The following are the projects promoted by Link Campus University before 2011:
- Italian foreign policy and the arrest of the two navy riflemen in the Indian state of Kerala. Commentary by Carlo Jean [Paper of the Research Department - 23/09/2013]
- Advanced Specialization Course in Intelligence & Maritime Security (provided in n. 4 editions)
- European and Mediterranean Certified Maritime Training Centre dedicated to the technical improvement of the maritime techniques sector at Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport – AASTMT
- Master in Management of Public Administrations
- Support to the creation and activities of National Teams of Bologna Promoters
- Specialist education for Public Administrations in engaged in developement policies of Disadvantaged areas. 3-year Programme of Empowerment of the Public Administrations of Southern Italy. E1 Intervention Line.
- Feasability analysis and establishment of first-rate training structures for development and cohesion policies. 3-year programme for the Empowerment of the Public Administration of Southern Italy. Intervention line E2
- Higher level course in audiovisual post-production
- Higher level course in Public Communication Expert
- Emergence and legality for safe work as development factors for business growth - Training and information on good practices
- Presential and distance learning system for the strenthening of professional skills and abilities of employees of the Regions and Local Authorities
- Taxation and Environment in Romania
- Joint Implementation in Romania
- Tourism Management and Development in Protected Areas and Territories of Natural and Environmental Interest
- Small Wetlands
- Exchange of experience in Qualification framework in Moldova in conformity with Bologna process
- Implementation of Bologna process at Russian Universities by Team of Bologna Promoters
- Butterfly House
- IFTS - Higher technical education "Architectural Survey Technician"
- Project CAMPUS Lazio PMI
- Support to the activities falling within the competence of the Audit Authority under Article 62 of Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006
- Support for Modernization of Administration of Justice and Enhancement of Security
- T.E.R.R.A – Interventions for the purpose of retraining and upgrading human resources skills
- R.A.D.I.O.: Respect Environment Dynamics Addresses Objectives
- Supporting Indonesias’s Accession To The Un/Ece 1958 Agreement Dialogue
- ACIPP - Assistant Chief of Drilling and Oil Production Plant
- QEFSMS - Quality, Environmental and Food Safety Management System
- Provision of E-Learning system for the Forestry Staff of the Italian Region Ob.1
- I.N.N.O.V.A Interventions for Organisational Networking, Enhancement and Updating
- Design, implementation and technical assistance for an e-Learning platform within the framework of the project "Secure Procurement"
- Distance training service for civil servants
- Research "Cybersecurity and privacy of health data of Local Health Authorities
- Research "The profile of the micro-entrepreneur and its educational needs"
- Healthy lifestyles in pregnancy and menopause
- LATIUM - Territorial Update Lines and Unitary Interventions for Improvement
- University Course for Professional Update:Seminar on financial education in the light of demographic and labour market changes
- University Course for Professional Update:Social Security=Future
Advanced Specialization Course in Intelligence & Maritime Security (provided in n. 4 editions)
Harbour Office
Rome - Italia
Analysis of training needs, development of training products and delivery of the course addressed to the staff of the General Command of the Harbour Office Corps - Coast Guard engaged in surveillance and operational control for the security of ships and port facilities against external threats.
European and Mediterranean Certified Maritime Training Centre dedicated to the technical improvement of the maritime techniques sector at Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport – AASTMT
Università di Genova
European Commission, Education and training, Tempus.
Creation of a European and Mediterranean Maritime Training Centre for the training and consultancy in the field of maritime activities
Master in Management of Public Administrations
FORMEZ – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Design and delivery of a Master's course aimed at managers and senior officials of the Public Administration. The course provided participants with skills aimed at:
- understand and navigate the new complexity of public organisations and the multiple interconnections with territorial actors necessary to generate benefits of general interest for the administered communities;
- organise and manage governance and territorial regulation actions aimed at achieving the desired benefits and effects through innovative levers and instruments;
- get around with mastery in dynamic and interactive contexts, exercising leadership extended to resources and actors outside one's own organisation and building networks of relationships functional to the achievement of policy objectives.
