
Marco Mastrogiuseppe

Marco Mastrogiuseppe

Professore Associato

Università degli studi Link Campus University - Roma

Course Catalogue


M. Mastrogiuseppe received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in telecommunication engineering from the University of “Sapienza”, Rome, in 2005, 2008 and 2012 respectively From 2014 to 2016, he held a position as a Research Associate at the Cornell Center for Astrophysical Science, Cornell University, Ithaca (NY) and in 2019, he was a Research Fellow at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). From 2021 to 2024 he was a researcher with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni (DIET) at La Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma. He is author of several articles focusing on radar data processing, radar design, and data interpretation. His research interests include remote sensing, radar systems, data processing and sounder data analysis for planetary exploration. Dr. Mastrogiuseppe was nominated by NASA as an Associate Team Member of Cassini RADAR Science Team. He was in charge of planning and data processing for the bathymetric campaign during the Cassini Solstice Mission. He is a team member of the SHARAD Sounder experiment aboard MRO (NASA/ASI), a Co-Investigator of the Clipper RADAR instrument (NASA) for future exploration of Jovian moons, and currently Co-Lead of the Visar Instrument, an interferometric radar aboard the upcoming VERITAS mission (NASA/ASI) for the future exploration of Venus. Dr. Marco Mastrogiuseppe also collaborated with CNRS in Paris for the development of data processing algorithms for the WISDOM Ground Penetrating Radar onboard the Franklin Rover, proposed for the exploration of the near subsurface of Mars. Throughout his career, he has mentored several master's and PhD students and led several research groups. He is currently associate professor at “Link Campus” University, Rome, Italy.

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