Link Campus University is one of the 79 universities that use the services of the AlmaLaurea Interuniversity Consortium: almost 90% of the graduates who earn their degrees each year. AlmaLaurea(www.almalaurea.it) annually conducts census surveys on the profile and employment status of graduates 1, 3 and 5 years after obtaining their degree.
The main purposes of the project are:
- to collect information and evaluations on the graduates' academic pathway and employment status on behalf of the affiliated universities. The resulting analysis and statistics will then published with the aim of guiding recently graduated students in their choice of university and work and of directing the governing bodies of the universities in the planning of teaching and training activities;
- to publish online the curriculum vitae (CV) of recently graduated students for companies, institutions and professionals looking for qualified experts. The AlmaLaurea database, available online, gets richer every year by about 200,000 CV, and is a unique tool of its kind for features, quality and timeliness.
Upon graduation, all the universities affiliated with AlmaLaurea ask their graduating students to provide through a questionnaire, the evaluations on their learning pathway (required by law).
Upon explicit consent, all graduating students can create and make available their CV in the AlmaLaurea database; the CV will be accessible to companies that will directly use the search and selection services of AlmaLaurea.
With their opinion the students will allow the realization of Surveys on the Profile and Occupational Status of graduates and contribute to improve the University System and guide those who are about to undertake an academic career.

Every year, the AlmaLaurea Consortium collects and analyzes the documentation and evaluations of all graduating students on the academic experience they have just completed, as well as interviews on the employment status of graduated students one, three and five years after graduation. The results, publicly available on the Consortium's website, are provided to the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and to the governing bodies (evaluation teams, Quality Assurance Chairs, etc.) of the member universities. The results of the surveys guide the planning of training activities and contribute to defining the distribution of ministerial funds to universities on the basis of appropriate indicators.
AlmaLaurea for students and graduates
The Curriculum Vitae. The CV is created by registering on AlmaLaurea. The CV is made accessible to companies and institutions by AlmaLaurea through a search engine that allows profiles to be selected on the basis of a series of criteria.
Each student/graduate can configure the visibility of their CV in the database and define their preferences for job offers and training courses (alert).
The CV can be used to apply for job offers and can be submitted to a company participating in a selection event. It can also be downloaded for use in other contexts (e.g. emailing).
The CV in AlmaLaurea is unique for each student/graduate even if he/she has obtained degrees from more than one University. The information related to the degree is certified by the University. The CV is available in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish and can be used in AlmaLaurea or Europass format.
An online guide indicates the level of compilation of the CV and provides indications to enrich it. It is possible to store in the CV all the information considered interesting and decide, each time, which to make visible. In addition to information on study and work experience and on language and computer skills, it is possible to include information on experiences abroad, any publications, projects carried out, membership of professional associations, and links to multimedia files.
It is very important to define your professional objective and preferences in relation to the job sought (preferred location, willingness to relocate, company sector, ...).
Many sections of the CV allow the insertion of free-text fields: these sections are essential to insert the information that characterize your experience and skills to improve visibility by recruiters. It is very important to always use the right keywords carefully.
Job and/or internship bulletin board. It is possible to consult the job offers on the AlmaLaurea website. By accessing your private area you can view all the ads sorted according to the correspondence (matching) between the characteristics of the position specified by the company and those of your profile. You can respond directly online by sending your AlmaLaurea CV. It is important not to neglect the cover letter that will accompany the application.
Companies will introduce themselves. This is the showcase of companies interested in receiving spontaneous applications. In this section you can learn more about companies looking for graduates, their selection policies, the most sought-after profiles and any open positions.
Events. Career Opportunities. Almalaurea organizes events o connect domestic and international companies with graduates. You can identify the events you are most interested in based on their geographical location and participating companies. All you will have to do then, is to register directly online and present yourself in advance to the companies you are most interested in by sending your CV. From 2020, as a result of the COVID emergency, the events can also be held online in an integrated platform that allows you to send your CV, participate in company presentations and hold individual interviews between recruiters and graduates.
Members of protected classes. In order to promote the employment of people belonging to protected categories, it is possible for graduates to include this information in their CVs and, for companies, to indicate that a specific job offer is reserved for this specific category of users.
The AlmaGO app

AlmaGO! is the new AlmaLaurea App, for Android and iOS, which allows you to consult job offers and recruiting events and send your curriculum vitae to companies.
You can quickly consult the job and internship offers published by AlmaLaurea by setting search filters according to your preferences (type of job, sector, place of work...). You can also ignore the offers you consider uninteresting and save the ones you want to pay more attention to.
The offers are sorted according to the correspondence between the curriculum vitae and the profile sought. It is important to always keep your curriculum vitae updated, enriching it with any work experience or internship.