
Silvia Cristofori

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Silvia Cristofori is associate professor of History of Christianity at the Department of Human Sciences at Link Campus University where she teaches “Media and Religion” and “Religions, Identities, Politics”. At Link Campus University she holds several teaching workshops and is the excellence learning pathway in European studies (Master's degree in Strategic Studies and Diplomatic Science), for which she teaches “Libertà di coscienza e fede nella storia europea”.

She is a member of the teaching staff of the national Phd .DREST (Italian Doctoral School in Religious Studies) and is an affiliate researcher of the National Research Infrastructure in Religious Studies (FSCIRE – Bologna), institution leading the European Research Infrastructure RESILIENCE. 

She was visiting scholar at the Northwestern University in Chicago (Program of African Studies) and at the University of Birmingham (College of Arts and Law – Department of Philosophy, Theology and Religion).

She is part of several research groups and is currently a board member of “Alizé. Centro di studi storici europei e transnazionali”, coordinates the European project Jean Monnet Module FreeBeRi (Freedom of Belief and Right to Information), is senior advisor of the Virtual Exchanges in Religious Euro-African Dialogue” (FSCIRE), member of the research team Cathedre Jean Monnet “Europe across the movie: History, Identity, and Politics” and of the scientific committee of the Jean Monnet European project “Teacher Training EUlink”.
She attained a doctorate in anthropology with honors (Sapienza, University of Rome) and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Foundation for Religious Studies (Bologna, 2012-2014) where her research was funded by the Emilia Romagna Region Programme for the Development of Innovative Ideas and Projects.

Her research activity is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach and includes archival and field research, that she has conducted in Rwanda, Italy, UK, USA and France. Her main research activities are: politic-religious movements in the modern and contemporary history of Sub-Saharan Africa, religions and the colonial situation, the relationship between religions and the Mafia, and between conspiracy theories and hate speech in religion. These topics are the focus of her various contributions in academic journals and volumes and her papers in national and international conferences in which she has participated mainly by invitation or as coordinator/organizer of seminars and panels.

Since 2018, she is a member of the Evaluation Board and, since 2023, she coordinates the rountable "Ricerca e Comunicazione del Gender Equality Plan" at Link Campus University.

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