
Giacomo Vagni

Fixed-term researcher

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Giacomo Vagni is researcher (RTT) of Italian Literature at Link Campus University, Rome, where he is part of the teaching staff of the Degree Course in DAMS - Audiovisual and theatrical production.

He graduated at Università Cattolica di Milano, where he also attained a PhD. He taught at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, at the University of Lausanne, at the University of Milan and at the Catholic University of Milan.

From 2014 to 2018, he worked at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland as part of two Swiss National Research Foundation projects on Giuliano de' Medici's "Rime" and Torquato Tasso's "Dialoghi". From 2018 to 2022 he worked at the University of Lausanne as the holder of the Swiss National Research Foundation's 'Ambition' Fellowship, with a project on the reception of Renaissance lyric poetry in the modern age. From 2022 to 2024, he was a Doctoral Assistant at the Chair of Italian Literature at the University of Fribourg.

His research interests include the history of poetry in the early modern age, Renaissance treatises and epistolography, the fortunes of Dante in the modern age, and literary historiography from the 18th century to the present. His publications include the critical and annotated edition of Baldassar Castiglione and Cesare Gonzaga's “Rime” and “Tirsi” (Bologna 2015), and the editing, along with Federica Alziati, of the commentary to Torquato Tasso's “Dialoghi” (forthcoming). He published essays on «Aevum», «Filologia italiana», «Archivum mentis», «Versants», «Per leggere», «Rivista di letteratura italiana», «Studi tassiani», «Atti e memorie dell’Arcadia», «Stilistica e metrica italiana», «Tenzone».

He is editorial secretary of the series «Biblioteca di studi e testi italiani» (Bologna/Città di Castello, I Libri di Emil ed.) and member of the scientific committee of the series «Orione. Studi e testi di Letteratura italiana» (Napoli, FedOAPress – Federico II University Press). He is part of the editorial board of the journals «Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria» and «Revista Chilena de Estudios Medievales», of the working group for the project «Tasso online» («» portal) and of the technical editors of the project «».

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