Support to the creation and activities of National Teams of Bologna Promoters
University of Alicante, Caledonian University of Glasgow ,Eurispes Piemonte, Ministry of Education of Modova,State University of Moldova , Institute of Continuing Training , Pedagogical State University, University of Cahul, University of Balti
EU Commission, Education and Training, Tempus
Preparation of recommendations/advice and procedures to adapt the Bologna process. Creation of a Promoters centre in Bologna to support and promote compliance with the Bologna process Training of formation personnel to create a "Bologna Promoters" team for the purpose of:
- Promoting a european dimension of higher education
- Promotion of positive characteristics of a European Higher Education
- Promotion of Mobility
- Training delivery: Lifelong learning
- Provision of higher education services
Specialist education for Public Administrations in engaged in developement policies of Disadvantaged areas. 3-year Programme of Empowerment of the Public Administrations of Southern Italy. E1 Intervention Line.
The project is aimed at adapting the abilities and skills of the public administrations in the field of sustainable local development, in order to fully implement the Lisbon Strategy and the Gothenburg Strategy, through two objectives:
- Providing knowledge and competencies to effectively and efficiently meet the demand for services;
- Accompanying the PA in the formulation and implementation of innovative, eco-sustainable and self-centred local development policies.
The general objectives were then declined in the following specific objectives:
- promotion of administrative and management innovation
- introduction and dissemination of tools for reporting on results achieved in PA;
- strengthening the competencies of bodies engaged in sustainable local development processes;
- creation of specialized skills on innovative forms of public-private partnership in the implementation of regional development policies;
- creation of specialist competencies on public evidence procedures in areas of innovation intervention;
- development and experimentation of innovative policies and actions at local level focused on knowledge, culture and valorisation of the environmental factor
- promotion and support of forms of inter-institutional cooperation and active participation of citizens and stakeholders for the definition and implementation of programmes and actions for
- sustainable local development;
- promotion of information, culture and best practices on the competitive advantages of internalising the target;
- promotion of skills and practices to promote and implement actions to reduce the environmental impact of PA operations.
Feasability analysis and establishment of first-rate training structures for development and cohesion policies. 3-year programme for the Empowerment of the Public Administration of Southern Italy. Intervention line E2.
The project aimed to identify and make feasible pathways of excellence for training in certain thematic fields, which were considered crucial for the achievement of growth and employment objectives at the basic regional level. The project helped to accompany the shared and participatory design of training pathways and/or a process of excellence in the framework of working groups specifically set up in the regions and integrated with experts from regional Formez structures or research centres.
The aim of the project was therefore to promote excellence in the field of higher education in thematic areas relevant to regional development strategies. Specific objectives:
- Growth in awareness of the knowledge and competence needs associated with the design and implementation of policies and the internal capacity of regional and local PAs to co-design prototype-type pathways for the implementation of which to call upon appropriate training structures;
- Experimental launch of the prototypes thus defined in order to test their feasibility, possibly by means of a training course for formation personnel
Higher level course for audiovisual post-production
Centro Manuela Mezzelani
Regione Lazio
Design and implementation of a course for the enhancement of individual transversal skills and specific competences able to foster the insertion of young women of medium-high education into the productive fabric and for the purpose of avoiding university drop-out. The learning pathway favored the acquisition of transversal and specific skills on management of audiovisual post-production processes in order to promote the learning of the use of technologically innovative tools (digital and multimedia) capable of guaranteeing professionalism in line with the recent technological transformations in the macro sector of reference.
Corso di livello superiore in Esperto Comunicazione Pubblica
Regione Lazio
Planning and implementation of the course for the development of transversal and specific skills to favour the enter of young women of medium-high culture into the labour market, as well as to avoid university drop-out. The training course favoured the acquisition of transversal and specific skills in line with the dictate of Law 150/2000 establishing the figure of the public communicator. The course trained young people for employment in central and local public administrations capable of managing not only internal communication, but also communication flows to the outside world.
Emergence and legality for safe work as development factors for business growth - Training and information on good practices
Ministry of Labour and Social Security
The activities carried out were aimed at training and information on good practices in the field of emergency and legality as elements of business development through the promotion of initiatives for the proliferation of ethical principles based on mainstreaming focus with the collaboration of social organisations, associations and institutions. The project focused on analysing the problems of local governance and the tasks of associations.
