
Link Start

Project dedicated to students who pre-enrolled to LINK Campus University

Let's start together now!

LINK Campus University will also support you for your graduation exams!

When you enroll, you will have the opportunity to take part in an initiative dedicated to students who will have to sit the graduation exams and then begin their academic studies.
This initiative provides a Public Speaking workshop, structured into several meetings, and a Summer School to introduce you to the academic life.

When speaking in public, it is not enough to express oneself clearly and fluently, one must also be effective, incisive and persuasive; we must engage the audience, using verbal, para-verbal and non-verbal communication.
Even when presenting or exhibiting a work realised, in addition to offering quality content, it is necessary to stimulate attention and involve the listeners: gestures, posture, facial expressions, eye contact, voice modulation, are all elements that enable you to communicate and characterise the way in which the message is transmitted and received.

The course will be structured in three meetings and a final Summer School; initially, during the meetings, there will be a focus on the theoretical aspects of public speaking and effective communication, then gradually a practical part will be added, in which the acquired skills can be tested, and later, during the Summer School, simulations and role-plays will be carried out.

For further information and reservations, please send an email to the following address:

We look forward to welcoming you!