Paola De Rosa is an adjunct professor of “Sociology” and “Public Communication” at Link Campus University, where she conducts research at Link LAB - Laboratory for Social Research.
Ph.D. in “Nuove Tecnologie e Frontiere del Diritto, dell’Economia e della Società”, she is currently a research fellow in the European project GEMINI – Gender Equality through Media Investigations and New Training Insights (CERV-2022-GE). Previously, she was a research fellow in the 2015 PRIN project Media e terrorismi. L’impatto della comunicazione e delle reti digitali sull’insicurezza percepita, as well as a member of the LCU research unit within the H2020 DETECt-Detecting Transcultural Identity in European Popular Crime Narratives.
Her research interests focus on crisis communication and agenda-building processes in the public-political sphere, analysis of media representations and related effects on audiences, with a focus on gender issues and empowerment strategies.
Her publications include “Generazioni violente o violenze generazionali? Uno studio empirico sul rapporto tra giovani e violenza, tra percepito e vissuto” (Security and Social Sciences, 2024); ‘Audiences of popular European television crime drama: A nine-country study on consumption patterns, attitudes, and drivers of transcultural connection’ (European Journal of Communication, 2023); “Divertirsi da (non) morire. La movida al tempo del Covid come spazio di responsabilità condivisa” (La Critica Sociologica, 2023); “Setting the Aware Agenda of the Covid-19 Health Emergency: The Italian Public Authorities’ Social Media Coverage” (IGI Global, 2021); “Scelgo dunque sono? L’esperienza Netflix nel racconto degli utenti” (Imago. Studi di cinema e media, 2021); “Aging girls. Identità femminile, sessualità e invecchiamento nella cultura mediale italiana” (Meltemi, 2021); “Oltre l’Islam e l’Isis. Contro-narrare il terrorismo tra spersonalizzazione e spersonificazione” (Sicurezza e scienze sociali, 2019).
The professor is available to receive the students at the end of the lessons. However, the students may also request an appointment by email.