Presential and distance learning system for the strenthening of professional skills and abilities of employees of the Regions and Local Authorities
FORMEZ - Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Taxation and Environment in Romania
Direzione Generale per la Ricerca Ambientale e lo Sviluppo - Ministero dell’ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare (Accordo Triennale di Programma per la cooperazione con la Romania)
Italia – Romania
The project aimed to carry out a comprehensive analysis of tax instruments and their effects, taking into account, at the same time, the economic aspect and the possible reduction of pollution that could result from the application of these instruments. The analysis provided is a comparative study of the most interesting international regulations in the sector and the local situation and problems.
Starting from the Romanian regulatory reference framework, the programmes launched in the European Union and the experiences of other countries, a real proposal for regulatory intervention was realised, providing technical assistance and training, and envisaging a final conference to illustrate the training course and the results achieved.
Joint Implementation in Romania
General Direction for Environmental Research and Development - Ministry of the Environment and Land and Sea Protection (3-year Agreement for cooperation with Romania)
Italy - Romania
Study, research and analysis of environmental governance capacity in order to predict, manage and cope with possible environmental emergencies and assess the impact and use of renewable energy sources. Objective:
- technical-financial evaluation of the potentialities in Romania.
- Analysis aimed at the preliminary identification of macro-areas/macro-sectors of interest for the realization of a Portfolio Projects
- evaluation of a Romanian portfolio
- evaluations of interest and technical-financial feasability of the opportunities for italian companies
Human resources involved: engineers, economists (specialized in project financing). The experts were identified on the basis of the terms of reference arranged by the Ministry. Two of the identified experts remained as permanent technical-operational support at the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Water Management headquarters.
Tourism Management and Development in Protected Areas and Territories of Natural and Environmental Interest
Enviromental and Nature Protection - Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea
The project carried out an analysis aimed at the recovery, re-use and tourist enhancement of rural artefacts along the transhumance paths in the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise with particular reference to the area of the Apennine Park of Europe - A.P. E The aim of the analysis is the revitalisation of tourism in Abruzzo, the area taken into consideration is the Regio Tratturo Pescasseroli- Candela and in particular the stretch in the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, in the area of the Apennine Park of Europe, Pescasseroli Alfedena. The project is sponsored by the Abruzzo, Molise and Lazio National Park for the promotion of sustainable tourism interested in a natural green way.
Small Wetlands
Enviromental and Nature Protection - Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea
Realisation of a research project, the first typological and vulnerability classification of small wetlands, of scientific value, proposed at national level. Aimed at the elaboration of a methodological and operational pathway aimed at their environmental protection and rehabilitation with a view to strengthening national ecological networks and safeguarding biodiversity. The Research has a focus on five Sample Regions (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Lazio, Sardegna and Sicilia) specially chosen because they are representative for their geographical distribution throughout the country and for their different geomorphological and biodiversity characteristics. The project provided for the analysis of as many as 305 Italian Small Wetlands, areas that are minor only in terms of their size, but which, like the larger ones, play a fundamental role in terms of geo-environmental, vegetation, fauna, landscape and biodiversity. The research produced useful data for:
- bring to the attention of local administrators and public opinion the problem of the protection of minor wetlands which - being still little known environments - probably constitute the most threatened ecosystem environment in our country;
- provide useful scientific knowledge tools that can serve as prerequisites for the development of protection policies.
Exchange of experience in Qualification framework in Moldova in conformity with Bologna process
Link Campus University of Malta University of Alicante Eurispes Piemonte Ministry of Education of Modova, State University of Moldova, Institute of Continuing Training
EU Commission, Education and Training, Tempus
The results achieved through the project activities are:
- Detection of discrepancies between law and regulatory acts,
- Elaboration of a strategy to be implemented in accordance with Moldovan legislation
- Realisation of Quality Framework training sets
- Organisation of meetings between Rectors and Vice-Rectors of Moldovan universities in Europe
- Dissemination and definition of documentation on the Qualification Framework in Moldova.
