
Giuseppe Sigillò Massara

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Giuseppe Sigillò Massara is Associate Professor of Labor and Social Security Law at Link Campus University in Rome.

He has been Professor of Labor Law, Labor Law and Supplementary Pension Law at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Roma Tre, Luiss. G. Carli, LUMSA - sez. Palermo, Macerata.

He was a member of AIDLASS, International Association of Labor Law and Social Security, since 1995 and has been a speaker on themes related to labor and social security law topics at study days and conferences, most recently including, “Covid-19 e emergenza: l'utilizzo degli ammortizzatori sociali e dei congedi” (Roma, 2020); “ILO standards and Constitutional Court” (Padova, 2019);  “Il Sistema Previdenziale tra Crisi e Sviluppo” (Lucca, 2018); “Il sostegno del reddito dei lavoratori fra iniziativa pubblica e privata - i fondi di solidarietà” (Roma, 2017).

He authored various publications on themes related to labor law and social security, including: “Fondi di Solidarietà e fondi speciali” (2020); “Dall’assistenza al Reddito di Cittadinanza (e ritorno). Prime riflessioni sul Reddito di Cittadinanza” (2019); “Profili di costituzionalità dei limiti alle severance di amministratori e dirigenti” (2019); “La tutela contro i licenziamenti illegittimi dopo la Corte Costituzionale del 26 settembre 2018 n. 194”; “Tutele alternative dei diritti dei lavoratori” (2017); “Ammortizzatori sociali e politiche attive per il lavoro. Decreti legislativi nn. 22, 148 e 150 del 14 settembre 2015” (Torino, 2017); “Fondi pensione preesistenti e portabilità della posizione individuale: le Sezioni Unite ancora confuse” (2015); “I «prepensionamenti fai da te» nella riforma del mercato del lavoro” (2014); “Art. 2117. Fondi speciali per la previdenza e l’assistenza” (2013); “Sul fondamento costituzionale della previdenza complementare” (2012).

He was president of Fondoposte - National Supplementary Pension Fund for the Staff of Poste Italiane S.p.A. and Director of the Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù Staff Pension Fund.

He is Liquidator of the Intercompany Solidarity and Assistance Fund - Intercassa in Liquidation; of the Alenia Executives Supplementary Health Care Association - ASIDAL; of the Finmeccanica Group Executives' Pension Fund - Supplementary Pension Fund in Liquidation.

He was President of the Administrator Committee of the Solidarity Fund for Income Support of Personnel Formerly Employed by the Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies; as well as Member of the Administrator Committee of the Solidarity Fund for Income Support of Poste Italiane S.p.A. Personnel.

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