
Luca Roncati

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Luca Roncati is Associate Professor of Pathological Anatomy at the Department of Life Sciences, Health and Health Professions at Link Campus University, Rome, with National Scientific Habilitation to the function of Full Professor.

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Pathologic Anatomy and related disciplines (Oncology, Senology, Clinical Pathology, Forensic Medicine). He then attained the National Scientific Habilitation in Obstetrical-Gynecological Sciences and in Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine, as well as the qualification of expert of the National Agency for Regional Health Services in the areas of clinical/organizational/epidemiological/social, research and international relations.

Prof. Roncati is a member of the Governance Board of the European Society of Medicine and is affiliated with prestigious scientific societies, including the Royal Society of Medicine, the International Gynecologic Cancer Society, the International Society of Lymphology and the Italian Cervicocarcinoma Screening Group.

Associate Editor of Frontiers in Oncology, European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology and of the affiliated magazine Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, where he also serves as a designated member of the Award Selection Committee, Prof. Roncati serves on the editorial board of additional high-impact academic journals including Cancers, Pathogens and Frontiers in Medicine. 

Prof. Roncati authored more than 270 scientific publications, participated to the activity of various national and international research groups with attraction of funds, is a reviewer for many indexed journals in the field including the British Medical Journal (BMJ), has organized various conferences of national and international relevance, has participated as a speaker in several national and international congresses and seminars, holds the intellectual property of an Italian and international patent against cancer, and has been awarded important national and supranational awards.

Prominent among the latter are the awards received from the American Academy of Dermatology; from the Taylor & Francis publishing house in the form of Top Science Author; from the Emilia-Romagna Region's Department of Health Policies for the research activity on COVID-19 conducted in the midst of a public health emergency; and the award attained for his work as a doctor in charge of public service in the municipalities of the province of Modena affected by the 2012 earthquake.

Prof. Roncati provided the description of the syndrome that bears his name (Roncati-Manenti triad) and T rex lymphoma (T rex lymphoma). In 2023, the Times Higher Education, formerly a supplement to the well-known British newspaper The Times, selected him as a high-profile academic representing Italy in the World University Rankings, the most authoritative ranking of the world's best universities. 



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