Registrations are open
September 2023
The aim of the Master in Active Policies for the Direction and Management of Human Resources is to train managerial figures able to evaluate, analyze, manage and direct a company or an institution on the basis of the active labour market policies.
The Master provides the following knowledge and competencies:
- Knowledge of active policies and servicies amployment policies for wor in Italy and Europe;
- Knowledge of new modalities of management and promotion of human resources in the Public Administrations and in complex business organizations;
- Knowledge and planning of organizational and administrative models of public services for ensuring the delivery of the essential levels of social and labor benefits required by law;
- Analysis of models of operation and promotion of the labour market welfare system, within the framework of the relationship between well-being and productivity;Planning, management and organization of conseling and coaching interventions for taking charge of a customer;
- Planning, management and organization of accompanying and relocation programmes;
- Knowledge of methodological tools for the analysis of the impact of labour politicies and incentives;
- Knowledge and evaluation of tools for planning interventions to promote human capital, in the company, in the territory and in the relationship between the company and the local reference context;
- Development of competencies and professional contents required to operate in services and institutions of the labour market;
- Comprehension and organization of services with innovative modalities for the management of the relations with the customer;
- Knowledge and use of the main online operating systems;
- Knowledge and use of databases and information systems;
- Knowledge of the main methods of management of operators for the direction and administration of the personnel.
The need to qualify labour policy interventions concerns a plurality of public and private actors, called upon to deliver services, design interventions and support and verify their effectiveness.
Furthermore the reforms of the PNRR provide for the presence in the Public Administrations of competencies related to the management of personnel, for the organizational well-being in the public administration.
Furthermore, the process of strengthening the system of employment service necessarily require the promotion of said competencies towards citizens and companies.
In the previous months, the Ministry of Labour established a plan with ANPAL for the strenthening of employment services intervening with the personnel and the technological equipment of the system.
The regions have launched a plan to recruit around 7000 new guidance and labour market professionals and experts.
The services for public employment need to provide for the reinforcement of the skills of their current staff, while the accredited services have an obligation to update and train the staff called upon to carry out public policy promotion.
The Master provides for the presence of ANPAL teachers, and constitutes one of the main and well-established training offers in Italy responding to the indications of the plan to strengthen employment services with regard to the development and promotion of staff skills, as envisaged due to the implementation of essential performance levels and regional quality standards.
In recent years, the Master has trained not only staff from Anpal, Regions and Municipalities, but also INPS officials and staff from bilateral and accredited bodies.
Target Students and Career Opportunities
Target students
- Master Degree Graduates in: Labour Consulting, Law, Labour Market and Industrial Relations, Economy, Business Administration, Psychology, Political Science, Social Science and equivalent degrees
- Management Consultants
- Operators and Executives of public service systems for the labour market
- Operators and Executives of trade unions and professional bodies
- Corporate welfare consultants
- Operators and executives of social services
- Executives fo human resources
- Labour consultants
- Occupational psychologists
- Project designers
Career opportunities
- National and regional structures for active labour market policies
- employment agencies
- guidance services for universities and higher education institutions
- career counseling centres
- activity of intermediation, research, selection and outplacement
- private companies (human resources area)
- business and labour consultancy firms
- social security institutions
- institutions for education and vocational training
Applicants to the Master must have attained a Specialist Degree, a Master's Degree, and/or a Degree of the Old System, obtained at a University of the Italian Republic; as well as another equivalent Higher Institute, or a degree attained at an International University, provided that said Degree Title is legally recognized in Italy.
The candidates in possession of an acamic title obtained abroad must be in possession of the declaration of value of the aforementioned qualification, issued by the competent Italian diplomatic or consular representatives of the country in which they obtained the qualification.
All the aforementioned requirements must be demonstrated within the deadlines provided in the Academic Regulations, under penalty of non-admission to the Master's selection test.
The annual tuition, without tax benefits, for the registration to the Master is € 10.000
Students wishing to enrol may request an appointment with the Guidance Office by calling +39 06 3400 6250
Internal Faculty
The internal Faculty is comprised of more than 70% of professors with over-five-year professional experience on the subject matter.
Scientific director
Romano Benini
Between 2000 and 2005 he was consultant and scientific supervisor at Formez for the Department of Public Service Project “Caravelle Centro Nord”, aimed at the specialized training of managers of provincial services
Between 2006 and 2008 he was professor of employment policies, Master in Human resources and labour economics, Roma Tre University.
Between 2010 and 2011, he conducted research on the labour market for the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and the Municipality of Rome. His work was then published by the Municipality of Rome as an essay featured in the italian journal of Administrative Sciences.
