
Inclusive Didactics

Link Campus University in the performance of its institutional activities, guarantees to all students enrolled in courses at the University with specific learning disorders and students with disabilities, the right to education and training, in order to ensure the exercise of the fundamental right to study and promote full respect for human dignity, the rights of freedom and autonomy of the individual and to promote active citizenship and full inclusion in society.

The University has an Office for Inclusion which carries out specific services offered by the University with the aim to improve the effectiveness of the actions and to accompany students with learning disabilities throughout their academic career, starting from orientation and support throughout the entrance tests and matriculation procedure, until the attainment of the qualification, offering a series of customized services to be agreed upon on request.

The Delegate for gender issues and learning disorders, , appointed by order of the Rector, carries out functions related to coordination, monitoring, and support of all the initiatives aimed at granting the effective realization of the inclusion and integration of the students with learning disorders. For the purpose of the achievement of the objectives of the University, the Delegate will have the task of promoting and raise awareness on the problems related to learning diseases and acting as a mediator between students with learning diseases and professors.

Services and active support

In order to benefit from the services offered, the students with learning diseases will have to submit the appropriate certificate, under Law 170/2010.

The certificate must be issued by the Italian National Health Service, by an accredited private centre or by a private physician and must be complemented by a document of compliance issued by the ASST – Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale.

The services offered are aimed at monitoring the entire educational pathway undertaken by the student through the performance of the following functions.

Study support tools

Reasy: for all its students, and in particular for those with learning disorders and/or special educational needs, Università degli Studi Link provides free study support software Reasy, which allows students to draw up summaries and concept maps using artificial intelligence.

Total exemption from taxes

The total exemption from taxes is provided for those who have a percentage of disability from 67% demonstrable by INPS resolution.

Inbound and Outbound Orientation

The University carries out inbound and outbound orientation activities guarantees an effective and efficient course of study and facilitates the choice of the most appropriate course of study, counteracting eventual drop-outs. Furthermore, the University will provide orientation for the purpose of facilitating the students' access into the labour market.


Upon specific indication of the Delegate, the University will activate a series of specialized tutoring services, on the basis of a careful analysis of specific training needs, designed to increase the student's autonomy and inclusion in his or her course of study. In such way the student will benefit from facilitated communication services (dedicated and by appointment) from the appropriate office.

Compensatory and exemption measures

The Delegate may provide for the employment of compensatory and exemption measures, which shall be evaluated in a personal way, also in relation to the specificities of the individual disciplines and the purposes of the courses of study. These tools can be identified both during teaching activities and during the conduct of tests and evaluations. The compensatory tools and dispensatory measures can be identified among those provided in the MIUR guidelines implementing Law 170/2010.

Organization of the learning pathway and exams

Services offered in order to organize the educational path in relation to the specificities of the person requesting the service; as well as to support the student during the execution of the profit exams and other educational activities. The student may request compensatory measures such as additional time to complete the test, tutoring/reading during the test, the use of a non-scientific calculator.

Documento per la gestione degli esami di profitto e tesi di laurea per gli studenti DSA/BES


Procedure for the activation of services

After completing the enrollment process, the student with learning disorders who wants to use the Service has the opportunity to request an individual interview, and start the tutoring process in order to access the services. In this way, the student will be able to obtain, acknowledging the certification presented, a personalized summary document, with personal profiling and suggested compensatory measures for taking exams.

Students are reminded that it is necessary to inform the support service in good time about the exams they intend to take and the modalities at the following e-mail:

Reference legislation




Inclusion Office
TEL: 06 34006243
Consultation hours by appointment
Rector's delegate for disability and learning diseases: Prof. Desiree Sabatini
Student Coordinator Dr. Valentina Lotti