Implementation of Bologna process at Russian Universities by Team of Bologna Promoters
University of Genova
EU Commission, Education and Training, Tempus
Activities of the project:
- Creation of Bologna Promoters Center;
- Giving recommendations on bringing the legislation and normative acts into conformity with practical introduction of the Bologna process elements in educational work;
- Supporting the preparation of a Team of Bologna Promoters.
After the training courses the Bologna promoters were able to:
- Promote the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area
- Promote the European dimension in higher education
- Promote the mobility
- Promote Lifelong learning
- Promote the higher education institutions and student.
Butterfly House
Enviromental and Nature Protection - Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea
The project involved the construction of a centre for breeding native butterflies called the 'butterfly house', which provides for the following activities: The activities of the centre are aimed at:
- butterfly breeding, sampling of indigenous and very consistent species such as the swallowtail Papilio machaon, the greater burrowing cabbage Pieris brassicae, the lesser burrowing cabbage Pieris rapae, the vanessa vanessa atlanta, and the hawthorn pieridoptera Aporia crategi to highlight the importance of lepidoptera in ecosystems, as indicators of high biodiversity, bio-ecological indicators, and therefore the object of study for environmental education purposes;
- organisation of guided tours for educational purposes, for primary, secondary and high school students, where it will be possible to gain direct experience with live insects, depending on the age group of the young people;
- conservation and protection of the genetic heritage, with the production of data sheets on farmed species.
IFTS - Higher technical education "Architectural Survey Technician"
Regione Lazio
Istituto Manuela Mezzelani, Aries, Istituto Russell, Syremont
Realization of training courses and internships for the researchers in collaboration with companies and secondary education institutions.
Project CAMPUS Lazio PMI
R.S.F.C Scarl, Formatec S.r.l
Needs analysis, course design and delivery of training to employees of companies participating in the Training Plan at their premises. The project provided for the implementation of the following training modules divided into macro areas:
- Environment and Safety
- Organizational development
- Technical-professional competencies
- Qualification and retraining (english language, microsoft office, computer tools)
The training provided was aimed at enhancing the cultural and professional education of the trainees in order to improve the curricular level, with particular regard to:
- acquisition of knowledge related to the theoretical content delivered during classroom lessons;
- acquisition of skills related to the activities carried out during the distance learning (FAD) portion of the course;
- acquisition of operational skills related to the activities carried out during the on-the-job training.
Support to the activities falling within the competence of the Audit Authority under Article 62 of Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006
Link Consulting Srl
General Directorate for Active and Passive Labour Policies Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Support to the activities falling within the competence of the Audit Authority as per art 62 of the (EC) Regulation No. 1083/2006 Activity I: Definition of the control system; Activity II: Execution of controls; Activity III: Formalisation of controls and results; Activity V: Support to the Audit Authority in operational and institutional relations; Activity VI: Additional services.
Support for Modernization of Administration of Justice and Enhancement of Security
ARS Progetti s.r.l., BRL Ingénierie, GPI Consultores, S.L., Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant'Anna, BBJ Consult Aktiengesellschaft (BBJ Consult Inc.), dbb akademie, Sudgestaid
European Union
The objective of the project was to contribute to the development of an effective judicial system in Egypt through the implementation of the following actions:
- Identification of activities improving the independence and effectiveness of the administration of justice and judicial cooperation in criminal and civil matters;
- Identification of the potential impact of automation of the justice system on efficiency (change management), transparency and corruption practices;
- Development and proposal of an intervention strategy;
- Identification of feasible activities in view of available funds;
Proposal of operational modalities of intervention.
T.E.R.R.A – Interventions for the purpose of retraining and upgrading human resources skills
Mida Consulting
Analysis of training needs and provision of 2944 hours of training to 9 companies. The training plan involved 450 employees from various companies involved in the project. On the basis of the results of an ongoing analysis activity and the indications provided by the beneficiary companies - along with the contribution provided by the Steering Committee - the Plan design and management group identified the training needs and defined the general and specific objectives of the project, summarised below. General objectives of the Plan
- allowing training to become an integral and fundamental part of a process aimed at updating and qualifying the workers of the companies involved;
- focus on the consolidation of professional skills for the performance of work activities;
- strengthen organisational skills to make each beneficiary company competitive in the local context.
