The Evaluation Board currently in charge was appointed by the Board of Directors on 28 October 2021.
Il Nucleo di valutazione, ai sensi dell’art. 14 dello Statuto, è l’organo dell’Ateneo preposto alla valutazione interna delle attività didattiche e di ricerca, nonché dei servizi per gli studenti.
Pursuant to art. 14 of the Statute, the Evaluation Board is the academic body aimed at the internal evaluation of the didactic and research activities, as well as student services.
The Evaluation Board shall carry out the functions provided for in the national legislation, as well as in the Statute and in the Academic Regulations.
In particular, the Evaluation Board:
a. promotes the measures, the tools and the investigations aimed at the evaluation of the services related to didactics, research, administration, as well as other activities managed by the University;
b. attends to the predisposition of data and information which may be useful to the government bodies;
c. provides the government bodies with opinions related to the matters within its competence;
d. carries out all the formalities required by the Ministry of Education, University and Research; and the ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes).
Furthermore, the Evaluation Board shall implement the following activities:
a. evaluating the overall effectiveness of the quality assurance in didactics and research departments;
b. ensuring the correct supervision of all the activities carried out within the organizational bodies of the University (Departments, Courses of Study, Schools, etc.);
c. ensuring whether the organisation of the University and its internal units (Departments, Courses of Study, Schools, etc.) through its own concrete actions, suitably documented, demonstrates that what is envisaged and planned by the Courses of Study and the Departments is actually kept under control in a systematic and documented manner, for example, by taking all the necessary actions to achieve the objectives and verify the degree of achievement;
d. ensuring the persistence of the quantitative and qualitative requirement for the accreditation of the Courses of Study and the branches of the University;
e. ensuring the application of the provisions issued by the Quality Committee and the Joint Teachers-Students Committee;
f. verifying that the Review Reports on the training activities are correctly drafted, so as to employ them for the purpose of identifying and removing any criticality;
g. formulating recommendations aimed at improving the quality of the didactic and research activity;
h. providing an opinion on the manuals published by Eurilink University Press, the publishing house of reference for Link Campus University.
Composition fo the Evaluation Board:
- Prof. Massimo Castagnaro, President;
- Prof. Silvia Cristofori, Member;
- Prof. Flaminia Musella, Member;
- Prof. Emilio Greco, Member;
- Danilo Ranieri, Member;
- Prof. Vincenzo Tucci, Member.
Annual Reports
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2024
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2023
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2022
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2021
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2020
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2019
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2018
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2017
Annual Report - Evaluation Board - 2016