
Pigliucci Michele

Michele Pigliucci

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Roma

Course Catalogue


Michele Pigliucci is Associate Professor of Economic and Politica Geography (M-GGR/02) at Link Campus University, where he is also a member of the Quality Assurance Committee. Since September 2023, he has been the Rector's Delegate for European Relations and Territorial and Cultural Heritage Policies.

Since January 2024, he has been appointed as an expert within the "Struttura di missione ZES" by the Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and for the NRP.

In 2014, he attained a PhD in Culture and Territory at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", where he attained 5 research grants; and became adjunct professor of "GIS Cartography" and “Economics and European Territorial Planning”. He was adjunct professor of "Geography and Tourism" at the University of Sassari, and is a member of the teaching staff at eCampus University. He was a winner of a european selection for the research activity in the field of Economic Geography and he participated in various national and european (ESPON, Europa per i cittadini, Erasmus +, ENPI CBC MED) projects, where he held senior positions. He is the author of monographs and articles on themes related to geopolitics (with particular reference to the European area, the Balkans and the Slavic world), territorial cohesion, regional development policies, with particular reference to the italian harbour system, as well as to the History of Geographical Thought. He collaborates with the Foundation Ugo Spirito e Renzo De Felice, which he directed between 2018 and 2020. He is a member of the editorial board of the “Annali della Fondazione Ugo Spirito”, Area 11 - scientific magazine. In 2020, he attained the National scientific qualification for second-rank professor in the sector 11/B1 – Geography.


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