Specific objectives of the Plan:
- technical and financial assessment of JI potential in Romania.
- investing in the professional growth of employees, improving relational skills and in particular the management of relations with colleagues, customers and suppliers;
- enhancing the professional profiles of employees, investing in language skills, particularly English;
- training in occupational health and safety with particular reference to the Consolidation Act;
- improving the efficiency of work processes by enhancing IT knowledge and skills;
- updating skills on work processes and professional activities at greater risk of obsolescence.
Along with the above-mentioned objectives, the project also pursued the goal of involving disadvantaged workers in accessing training processes. In particular, women and the over 45s were involved in the training intervention.
R.A.D.I.O.: Respect Environment Dynamics Addresses Objectives
Forma-tec Srl
Analysis of training needs and provision of 955 hours of training and 253 hours of on-the-job training to 26 companies. The training plan involved 306 employees from the companies involved in the project. Analysis of training needs and provision of training courses with the aim to:
- allow training to promote the assumption of appropriate behaviour within a correct and systemic environmental management;
- general training on company issues, updating company employees on the relevant regulations;
- update on quality certification issues;
- update on environmental issues based on UNI EN ISO 14001:1996 and EMAS regulations;
- training on techniques, methodologies and management skills regarding environmental and energy loads and impacts;
- transfer knowledge and develop skills (especially for managers and technical management officials) on environmental balances in order to coordinate administrative and management
- aspects with an environmental perspective;
- develop skills on the technical and regulatory aspects of environmental management;
- train (especially workers) on techniques, methodologies and management skills related to environmental and energy loads and impacts.
Thematic areas: a. System and product environmental management and certification b. Environmental balances and continuous improvement of environmental performance c. Technical and regulatory aspects of environmental management and the relationship between companies, territory, producers and consumers d. Techniques, methodologies and management skills concerning environmental and energy loads and impacts e. Needs analysis, course design and provision of training to employees of companies participating in the training plan at their premises.
Supporting Indonesias’s Accession To The Un/Ece 1958 Agreement Dialogue
ARS Progetti s.r.l., BRL Ingénierie, GPI Consultores, S.L., Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant'Anna, BBJ Consult Aktiengesellschaft (BBJ Consult Inc.), dbb akademie, SudgestAid SCarl
Unione Europea - delegation Jacarta
- The project provided for the implementation of the following activities:
- Technical and financial assessment of JI potential in Romania
- assisting Indonesia in the preparation of the necessary legal and administrative arrangements and processes in support of its accession to the UN/ ECE of 1958.
- assist Indonesia in the drafting of an initial list of regulations that should be considered for possible adoption.
Goal achieved:
- Providing the Indonesian authorities with a clear vision of the legislative, regulatory and administrative measures needed to accede to 1958 UN/ ECE
- Support in the predisposition of the necessary rules to accede to UN / ECE, 1958
ACIPP - Assistant rig manager for drilling and oil production
Consorzio Ulisse, Sudgestaid Scarl, Consedin Spa
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Buenos Aires Argentina
Implementation of training course and internship for Italian citizens living in Argentina in Buenos Aires Objectives of the course: Acquisition of knowledge related to oil fields, political/economic/social repercussions of the oil resource, geological study, drilling, environmental protection, work safety, plant operation, technical team management, shifts, economic and regulatory treatment, relations with the client company, with service companies, with supervisory bodies, with technological suppliers. Training modules:
- Oil supply chain (didactic objective: managing the setting up and running of oil fields and the choice of specific technologies according to the exploitation of oil reservoirs.
- Environment and safety (didactic objective and implementation of safety and environmental impact plans)
- Human resources: the drilling team (didactic objective operational planning/maintenance of machines/drilling team management)
- External relations (learning objective Ability to interact with companies or entities interested in the oil field)
- Drilling technology (didactic objective Management and use of machinery suitable for the specific geo-environmental conditions of the drilling site.
Activities performed: selection, course delivery, organisation of internship in Italy and orientation.
