
Aesthetic plastic surgery - "Hands on" - I edition

II Level
1 year
Saturday (full day) - for practical activities the day is to be agreed upon with the candidates

11-12 October 2025

The Master is an Academic Partner of:



A pathway of excellence and innovation

The Second Level Academic Master in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the result of the collaboration between AICPE (Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) and Link University, represents an elite training opportunity for plastic surgeons who wish to hone their skills in a highly specialised context recognised by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

This project is the natural evolution of the AICPE Aesthetic Surgery Academy, becoming a structured and accredited university course, with the aim to offer advanced training in the most modern techniques of aesthetic plastic surgery.


A course designed for the future of aesthetic surgery:

The Master is designed to guide young specialists through high-level theoretical and practical training, providing an up-to-date and in-depth scientific background on the different areas of cosmetic surgery.

The aim of the course is to enable the candidates to acquire advanced skills in the most innovative surgical techniques, with a focus on problems related to different body and facial districts. The programme covers fundamental areas such as:

  • Aesthetic facial surgery (face lift, orbito-palpebral surgery, preservation rhinoplasty)
  • Advanced breast surgery (mastoplasty, mastopexy, oncoplasty and reconstructive surgery)
  • Body contouring and technologies applied to body reshaping
  • Gender affirmation surgery

The integration of theoretical teaching, practical workshops, internships, project works and mid-term tests guarantees a comprehensive and highly qualifying training experience.


A bridge between science, innovation and surgical practice:

The Academic Master in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is distinguished by its blended approach, combining theoretical training with practical internships in the operating room at Italy's most renowned plastic surgery centres. Through the involvement of professors of national and international renown, the training allows for constant updating on the latest technologies and the most advanced protocols.

The close collaboration between the academic and professional worlds allows not only the development of new techniques, but also the creation of a network of specialists united by the goal of raising the standards of aesthetic plastic surgery, while ensuring maximum safety for patients.


Target students and career opportunities 

The Academic Master in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is more than just a training course: it is an investment in the future of the profession, an opportunity for cosmetic surgeons to grow, innovate and stand out in such an ever-evolving field.

This theoretical-practical course of study trains the Aesthetic Surgeon to work in independent practices and in any professional structure operating in the field of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

  • Advanced training: acquisition of high-level specialized surgical skills
  • Innovation and research: constant updating on new technologies and methodologies
  • Professional excellence: preparation of specialists to face the challenges of contemporary aesthetic surgery
  • Qualified networking: connection with experts and professionals in the field for the exchange of experience and knowledge

Target students 

  • Doctors specializing in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
  • Doctors enrolled in the fifth year of the School of Specialisation in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, as provided for in DM 930/2022
  • International Doctors holding a specialization qualification in Plastic Surgery


Admission Requirements

In order to be admitted to the Academic Master, the students must have attained the following qualifications:

Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Specialization qualification in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Enrolment in the 5th year of the Course of the School of Specialisation in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery according to Art.2 Comma 3 of DM n, 930 of 2022, foreign doctors in possession of a postgraduate qualification in plastic surgery.


Tuition Fee

The annual tuition for the registration to the Master is 3.500 €



Students wishing to enrol may request an appointment with the Guidance Office by calling +39 06 3400 6000.


Internal Faculty

The internal Faculty is comprised of professors with over-five-year professional experience on the subject matter.

Scientific Board

  • Paolo Vittorini

  • Ernesto Maria Buccheri

  • Claudio Bernardi

Teaching Staff

  • Paolo Vittorini
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
    Vice-president AICPE (Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).
    Head of the Plastic Surgery Service and Director of the Plastic Surgery Centre for Obesity at Villa Letizia Hospital (L'Aquila).
    Professor of Plastic Surgery at the School of Specialization in General Surgery University of L'Aquila.Prevalent expertise in aesthetic plastic surgery of the breast and body contour.

  • Claudio Bernardi
    Specialist in General Surgery in Rome, specialized in Plastic Surgery Sao Paulo-Brazil, self-employed. Over 150 scientific publications, over 200 lectures at National and International Congresses. Co-author of two books, volunteer plastic surgeon in 20 humanitarian missions since 2007. Lecturer in two Level II Masters. President 2022-2024 AICPE, Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

  • Alessandro Gualdi
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
    PhD in Plastic Surgery.
    Master in Cervico Facial Surgery.
    Further training in Microsurgery at the University of Genoa.

  • Mario Pelle Ceravolo
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - Rome

  • Salvatore Taglialatela
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - Naples

  • Egidio Riggio
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
    Specialist in microsurgery and experimental surgery.
    Medical Director since 2000, plastic surgeon, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano, with high specialization in cervicofacial surgery.
    Author of over 160 publications; h-index: 13.
    Prevalent expertise in plastic and aesthetic surgery of the breast.

  • Barbara Cagli
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
    PhD in “Dermatology, Plastic Surgery and Human Anatomy”.
    Tutor School of Specialisation Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery from academic year 2016-17 to date.
    Reviewer of the European Journal of Plastic Surgery from April 2018 to date.
    Since 2023 Adjunct Professor Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Unicamillus International University.
    Since 7 February 2025 Researcher at Link Campus University.

  • Ernesto Maria Buccheri
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
    Founder of the AMBER Meeting and Director of UltraClinic in Rome. He is an expert in aesthetic breast surgery with over 15 years of experience. He has published more than 50 scientific articles on aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery. He holds the position of Key Opinion Leader for some of the most important companies in the sector

  • Giulia Lo Russo
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - Florence

  • Stefano Marianelli
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Head of the Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Functional Unit at Casa di Cura Chirurgica Leonardo di Sovigliana - Vinci (Florence). Member of the Teaching Staff of the 2nd level Academic Master in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery University of Padua.

  • Damiano Tambasco
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - Rome

  • Adriano Santorelli
    Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
    Trainer and opinion leader for international companies in the sector.
    Academic Master in aesthetic breast surgery.

  • Face lift and orbito-palpebral surgery; Face lift and oculoplastic surgery
  • Surgical anatomy of the face, cervicofacial lifting; Full face lifting
  • Comparative surgical techniques in facial rejuvenation; Comparative surgical techniques in facial plastic surgery
  • Nose surgical anatomy and closed rhinoplasty; Nose surgical anatomy and closed rhinoplasty; Preservation rhinoplasty
  • Oncoplastic breast surgery; Breast reconstruction with implants and autologous tissue; Breast reconstruction with implants and autologous tissue;
  • Device in cosmetic breast surgery and Mastopexyi – Device in aesthetic breast surgery and mastopexy; Male chest wall definition and gynecomastia surgical treatment
  • Breast surgery in gender affirmation pathway - Breast surgery in gender affirmation pathway
  • Safe mastoplasty; Comparative surgical techniques in mastopexy with implants - Safe mastoplasty; Comparative surgical techniques in mastopexy with implants
  • Surgical anatomy of the abdominal wall, surgical treatment of abdominal diastasis; Surgical anatomy of the abdominal wall, surgical treatment of muscle diastasis
  • Mastoplasty and mastopexy with the latest generation of smooth implants, how to prevent complications. Secondary breast surgery: surgical strategy and technique; Breast augmentation and mastopexy with state-of-the-art smooth implants, how to prevent complications. Secondary aesthetic breast surgery: strategy and surgical technique body contouring
  • Technologies applied to body contouring; Circumferential body contouring and limb reshaping techniques
  • The training and exercises may be carried out in the following modalities: in person, at centres suggested by AICPE


Upon completion of each subject an examination of the topics covered is scheduled. The grade (expressed in thirtieths) will form part of the final grade average for the Master.