
Elena Oliva


Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue

Elena Oliva is Fixed-term Researcher in tenure track (RTT) in Musicology and History of Music (PEMM-01/C, ex L-ART/07) at Link Campus University. She attained a Ph.D. in History of the Arts and Entertainment at the University of Florence with a dissertation on the spread of French operetta in post-unification Italy (De Sono Prize 2020 for best dissertation in Musicology). From 2020 to 2024, she was a research fellow at the Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art and Performing Arts (SAGAS) at the University of Florence and adjunct professor of Musicology and History of Music in the Primary Education degree program at the same university. Her main research interests include the history and analysis of musical theater, the relationship between music and urban space, and the use of digital technologies for musicological research. Among her publications, in addition to the monograph L’operetta parigina a Milano, Firenze e Napoli (1860-1890). 
Esordi, sistema produttivo e ricezione (LIM, 2020), there are several contributions in scientific and peer reviewed journals. She participated in the following inter-university projects of relevant national scientific interest, funded by the Ministry of University and Research:  Progetto Raphael 
[Rhythmic And Proportional Hidden or Actual ELements in Plainchant (1350-1750)] (PRIN 2003 – coordinated by the University of Lecce); BaDaCriM - Banca Dati della Critica Musicale Italiana 1900-1970 (PRIN 2009 – oordinated by the University of Turin); ArtMus. Articoli musicali nei quotidiani dell’Ottocento in Italia (PRIN 2012 – coordinated by the University of Florence); MML - Mapping Musical Life: Urban Culture and the Local Press in Post- Unification Italy (PRIN 2017 – coordinated by the University of Florence). In 2016, she was a fellow at the Ugo and Olga Levi Foundation in Venice, and in 2017 she was a Visiting Scholar at the Équipe Littérature et Culture Italiennes (ELCI) at the Université Paris-Sorbonne.In 2021, she was awarded the Arthur Rubinstein prize “Una vita per la musica” (young musicologists category). 
She is currently part of the research unit WIM - Women in music: social identity, careers, practices in Italy between the 17th and the 19th centuries (Department SAGAS - University of Florence) and is a member of the scientific committee of the series “Percorsi” of the Italian Society of Musicology. In parallel with her research activities, she was involved in outreach activities at cultural organizations and institutions, the latest of which include conceiving and conducting the cycle of radio episodes Boulevard Europa: to the origins of French operetta aired in May 2024 on RSI (Swiss Radio and Television) channel Rete Due.

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