
Mirca Montanari

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Mirca Montanari is Associate Professor (Disciplinary Scientific Area PAED-02/A - Didactics and Special Pedagogy - Disciplinary Scientific Group 11/PAED-02 - Educational Research, Didactics, Special Pedagogy and Experimental Pedagogy) at Link Campus University. In 2023, she attained the National Scientific Qualification for the positions of Professor of Associate Professor in SSD PAED-02/A. She studied at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo where she attained a PhD in Humanistic Studies in 2019. 
She has collaborated with the professor of Special Pedagogy (Prof. Patrizia Gaspari) since 2013, after serving for several years as a teaching supervisor for internship activities of the Degree Course in Primary Education at the University of Urbino. She taught “General and Inclusive Education” and “Special Education and Pedagogy” at the University of Tuscia, where she was a researcher from 2021 to 2024, and “Pedagogy of Inclusion” at the Free University of Bolzano within the Degree Courses in Educational Sciences (L-19), Modern Philology (LM-14) and Primary Education Sciences (LM-85 bis). Furthermore, she was part of the teaching staff of the specialization course (TFA support) since 2013 and in the qualifying pathways (24-30-60 cfu) since 2021.
Her research focuses on the following topics: inclusive education and didactics, inclusive design and storytelling, schooling and special educational needs, training of specialized support teachers, the inclusive role of the social-pedagogical educator, and university orientation from an inclusive perspective. She authored various essays and publications pertaining to said research topics. Among her most recent publications are the following: Educational Needs in Schools and Inclusive Contexts. I bisogni educativi nella scuola e i contesti inclusivi. Alcune indagini esplorative sul territorio (FrancoAngeli, 2020) winner of Premio Italiano SIPED 2023; La narrazione nel processo formativo (Aracne, 2021), Dialoghi pedagogici nell’ipercomplessità. Riflessioni, suggestioni e prospettive educative (ETS, 2022) both curated with Rosella Persi; Orientamento e formazione universitaria. In prospettiva inclusiva (Anicia, 2023).  She participated in various national and international conferences as speaker, she is an associate of SIPeS  (Società Italiana di Pedagogia Speciale) and of SIPED (Società Italiana di Pedagogia). Throughout her career as a Kindergarten and Secondary School teacher, she held various positions such as chairperson of committees for state examinations, member of selection committees in ordinary teacher competitions, mentor of teachers in the probationary year, instrumental function, referent for PCTO (Pathways for Transversal Competencies and Orientation). 

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The professor is available to receive the students at the end of the lessons. However, the students may also request an appointment by email.