
Eugenio Levi

Fixed-term Researcher

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue

I am a researcher in political economy. I attained a PhD at Sapienza University of Rome in 2017 and spent most of my career as a postdoc at Libera Università di Bolzano. I spent some time abroad, at King's College London and at Masaryk University, funded by a Marie Curie fellowship.

My research interests are mainly related to political economy, voting behavior, migration economics, transportation economics, and innovation economics. My research usually combines an empirical approach, often retrieving data from the internet through scraping, with an experimental approach.

Over the years, much of my research has focused on the determinants of populism, including immigration, economic shocks, and political communication. More recently, I have been working on public policy on AI, congestion problems in urban traffic, and the impact of high-speed rail. I have contributed to international journals such as Economic Inquiry and Journal of Population Economics and am a referee for several international journals.

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