
Rosanna Ruggiero


Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue

Rosanna Ruggiero, class of '87, graduated in Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy (LS-14) from the University of Naples Federico II, and subsequently obtained a Level II Academic Master's Degree in “Pre-clinical and Clinical Drug Development and Post-marketing Monitoring” at the University of Naples Federico II, in 2016. During the training internship scheduled as part of the aforementioned Level II Academic Master, she analyzed the aspects of research and post-marketing monitoring at the Regional Center for Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology of the Campania Region, under the guidance and mentorship of Prof. Annalisa Capuano.

In 2021, she attained a PhD in Translational Medicine at the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli, continuing her collaboration with the Regional Center for Pharmacovigilance and the Department of Experimental Medicine at L. Vanvitelli University as a Research Fellow in SSD BIO/14 until 2024. She authored several publications in international indexed scientific journals, co-author of some chapters in two volumes of Pharmacology with national circulation. Furthermore, she authored several abstracts submitted and presented within the framework of national and international Scientific Congresses of Pharmacology.

In 2023 she won the Research Award, granted by the Italian Society of Pharmacology and Farmindustria. Currently, she is fixed-term researcher in the SSD BIO/14 sector at Link Campus University, Rome. Her main research activities involve the characterization and evaluation of drug and vaccine safety profiles through post-marketing analysis of real-world data extrapolated from national and international pharmacovigilance databases.

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