He is a member of the teaching staff of the specialization course in "Creativity and Entrepreneurship" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", faculty of Sociology.
Since 2011, he is adjunct professor at the faculty of Sociology and Political Science and teaches the course "Sociology of Labour and Productive Activities". Since 2016, he is adjunct professor at the faculty of Literature, international course in Sciences of Fashion.
He is professor of policies and employment services at the School of Higher Education, Fondazione Studi del Consiglio nazionale dei consulenti del lavoro.
He was professor of Labour Policy, at the Master "Welfare Advisor" curated by IRSEM and by the University of Malta; he was a member of the teaching staff of the Master promoted by the "Pontificium" University and by the "LUMSA" University.
Over the last 20 years. Prof. Romano Benini was technical consultant of the major public institutions in charge of Italian labour policies (Chamber of Deputies, Regions, Ministry of Labour, Italia lavoro, Provinces, Municipalities).
Since 2020 he is expert at the Presidency of the Council for the implementation of the Pnrr on economic and social themes.
Current role: Director of the Master in Active Policies for the Management of Human Resources at Link Campus University.
Federico Conti
Manager of the "Operational Programming with the Regions on Employment Services' within the 'Strengthening Employment Services' Division at ANPAL.
Adjunct professor in postgraduate academic courses specialized in subjects related to Labour Law at Link Campus University and the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Professor at the Umbrian School of Public Administration within the framework of Project ACT, in accordance with the Umbria Regions, on themes such as regulatory framework, standards of service, employment services, profiling and orientation activities.
Current role: Director ANPAL - University Professor of Labour Law
Vitaliano Capicotto
(2018 - 2019) - Advisor in the National Board of Director and President of the National Commission for the certification of labour contract and contract for services - Italian Bilateral Labour Organization (bilateral institution comprised of the most representative trade unions).
(2018 - 2019) - Head of trade union disputes and conciliation procedures (Italian Confederation of the Union of Intellectual Professions) - Italian Unionquadri Confederation
(2016-2019) - Provincial president at the Italian Agricultural Supply Chain (Trade union organization for agricultural enterprises)
Current role: sole director, Gilmar Group Consulting (management consultancy society specialized in personnel management).
Maria Cristina Cimaglia
1999 to the present day - subject expert in Labour Law at the faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication (faculty of political science).
06/2015-07/2017: planner of the ACT Programme at Italia Lavoro S.p.A. - Support actions for the territorial implementation of labour policies. He has been involved in the design and modelling of active labour policy measures, assisting institutional decision-makers.
05/2010–03/2015: Expert in labour law. Enrolled in the register of experts - Italia Lavoro (today known as Anpal Servizi).
2013 - 2015: researcher - Observatorio Juridico Laboral de la Violenza de Género - University of Malaga
Current role: managerial framework - legal area, compliance and design manager
Fabrizio Dafano
Founder and owner of the Consultancy firm for business and public administration, strategic consultancy, management development and role training.
Professor of Corporate Organization (Interclass Bachelor's Degree in Management of Policies and Social Services) "Roma Tre University".
Professor of Active Policies and Tools for Human Resources Management in I and II level masters at the European University of Rome and at "Luiss Guido Carli' in Rome.
Member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors Roma Area Metropolitana.
Expert in strategic consulting for the organizational change, entrepreneurial sector, professor and consultant in management and organisational development at American Express; Autostrade; AdEPP; AMREF; Blockbuster; CNPR; CRAI; FIMAA; General Motors; Gruppo Confcommercio; Gruppo del Credito Cooperativo; Gruppo Telecom; INPS; Intesa Sanpaolo; Komet Italia; Medici Senza Frontiere; Mercedes Benz Italia; Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione; Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù; RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana; Quadrifor; Renault; Tecnocasa; Unicef; Unicredit; Zetema.
He authored texts, essays, articles and publications on topics of organisation, communication and training such as ndividuo e organizzazione: suggestioni e chiavi d’interpretazione (2014), Aracne Editrice, Roma.
Current role: university professor and HR at a Business Consulting Firm.
Andrea Pugliese
2007 - present day: strategic and project consultancy, design and development activities on: employment policies and services, training, guidance; EU policies and structural funds; local development, new employment areas; social innovation; public communication. The societies involved in this activity are the following:
Sviluppo Lazio, Zetema, e-TT Solutions, Conform, Italia Lavoro Spa.
1998 - present day: lecturer specialised training, training of trainers and training of welfare service operators. Subjects covered include community policies, public communication, community design, labour policies, employment services, job search techniques, job analysis, job and training guidance, recruitment 2.0.
