
Romano Benini

Fixed-term Extraordinary Professor

Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Economics of innovation and sustainable globalization (LM-56)

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Romano Benini is professor of sociology of Made in Italy at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome and professor of sociology of welfare, labour market policy and training design and corporate welfare at Link Campus University in Rome, where he is extraordinary professor.

He is an expert for Pnrr for the Presidency of the Council and an expert on labor and welfare policies for the Minister of Labor. He is an expert on skills and labor issues for G 7 and national coordinator of the European Youth Guarantee program. He has been a technical advisor to many Italian institutions, government agencies and employment services. He was technical advisor to the Fondazione Studi Consulenti del Lavoro, Fondimpresa, the For.Te fund and the National Confederation of Craft and Small Business CNA.

He is a member of the European Social Fund Monitoring Committee, the National Lifelong Learning Committee and coordinates the Academic Master in Management of Services and Labour Policies at Link Campus University in Rome.

He published various texts related to the economic and political vicissitudes of Italy, including Saper fare (2010), Italia cortigiana (2012) and Destini e declini (2015), while the volumes Nella tela del ragno (2014), Il fattore umano (2016) and Lo stile italiano (2018) deal with the impact of labor policies and the historical and cultural aspects of made-in-Italy productions.

He coordinated employment research and programs in several European countries as well as in various Italian regions. An economic journalist, for many years he took part as author and expert on RAI's leading labor television communication programs: Okkupati, which aired from 1998 to 2011, and Il posto giusto aired since 2014 on RAI 3.

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The professor is available to receive students at the end of the lessons, or by appointment (to be agreed upon by email).