
Marco Filoni

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Marco Filoni is associate professor of Political Philosophy (SPS/01) at Link Campus University.

Research Doctor (Ph.D.) in History of Philosophy. He conducted scientific research at the Politecnico di Milano, the Institute of Higher Studies of the University of Bologna, the Bibliothèque Nationale and the École Normale Supérieure di Parigi (presso il “Centre international d’étude de la philosophie française contemporaine”). His research interests mainly include French hegelism of the 20th century; the relationship between institutions and politics; the connection between philosophy and cities; the political use of fear and the paradigm of government through emotions.

He carried out research and teaching activities at various imternational universities (Sorbonne; Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung di Berlino; Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes di Parigi; Center for Philosophy - University of Tokyo; KU Leuven; Centre de Recherche Eric Weil - University Charles de Gaulle in Lille; Pontificia Universidade Católica of São Paulo; University of Namur) and participated as a speaker in various national and international conferences.

He was one of the coodinators of the project Treccani Libri, promoted by the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. Scientific Counselor of the «Limes», he is part of the editorial board of «La Cultura». Furthermore, he is member of the Scientific Council of the “Gramsci Centre for the Humanities”, the University of San Marino and various magazines and book series.

He participated to various cultural programmes promoted by RadioTre Rai. He wrote cultural contributions for various publications (Domenica del Sole24Ore, Repubblica, Pagina99) and currently writes on Venerdì di Repubblica and TuttoLibri (La Stampa).

He published the following books (translated in various languages): L’azione politica del filosofo. La vita e il pensiero di Alexandre Kojève (Bollati Boringhieri 2021); Il calcolo della paura (Einaudi 2021); Anatomia di un assedio. La paura nella città (Skira 2019); Inciampi. Storia di libri, parole e scaffali (Italo Svevo 2019); Kojève mon ami (Aragno 2013).

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