EXITO – Expert in the commercialization of agro-industrial products
Agronica Società cooperative; Associazione Nazionale Famiglie degli Emigrati;Società consortile Leader Ulixes
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Mar del Plata Argentina
Delivery of training course and internship for Italian citizens resident in Argentina in Buenos Aires Teaching objectives: The course has both theoretical and practical objectives. Through alternating moments of classroom, exercises and FaD, participants will acquire knowledge and professional skills that will enable them to:
- use market research and organise promotion activities
- implement marketing management and operational marketing
- identify the structure of the distribution system in the agri-food sector
- identify the forms of connection of agricultural enterprises with the market
- apply agri-food legislation
- apply legislation on product quality and brand protection
- implement logistics service management
Activities carried out: selection, course delivery, organisation of internship in Italy and orientation.
QEFSMS - Quality, Environmental and Food Safety Management System
Consorzio Ulisse Scarl, Sudgest Aid Scarl, Cooperativa OSA, Umbria Innovazione S. cons. a R.L., Consedin Spa
Ministry of Labour and Social Politics
Còrdoba Argentina
Delivery of training course and internship for Italian citizens resident in Argentina in Cordoba. The objective is to foster the training of professionals able to operate immediately in representative realities of the economic production system and to become entrepreneurs; competent in the main topics of ISO regulations. The course aims to provide future professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs:
- the specialist knowledge on Quality issues that represent the professional background of the Quality, Environmental and Food Safety System Manager;
- the training needed to put the acquired abilities into practice;
- the competency required to implement the quality system ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000 in a medium - large company;
- the basis on which to continuously improve the Quality of the organisation;
- the tools needed to become entrepreneurs.
Career opportunities:
- expert designer in certification of quality management systems iso 9001:
- designer expert in certification of environmental management systems iso 14001
- eco manager.
- expert in environmental impact
- expert designer in certification of agri-food products
OPERATIONAL CONTEXTS: The expert in various ISO certificates will be operating in one of the following contexts:
- within the framework of authorised bodies operating in the quality fields, as a member of technical commissions, assistant to programmes or committees of certification bodies or operator of a certification laboratory
- as part of the staff of a consultancy company specialising in integrated quality systems;
- within the quality management staff of a company (SME or MULTINATIONAL) or other company functions significantly involved in certification processes in the first place
Activities carried out: selection, course delivery, organisation of internships in Italy and orientation. Creation of a business incubator to support the best business ideas.
Provision of E-Learning system for the Forestry Staff of the Italian Region Ob.1
Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policy (PON FSE- ASSE 1- MISURA 1.5)
The project aims to set up an e-learning system to deliver training courses to support the training activities of the State Forestry Corps. The teaching modules provided are:
- Learning Management System (LMS) to support lectures, training activities, administrative and management activities
- Learning Content Management System (LCMS) for the creation, indexing, management, storage, research and drafting of the lessons
- Virtual Synchronous Class for the Audio/Video Communication symultaneity, for the condivision of materials and tools
I.N.N.O.V.A Interventions for Organizational Networking, valorization and Update
Mida Consulting s.r.l.
Analysis of training needs and provision of 2776 hours of training to 24 companies. The total number of workers involved was 360. The companies involved in the training plan showed convergence on the following objectives:
- echnical and financial assessment of JI potential in Romania;
- training and refresher courses on health and safety with particular reference to current legislation to raise the levels of occupational safety and health of workers;
- development of transversal skills to enable good relations with customers, suppliers and colleagues;
- develop the technical-professional skills needed to support technological, product and process innovation processes fostering the improvement of company results;
- update professional skills particularly in the areas of administration, marketing and communication, as well as on regulatory aspects;
- develop new management and process skills systems to enable the company to operate successfully at sectoral and territorial level;
- strengthen the ability to operate on the international market, improving knowledge of the English language;
technical and financial evaluation of JI potential in Romania.
In line with the objectives, we identified the following macro-areas of intervention:
- Environment, safety and organizational innovation
- Organizational development
- Technological innovation
- Technical-professional competencies
- Management and process competencies
- Qualification/re-qualification.
