LINK Campus University, gives research activities an increasingly significant role in the context of activities aimed at encouraging the University's development, promoting scientific excellence and innovation for the purpose of contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the well-being of society.
Through an extensive network of collaborations with national and international universities, research institutes, organisations and companies, Link Campus University constantly invests in the participation in European and international infrastructure networks and in the promotion of the collaboration between researchers from different scientific disciplines, supporting and encouraging the submission of multidisciplinary project proposals with a strong social impact, focusing on European funding lines.
Research activities are coordinated by the Departments and Research Centres.
The Research Office is transversally involved in the coordination of the University's research activities by supporting and managing the projects of researchers/faculty within the framework of competitive calls and specialised consultancy.
The office interfaces and manages the academic body's requests in synergy with the University's governance in order to ensure the achievement of the strategic objectives and in line with the identified areas of activity.
For further information on the University's research activities, please cousult the following page: and on the institutional database:
Publications (IRIS Catalogue)
UNI-FIND Portal - Link Campus University.
The UNI-FIND portal of the University of Studies LINK stems out of the need to have a single, integrated and updated interface of Unilink's know-how, for the purpose of highlighting the various declinations of its missions, thus supporting:
- the valorization of academic competencies;
- the sharing and the interdisciplinary nature of the work of researchers and the Departments;
- technology transfer to the outside world;
- patenting and support for entrepreneurship.
All this to the benefit of the internal community and of the relations of the University with external stakeholders.
UNI-FIND allows the user to navigate through Unilink's competencies quickly and easily as well as to find comprehensive and constantly updated information related to:
- professors and researchers;
- research activities and areas;
- scientific production;
- research groups,
- teaching details;
- professional skills.
To access the portal click here.

The Catalogue of the research products of Link University contains the scientific production of the University's professors and researchers. This application was developed by Cineca following the merger with CILEA and CASPUR of the U-GOV Research system, from which it inherits all the best pre-existing functions.
The catalogue was activated in November 2022, contains all the products already entered in the current System and in the MUR teaching sites and represents the only tool for entering the University's scientific production. The MUR lecturer sites, which remain in view-only mode, are in fact automatically fed by the Catalogue itself without having to enter data twice.
To connect to the Iris Catalogue, click here; to enter, you can use the 'Login' link (top right) and enter your login credentials.