
Marco Tofani


Link Campus University - Rome


Course Catalogue



Graduated in Neuro and Psychomotor Therapy of the Developmental Age (2009) and Occupational Therapy (2014) at Sapienza University of Rome, he obtained a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Sciences of the Health Professions (2017) at the same university. He specialized in Neurorehabilitation according to the Bobath concept (2014), then obtained a Level I Master's Degree in Rehabilitation of the Hand (2015) at the University of Milan.

In 2021, he attained the national scientific qualification as second level Professor for SC 06/N1 SCIENCES OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND APPLIED MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES. Ph.D. in Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and Public Health (2023) in the Health Sciences and Social Medicine curriculum, he is working on Migration, Disability and Global Health. 

He has worked/is working as a clinician, researcher and trainer serving for hospitals, universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations in Italy and abroad, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, North Africa and Eastern Europe. He is interested in the understanding and study of disability and Global Health, Community-Based Rehabilitation, and validation of outcome measures.

Currently, he is a Researcher in Tenure-Track at the Department of Life Sciences, Health and Health Professions at Link Campus University. Since 2016, he has been collaborating with the Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù IRCCS where he carries out clinical and research activities on assistive technologies (wheelchairs, prosthetic limb superior...), pediatric hand rehabilitation, and collaborates with the Dysphagia Service and the Health Management to define specific evaluation and screening protocols. 

After working as a MED/48 Research Fellow with the Department of Human Neuroscience at Sapienza University of Rome on rehabilitation and assistive technologies in neurorehabilitation and migrant populations, he has been an international consultant in Ukraine for the World Health Organization (Regional Office for Europe) since 2023.

A member of the Italian Society of Migration Medicine (SIMM) since 2017, he coordinates its Working Group on Disability and Migration. A founding member and Vice-President of the ROMA Association - Rehabilitation & Outcome Measures Assessment, he is conducting research on the validation of outcome measures in the field of rehabilitation and health more generally. 

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The professor is available to receive the students at the end of the lessons. However, the students may also request an appointment by email.