
Stefania Capogna

Associate Professor

Coordinator of the Master's Degree Course in Technologies and languages of communication (LM-59)

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Phd in Social and organizational systems and public policy analysis (2004).

Associate Professor of Sociology of Cultural ProcessesLink Campus University.

Founder and Director of the Research Centre Digital Technologies, Education & Society and of the Magazine Quaderni di Comunità. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella Società 5.0.

Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Technologies and languages of communication (LM59).

Honorary Professor at M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, Kazakhstan (2019),  

TTeaching Fellow at the University of Klaipeda, Lituania (2022).

Member of the Editorial Board European Journal of Education, Research, Development and Policy. Member of various editorial and evaluation committees of scientific journals and publishing series.

At the Department of Education Sciences, University of Roma Tre, she is co-founder and a member of the Center for Research and Services for Innovation, Education, Lifelong Learning for Individuals, Organizations and the Competence Balance (CRES-IELPO), coordinator of the organizational area.

The priority research fields are developed around two main macro-areas:

  • - The social impacts of digital transformation and its effects on people, organizations and communities;
  • - Empowerment policies and tools to accompany individuals, organizations and communities through the complexity of the transition processes underway.

The common thread linking these fields of study is the focus on the centrality of the person and the construction of networking and integration processes and pathways between sectors (education, communication, organization); systems (school, university, work, transition); people and contexts.

Scientific Directors of various eurpean projects.

She authored various essays, monographs and journal contributions. Among her most recent publications: Capogna S (2022). Sociology between Big data and Research Frontiers.QUALITY & QUANTITY, p. 1-13, ISSN: 0033-5177; Capogna S. (2021) Habitus. Tra destino e progetto. Dialogo an più voci con Pierre Bourdieu, Aracne, Roma; Capogna S (2021). Il lavoro che sarà tra organizzazione e comunità. SVILUPPO & ORGANIZZAZIONE, p. 52-63, ISSN: 0391-7045; Capogna S (2020). The profession of educating amid contexts, digital innovation and professional habitus. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION, vol. 1, ISSN: 2035-4983. doi: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2020-1-14; Capogna S (2020). Sanità digitale, organizzazione e innovazione. SALUTE E SOCIETÀ, vol. 1, ISSN: 1972-4845. DOI: 10.3280/SES2020-001004

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The professor is available to receive the students at the end of the lessons. However, the students may also request an appointment by email.