
Barbara Cagli


Link Campus University - Rome

Barbara Cagli graduated from the Liceo Ginnasio  "Giulio Cesare" in Rome in July 1995 with a grade of 56/60.S he attained a degree in Medicine and Surgery with full marks and honours from the University Campus Bio Medico in Rome on 18 July 2001 with a dissertation titled “ Il trattamento della mammella controlaterale nelle ricostruzioni dopo mastectomia”.
She attained a Specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery with top marks and honours by discussing an experimental dissertation entitled: “Il ruolo della ricostruzione mammaria con impianti protesici nella mastectomia di salvataggio dopo quadrantectomia e radioterapia”. Supervisor: Prof. P. Persichetti. Co-Supervisor: Prof. L Trodella, V. Altomare on 15 November 2006 at the University Campus Bio Medico in Rome.
Winner of the 2nd Level University Master in "Breast Reconstructive Surgery" at La Sapienza University in Rome, Faculty of Medicine directed by Prof. Fabio Santanelli AY 2007-2008.
Since January 2009, head of Breast Reconstructive Surgery in collaboration with the Senology Area directed by Prof. V. Altomare.
Since June 2016, she is a Plastic Surgeon of the Breast Unit at Campus Bio Medico. PhD in “Dermatology, Plastic Surgery and Human Anatomy” XXV° cycle awarded at the University La Sapienza of Rome on 14 June 2013 for the dissertation "Scalp reconstruction: the use of v-y island flaps based on the superficial temporal artery". Supervisor: Prof. P. Persichetti. Co-Supervisor: Dr Stefania Tenna.
Appointment as didactic and/or professional tutor - CLM Medicine and Surgery - a.y. 2017/2018 Tutor for the School of Specialisation Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery from ay 2016-17 to the current date.
Reviewer of the European Journal of Plastic Surgery from April 2018 to the current date.
National scientific qualification - Call d.d. 1532/2016 competition sector 06/E2. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Paediatric Surgery and Urology, II level.
From 2022 to 2024 Adjunct Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Unicamillus International University.
Since 7 february 2025 - Fixed term Academic Researcher competition sector 06/MEDS-14 - PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, PAEDIATRIC AND CHILDREN'S SURGERY AND UROLOGY - Plastic surgery.

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