2003 - july 2007: executive director Conform Srl – Roma –
1998 - 2003: director of marketing & development – Roma –
1994 -1998: expert director at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy - Liguria Employment Agency
1993 - 1994: freelancer at IST - Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro; Automa Scrl – automazione industriale (GE); Cooperativa solidarietà e Lavoro (GE); PLANT - Project Consultants (MI); Selesta Tecnologie (GE); Services for the development and funding of technological and organizational innovation;
Planning and management of projects co-financed with European Funds: FSE, FESR, Framework Programme for Scientific and Technological Research
Current role: consultant and Professor of the Master in Active Policies for the Management of Human Resources - Link Campus University.
Andrea Simoncini
2002 - january 2017: Level III technologist at INAPP (formerly ISFOL).
May 2008 - January 2017: technical and strategic expertise activity; monitoring, evaluation and statistical analysis; scientific and juridical coordination for the predisposition of legislative, regulatory and programming acts related to life-long learning policies at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies - Directorate General for Active Policies, Employment and Educational Services.
February 2004 - December 2007: coordinator of the Task Force in Regione Abruzzo for the implementation of the System Accreditation of the training and orientation branches and member of the national technical team for the definition of a second-generation accreditation system (CSR agreement 20 march 2008).
Current role: III level technologist at National Agency for Active Labour Policies – ANPAL.
Giampiero Bianchi
2014 - 2015: director of the Foundation Fisba-Fat (organisation for trade union studies and training on the topics of labour, enterprise, trade unionism, Italian and international society).
1989: staff manager, formator and researcher at FISBA and FAI-CISL (National Trade Union of the agri-food and environmental sector).
1985 - 2015: research fellow, researcher and editor at the foundation “Giulio Pastore”.
1993 - 1994: director and professor at EFA (European Federation of Agricultural workers Unions).
Current role: researcher and trade union trainer at the Foundation “Argentina Altobelli”.
Maurizio Sorcioni
Knowledge Manager - Anpal Servizi; Manager of Statistical Office (SISTAN) and labour market and research section - Italia Lavoro S.p.a.
Research manager
Head of Training and Evaluation Processes for Public Policies - Foundation CENSIS.
1996 -1998: member of the Technical Scientific Commission of the Ministry of Public Instruction for the realization of the National System of Evaluation of Schools.
1998: member of the group teamwork of the Ministry of Social Affairs for the predisposition of a draft law in the field of youth Policies.
2005: member of the task force on the emergence of orregular work at the Ministry of Labour and Social Polices - Directorate General of the Labour Market.
2009: member of the Ministerial Commission on Future and Education - Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies - Member of the working group.
2010: member of the technical group of the Ministry of labour for the realization of the Statistical Information System for Mandatory Communications.
2013: member of the technical group of the Minsitry of labour for the development of the monitoring and evaluation system of labour policies.
2004 - 2011: adjunct professor of Labour Policies - employment and education, within the framework of the Bachelor's Degree Course in Educational and Training Sciences - Faculty of Philosophy - "La Sapienza" University - Rome.
Academic year 2012-2013 professor of the XXVIII Cycle of the Doctorate in Educational Research and Developmental Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, "La Sapienza" University - Rome.
Member of the teaching staff of the Master in Public Communication realized by LUMSA on theme of evaluation of public policies.
2006 - 2010: member of the Evaluation Team - University "LUISS Guido Carli".
Current role: manager at Anpal Servizi and professor.
Vincenzo Durante
Graduated in Business Administration at the commercial University "Luigi Bocconi" in Milan and manager of the Employment area at Invitalia, National Agency for the development of the Country.
He coordinates and manages facilitating measures for the creation and establishment of enterprises with particular reference to the incentives for self-employment (Resto al Sud e Selfiemployment) and non-profit businesses (Italia Economia Sociale).
Throughout his professional career, he collaborated with institutes and research institutions operating in the economic-corporate field and contributed to the development and implementation of the policy for the support to productive investment and employment growth.
Current role: manager of the Employment Incentives and Innovation area - Invitalia.
UNIT 1 - Fundamental teachings and introduction to the labour market
- Principles of labour history (ability to act, autonomy and know-how in history)
- Principles of labour sociology
- Employment promotion and national political models
- Institutions and economy and labour market indicators
- Tendency of the labour market in Italy
- Evolution of the italian legislation of labour market and employment services
- The impact and the evolution of corporate organizational models
- The system of labour governance in Europe and Italy: evolution in action
- European funds for employment and education
- Evolution of industrial relation and contract models in the private and public system - basic course
- The evolution of the labour market in Italy and demand for professionalism
- Economic analysis and labour market: sources, tools and techniques
- Structure and evaluation of labour policies in Italy and Europe.
