 3 february 2024)
Regulation of the Quality Committee - “Link Campus University” (in force since 27 june 2023)
Regulation of the Evaluation Committee - Link Campus University - (in force since 15 december 2022)
Regulation - Joint Teaching Staff/Student Committee (in force since 27 june 2023)
Regulation for the Steering Coommittees of the Courses of Study (in force since 24 november 2022)
Regulation for the Public Selection of researchers (in force since 29 december 2022)
Regulation for the establishment and recruitment of fixed-term extraordinary professors
Regulations for the transfer and internal mobility of academic researchers