
Enrico Maria Trecarichi

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome


Enrico Maria Trecarichi is Associate Professor in Infectious Diseases in the Department of Life Sciences, Health, and Health Professions at Link Campus University in Rome.

Prof. Enrico Maria Trecarichi attained a degree with honors in Medicine, a specialization with honors in Infectious Diseases and Ph.D. in “Biology and Clinic of Infectious and Tropical Diseases” at the Catholic University Sacro Cuore, Rome. 

In 2018, he attained the National Scientific Qualification for the positions of I Level Professor for the Competition Sector 06/D4 - disciplinary scientific area MEDS-10/B (formerly MED/17) - Infectious Diseases.

He carried out research activities first at the Catholic University Sacro Cuore, Rome. until 2018 and then at the University  “Magna Graecia” in Catanzaro until 2024. He authored chapters in treatises and more than 170 articles published in international scientific journals. As of 2023, he ranks among the top 2% of the world's top scientists according to the international ranking made by Standford University, USA.

He carried out teaching activities in Infectious Diseases for the English-language degree course in “Medicine and Surgery” at the Catholic University Sacro Cuore in Rome (2016-2018) and as part of the second level academic master in “ANTIBIOTIC STEWARDSHIP” at the Infectious Diseases Clinic Institute of the the Catholic University Sacro Cuore in Rome. From 2018 to 2024, he served as Associate Professor at the University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro in Infectious Diseases for physicians enrolled in the School of Specialization in Infectious and Tropical Diseases and for students of the academic master in Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry within the framework of the degree programs in Health Professions.

Furthermore, between 2020 and 2024 he served as Director of the Specialization School in Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the University “Magna Graecia”. 

Finally, Prof. Enrico Maria Trecarichi served as Medical Director first at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases of the University Polyclinic Foundation “Agostino Gemelli” - Catholic University Sacro Cuore in Rome (2007-2018) and later at the U.O.C. of Infectious and Tropical Diseases of the AOU “Renato Dulbecco” (formerly AOU “Mater Domini”) in Catanzaro, where he was Director in 2024.

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The professor is available to receive the students at the end of the lessons. However, the students may also request an appointment by email.