Design, implementation and technical assistance for an e-Learning platform within the framework of the project ”Appalto Sicuro” ("Secure Procurement")
Gestione Link Spa
Formez – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
The Project 'Appalto Sicuro (Secure Procurement) - Integrated training to fight corruption and the infiltration of organised crime in public tenders' aims to fight corruption and the infiltration of organised crime in public tenders by increasing the skills of officials of local authorities and police forces in the Convergence Objective regions. The project aims to ensure greater transparency in public procurement, through the implementation of the skills of the officials in charge of preparing the calls for tenders and of following the public evidence procedures and of the Police Force personnel, with particular reference to the innovations introduced with the recent Public Procurement Code (Decree no. 163, 12 April 2006), which transposes the EU directives (2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC). The actions of the project:
- Training and capacity building in public procurement for 1000 employees, including officials and managers, of Provinces and Municipalities in the "Obiettivo Covergenza" (Regions.
- Training and capacity building in public procurement for 200 employees of the Police Force in the Convergence Objective Regions.
Creation of the e-Learning platform with the production of "Learning Environments" intended as a place where learners can work using a variety of information resources and tools. The platform will be able to deliver self-study or assisted learning courses, covering the functional requirements of LMS (Learning Management System and Learning Content Management System) operating in an Internet environment compatible with the main international e-Learning standards.
Distance training service for civil servants
ANCI – Asociazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani
The project involved the realisation of an e-learning course on immigration law for staff employed in municipalities. The delivered didactic project consisted in a set of training objects, LMS and support services that involved the learners of the "distance learning service for civil servants" in a complex process of "knowledge construction" with the following characteristics:
- high degree of personalization of the education aimed at the themes provided in the integrated training programme in terms of immigration
- Flexibility in the organization of training courses on the basis of user profiles
- self-learning in e-learning modality;
- collaborative training (communication and collaboration through various functionalities of the LMS platform such as Forums, Chats or Virtual Classrooms, intended as learning tools in the "knowledge building" process);
- support in the organization of activities (the student administration office may benefit from the functionalities offered by the LMS platform to administrate inscriptions, accesses, educational sessions, virtual classrooms, etc.);
- monitoring of activities/problems/reports;
- management problems/reports;
- learning verification;
- satisfaction test;
- certification of academic credits.
The course was articulated into a WBT (Web Base Training) and a Web Seminar.
Research "Cybersecurity and privacy of the health data of Local Health Agencies"
Business and Spa
The research was conducted on a sample of 146 ASL and produced an overview of of investments in healthcare ICT, which basically shows a growing expenditure on technology and a more restrained one on processes and staff training. The research shows a substantial inadequacy of staff and organisation in coping with emergency situations and low levels of privacy. Currently, the ICTs are changing the national healthcare, albeit in a slow and uneven manner. Alongside the technical and organisational criticality, there is also a criticality of governance of the phenomenon. The accessibility of data is undermined by the dangers of social engineering and cyber crime, two phenomena that the authorities are failing to address. The investment is mainly in electronic medical records and dematerialisation processes, but not in security . The research, then examining the levels of computerisation of local healthcare facilities, found that not all ASLs have prepared business continuity plans. The study showed that the deficit found for Italy can also be observed at an EU level. In fact, the introduction of multifunctional devices connected to the network has determined various changes from a normative point of view. Cloud computing is therefore a phenomenon that needs to be addressed in terms of e-health regulation and governance.
Research "The profile of the micro-entrepreneur and its educational needs"
The study focuses on the micro-enterprise through the identikit and profile of the micro-entrepreneur, the training needs, updating and expectations of the training system, and the propensity to internationalisation and innovation in the micro-enterprise. The reference universe of the research was micro-enterprises, i.e. companies with fewer than nine employees, which represent 95% of the Italian production fabric. The survey was conducted on 1.000 micro-entrepreneurs associated to ConfimpreseItalia operating throughout Italy and belonging to all categories. The preliminary study analyzed the structure of the micro-enterprise, immediately identifying the characteristic signs: its «single-celled» simplicity; the absolutely predominant figure of the owner in which the strengths and weaknesseswere identified. The profile that emerges is that of a dynamic entrepreneur, aware of his role and of the risks involved in a rapidly changing labour market, with a good openness towards foreign countries and a good propensity for innovation, deeply interested and involved in the world of training, research and universities.
