
Cervellati Enrico Maria

Enrico Maria Cervellati

Associate Professor

Link Campus University - Rome

Course Catalogue


Associate Professor of Corporate Finance at Link Campus University, Rome. Previously, associate professor at Ca' Foscari University of Venice and researcher at the University of Bologna and adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University (Bologna Center), LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome, La Sapienza University of Rome, Tor Vergata University of Rome and John Cabot University (Tiber Campus, Rome).

He has been working on behavioural finance since 2002 and is considered one of the leading experts of this approach in Italy to date. He specialises in the so-called 'behavioural finance 3.0' or 'personalised' approach that integrates personality theories for better behavioural profiling of clients and on behavioural aspects related to insurance and pension choices.

After graduating in Political Economy in Bologna, he attained a Master at the University of London and a PhD at the Università Politecnica delle Marche. He was Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley and at Santa Clara University, where he collaborated with some of the leading international experts in behavioural finance such as Terrance Odean, Meir Statman and Hersh Shefrin. For the latter he edited the Italian edition of the book Behavioral Corporate Finance (2006), ed. Apogeo: Shefrin, H. Finanza aziendale comportamentale (2007).

His academic publications are several, both at a national and international level. He published the following books: Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management: Market Anomalies, Investors’ Behavior and the Role of Financial Advisors (2024); Wealth Manager. L’evoluzione del ruolo tra intelligenza artificiale e finanza comportamentale (2024); Financial Literacy in Italy: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Proposals (2021); Investire con testa e Cuore. Come conciliare ragione e sentimento per le migliori decisioni di investimento (2017); L’asset allocation in presenza di tassi di interesse negativi (2016); Financial Regulation & Supervision in Europe. How Banks, Insurers and Securities Markets are supervised at European level and in Member Countries (2015); La previdenza comportamentale (2013); Finanza comportamentale e investimenti. Oltre l’approccio tradizionale per comprendere gli investitori (2012); Inform and Deform. Do Financial Analysts mean what they say? (2012); Finanza comportamentale. Un approccio alternativo per risparmio e investimenti (2011).

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