
Tiziana Squillaro

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue

Tiziana Squillaro attained a degree in Biological Sciences at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Naples Federico II in 2005 and a PhD in "Medical Genetics" at the University of Siena in 2009. She attained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor the Competion Sector 05/E2 Molecular Biology. Ministry of University and Research 2021/2023. 08 June 2022. 

She carried out integrative teaching activities (ADI) for the course "Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare" within the framework of the Master's Degree "Medicina e Chirurgia"; and for the course "Molecular and Cellular Biology" within the framework of the Master's Degree in "Medicine and Surgery" at the University of Naples Federico II. She has also carried out elective teaching activities (ADE) in the course "Molecular and Cellular Biology" of the Master's Degree Course in "Medicine and Surgery" at the University of Naples Federico II. She was a member of the Examination Committee for the course "Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics" within the Master's Degree in Biotechnology of Pharmaceuticals. Department of Pharmacy. School of Medicine. University of Naples Federico II. Previously she was an Expert in the subject for the scientific-disciplinary sector BIO/11 and was included, as an adjunct member, in the Examination Committee for the teaching of Molecular Biology in the Degree Course in Biotechnology. University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli', Caserta. 

Her research activity is documented in 43 publications in international journals (peer-reviewed with impact factor). She is interested in the study of the regulation of gene expression both in the field of Basic and Applied Biology. Her research activity is mainly focused on the study of molecular processes that control the phenomena of cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and senescence in biological systems in vivo and in vitro. In the last decade, her research activity is aimed at identifying the molecular mechanisms that regulate the senescence process in stem cells in both physiological and pathological conditions and that underlie processes responsible for the onset and/or progression of chronic and debilitating disease states (genetic diseases and neurodegenerative diseases). 

She has taken part in several national research projects funded by MIUR. 

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