Healthy lifestyles in pregnancy and menopause
Regione Lazio
The aim of the project was to promote a balanced and responsible culture of nutrition and sport as a means of preventing diseases and pathologies attributable to incorrect lifestyles, and to contribute to the continuous training of operators of sports clubs and gyms. The training course delivered to sports operators was divided into two macro interventions:
- training activity for the transfer of basic knowledge to professionals close to the identified target group and deepen topics focused on the specific needs of women through the use of active teaching methodologies;
- training activity with the realization of information seminars on the theme "Women, sports and nutrition - in pregnancy and menopause" hosted by the institutions/associations involved in the project.
The seminars were organised with the participation of the trainees who also worked in the project work phase in the classroom on the production of an information brochure.
LATIUM - Linee di Aggiornamento del Territorio e Interventi Unitari per il Miglioramento
Forma-tec srl, Confindustria Perform Srl, Centro Europeo di Studi Manageriali
Description:LATIUM “Linee di Aggiornamento del Territorio e Interventi Unitari per il Miglioramento” (Territorial Update Lines and Unitary Interventions for Improvement) is a local educational plan which involved 89 companies and 771employees in the regione LAZIO. The purposes of the educational plan were the following: 1. promoting product, process and organizational innovation, 2. supporting the dimensional growth of the companies. 3. favouring aggregation and integration among the companies involved in the project 4. reinforcing the ability to operate in the international market. 5. integrating the themes related to the strenthening of the professional systems with those of workers' health and safety and environmental protection; 6. innovate systems of skills and training practices in enterprises at sectoral/territorial level. The macro-areas of intervention were:
- Safety and first aid
- Communication (effective communication, leadership, meeting management)
- Budgeting and reporting
- Personnel administration
- Project management
University Professional Development Course: Seminar on financial education in the light of demographic changes and the world of work
Professional refresher course, lasting 120 academic hours, for INPS Ex Gestione INPDAP officials on the following topics:
- Retirement savings in Italy
- Planning and construction of wealth
- The limits of lack of financial knowledge
- The market of collective asset management, the management of pension funds and the role of independent financial advice
- Retirement portfolio
- Portfolio handling
- Possible future scenarios of "pension reforms"
The frequency to the course and the successful completion of the final exam allowed the attainment of 6 academic credits.
University Course for Professional Update: Previdenza=Futuro (Social Security=Future)
Professional refresher course, lasting 120 academic hours, for INPS Ex Gestioen INPDAP officials on the following topics:
- The scale and consequences of demographic change
- Growing care needs and the new welfare
- the welfare mix
- State, Institutions, Companies and Local Authorities, their role within a balanced and sustainable system
- The risk of approximate choices in the social security culture
- The model of communication responsibility aimed at disseminating projections and simulations on workers' social security prospects
The frequency to the course and the successful completion of the final exam allowed the attainment of 6 academic credits.
University Course for Professional Update: Previdenza=Futuro
Municipality of Rome - Environmental and Green Protection Department
Realisation of a social research project aimed at studying the socio-economic context of the agro- Roman area and analysing the territorial needs of citizens and farms. The research project was developed with the aim of enhancing the Roman agro-territory as a strategic element of the integrated city-countryside system, strengthening its productive and social potential and constructing a territorial analysis tool able to provide an aid in the definition of government policies for peri-urban territories. The methodology used included the following activities 1) analysis and classification of the territory of the agro-roman area. 2) Sampling survey. The relevation will focus on the analysis of the territorial needs expressed by citizens living in the agro-roman area. This research action intends to analyse the social and economic needs of citizens, the propensity to develop the territory and to explore the features that residents consider useful or indispensable to the territory in relation to multiple aspects (infrastructures, transport, building, immigration, agriculture, etc.).
3) Realization of a focus group with agricultural entrapreneurs for the purpose of:
- identifying the structural and economic features of agricultural companies;
- analyzing the training and organizational needs of the agricultural and agri-food sector;
- identifying the main business models among farmers;
- bringing out the difficulties and the main core issues related for example to the generational change process in agricultural frames;
- verifying the motivations and expectations of agricultural entrepreneurs.