- Contract types after the jobs act and the Dignity Decree.
- The GOL programme, the "Piano nuove competenze" and reforms introduced by the PNRR.
- Active policy legislation and programming.
- The interventions of the labor reform in progress
- The 2021-2027 agenda for labour policies
- The socio-economic impact of labour policies: evaluation and measurement
- The system of public service for the labour sector: mission, modalities and operation
- The system of private service for the labour sector: mission, modalities and operation
- Orientation and coaching elements as provided in regional provision - basic course
- Promotion of self-employment and start-up support - basic course
UNIT 2 - Active policies, planning and funding of workfare systems and bilateralism
- Smart working and new organizational models of remote working
- Coaching and personnel selection - basic course
- Bilateral institutions organization of the labour market and financial education
- Basics of retirement planning and social security law
- Measurement of the functioning of the labour market and labor information systems
- The structural reforms of the labour market and competency management system
- Evolution of the labour market, policies and industrial relations systems
- Management of human resources: motivation, team and leadership
- Promotion of self-employment: intervention instruments
- Inclusion and anti-poverty policies
- Citizenship income, support for social inclusion and other instruments for social-labour inclusion and citizenship income
- Diversity management: the promotion of diversity, gender, age and culture as a quality factor in the labour sector
UNIT 3 - Services, instruments and policies for labour and education: advanced models
- Management and organization of instruments of the GOL and PAR regionale for the introduction into the labour market
- Placement in the academic system
- Coaching for the promotion of human resources and emotional intelligence
- Public and private: on-line management of labour policies
- The function and role of bilateralism
- The system of social shock absorbers
- Labour incentives and tax reduction: legislation and implementation
- Management of services for an employment agency: models, professionalism, techniques, instruments
- Management of services: labour market information systems - SIL
- Labour transition: guidance, trainisg, tutoring, counseling and BDC (Business Development Center)
- Gender policies: legislation and models
- The system and promotion of learning networks: company and territory
- Practice and bargaining practices in corporate welfare
UNIT 4 - Management and promotion of the human resources and competencies
- Elements and tools for the corporate manangement of human resources - competencies, evaluation, educational processes
- Management and promotion of self employment: the business plan
- Storytelling and promotion of employment services
- Territorial networks of social inclusion and citizenship income
- Contractual welfare
- Selection interview: the balance between actual suitability and potential for development
- Certification, balance of competences and insertion into the labour market
- Analysis of competences, balance of competences and professional project
- Work on the web and social networks: techniques and instruments for the relavation and promotion of a candidacy.
UNIT 5 - Web, services and instruments for the activation of an employment position
- Training and labour: instruments, services and local initiatives
- Smart working in public and private systems
- Active policy design in the area
- Mapping the stakeholders, defining priorities and common strategies, planning strategies, involving communities
- Corporate welfare: industrial relations and instruments; productivity and wealth
- New organizational forms: coworking, business incubators, social innovation as a tool for economic, social and environmental sustainability. Competencies for sharing economy
- Establishment and development of on-line reputation. Building relations and conversations.
- Negotiation and new industrial policies
- Coaching from the perspective of evolution of individual personality
- Active policies and redemployment services (outplacement)
- Education and employment: contracts and legislation
- Employment pools in Italy: quality and local vocations; districts, supply chains and employment levels
Follow-up workshop activities
- Workshop "The relationship between industry 4.0 and the development of the human capital in the education and labour system"
- Seminar "Measuring the effectiveness of employment policies in comparison in Italy and Europe, good and bad practices"
- Industrial relations, models and experiences
- Enabling reforms of the PNRR on labour and skills training
Project work
15 CFU
Each candidate of Master's Degree is required to prepare a professional training Project Work consistent with the topics covered by the course.
Said Project Work is an integral part of the Master's teaching activity, and is subject to assessment, providing 15 university training credits (CFU).
The aim of the final project is to submit one or more innovative and/or improving solutions through an in-depth study of context variables, processes and application models. The project may involve either the innovation of an activity, or the setting up or changing of an organisational structure, or even the improvement of a new operational procedure or the development of a new process. The PW can be individual or group: in the latter case, the individual contribution will be subject to specific evaluation.
The candidates will be required to take a final test at the end of each Unit. The grade attained for each test (expressed in thirtieths) will be an integral part of the final grade of the Master.