
Desiree Sabatini

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Desirée Sabatini is associate professor in performing arts disciplines at Dams, Link Campus University e dal 2021 and since 2021 she has been the Rector's Delegate for Gender Issues and President of the Guarantee Committee

Her research activities and publications are mainly related to the use of digital technologies for theater history and, in particular, the interaction between scientific and technological research and theater studies, through an in-depth use of audiovisual sources, editing and animation of theatrical audiovisuals, aimed at research and teaching; the creation of digital archives of theatrical memory; and the recovery, through digital restoration, of historical audiovisual documents. 

The investigation of the documentary heritage of theater related to the digital restoration project for theatrical audiovisuals is presented as an analysis of the areas of specialized audiovisual documentation in theater and the methodologies in place for the preservation of video-theatrical heritage. A parallel area of research concerns the theoretical, historical and methodological issues of directing and staging in relation to live performance in unconventional spaces and specifically in cultural venues for an analysis of new forms of contemporary theater as a propeller of cultural heritage.

She authored various publications, both ona a national and international scale, on research topics such as Cities as a Stage: The Development of the Performing Arts in Places / Non-Places of Rome, Performing Arts Archives. For a Revival of Theatrical Memory in Video; Man from the State of Representation to the State of Ecstasy. Notes for an interdisciplinary research; Recent advances in digitization of audiovisual theatrical memory and the impact on identity and authenticity of the Performing Arts in digital collections.

Currently, she is a member of the board of "Centre for European and Transnational Historical Studies" and of Dites - DIgital Technologies, Education and Society; of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation Alessandro Fersen, of "Associazione culturale Gerardo Guerrieri" of the ADV group, Arti digitali dal vivo, "New Perspective on Live Digital Arts & Performing Media". 

She is Coordinator of the research group CITY OPEN MUSEUM - C.O.M - The Italian cultural heritage as a neo-media, interactive, participatory public artwork; PNRR call of the Ministry of University and Research Directorate General for Internationalization and Communication.

She is coordinator of the Rome research group for the Prin: Research Projects Of Significant National Interest - Bando 2022 dal titolo I_PAD Italian Performance Archive in Digital. Mappingand Dissemination of the Iconographic and Audiovisual Heritage of Italian Media Performance: Giacomo Verde’s Archive e fa parte del gruppo di ricerca del progetto FreeBeRI Freedom of Belief and Right to Information, coordinatrice S. Cristofori, ERASMUS Jean Monnet LS Type I and II.

Since 2021 she is Rector's Delegate for Gender Themes and Learning Disorders and President of the Guarantee Committee (CUG).      

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