Director of the CERSIG: Ferruccio Maria Sbarbaro
President of the Scientific Board: Prof. Pasquale Stanzione
The CERSIG (Research Centre for Juridical Studies) is regulated by art. 2, par.1, lett. B) of the Academic Regulation on Research Centres, and operates within the jurisdiction of Link Campus University.
In particular, the CERSIG, is the academic body specialized in the research on the main 12 juridical sciences.The CERSIG promotes, organizes, developes and manages all the activities related to the juridical area.
In particular, the aim of CERSIG is to:
- promote, organize and manage fundamental research activities within the field of Juridical Sciences;
- carry out general interest research, upon request of the University, or other entities and bodies;
- organize lectures, courses, seminars, conventions, training courses and other related activities, which have a popular or promotional character of the research, possibly issuing certificates of attendance and profit;
- disseminate the results of studies and research through appropriate reports and publications;
- provide, upon contribution and/or indication of bodies, associations and other Italian and foreign organizations, assistance to researchers, with a commitment scheme to be defined on the basis of agreements with said subjects;
- participate, autonomously or in partnership with other structures of the University or other public and/or private bodies, in calls for proposals and research projects;
- formulate requests to the University for the institution of scholarships, research grants, PhDs and collaborating to their organization and management;
- promote, coordinate and manage, also on behalf of professors and researchers in legal matters, relations with the Academic Research Department;
- stipulate, for the implementation out of the aforementioned tasks, agreements with other Universities and Academic research centers, both Italian and International, public and private entities;
- carry out any other activity connected and/or instrumental to those listed above.
The structure of the CERSIG is articulated in a Governing Council, established and agreed upon by of the teaching staff of the University related to the subject areas of the centre, and in a Scientific Committee comprised, besides the components of the Directive Council, by all the adjunct professors with teaching assignment in subjects related to the centre and by scholars of clear reputation, up to a maximum of 5 places available.