April 2025
The aim of the Master is to train professionals able to integrate osteopathic techniques with bio-psycho-social approaches, thus evaluationg patients comprehensively, considering psychological and social aspects, understanding the neurobiological mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders, using manual therapy and emotional tuning in the treatment of people with disabilities, effectively treating different cases of physical disability and choosing the most appropriate therapeutic approach.
Upon completion of the Master, the candidate will be able to:
- Integrate osteopathic techniques with knowledge of the bio-psycho-social context in order to develop personalised treatment plans that take into account the physical, psychological and social aspects of disability.
- Assess patients as unique individuals, exploring not only the physical challenges but also the psychological and social implications of disability. This approach aims to improve the patient's quality of life.
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the neurobiological and epigenetic mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders and know how to integrate osteopathic therapies with other therapeutic pathways to ensure patient-centred care.
- Use manual therapy and emotional tuning to treat individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), highlighting how physical contact can facilitate communication and patient well-being.
- Learn the value of skill integration as a tool for more effective care of patients with disabilities.
- Effectively treat children born prematurely, children with Infantile Cerebral Palsy (CP), and adults with various physical disabilities, focusing on safe and appropriate manual techniques for each case.
- Critically evaluate and choose the most appropriate manual therapy approach for the treatment of disabilities, even in settings with limited resources.
Target students and career opportunities
Upon completion of the learning pathway, the expert in Ostheopathy will be able to:
- Perform assessments integrating osteopathic approaches with biopsychosocial,approaches evaluative and palpatory knowledge to develop a customised treatment plan
- Consider the entire clinical picture, assessing the impacts of the disability, not only physically but also psychologically and socially
- Integrate the concept of osteopathy with existing therapeutic pathways to ensure patient-centeredness
- Acquire the concepts related to epigenetic mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders
- Use manual techniques to approach patients with autism spectrum disorders and interact with other health professionals
- Collaborate with other health professionals
- Use communication with caregivers for the management of daily life
- Use safe manual techniques for the body approach to premature babies and children with infantile cerebral palsy
- Work with different disabilities, even in disadvantaged contexts
Target students
- Graduted in Medicine and Surgery
- Graduted in Physiotherapy
- Graduted in Occupational Therapy
- Graduted in Speech Therapy
- Graduted in Developmental Neuro and Psychomotricity Therapy
Admission Requirements
In order to be admitted to the Academic Master, the candidates must have attained at least one of the following qualifications:
- Degree Class LM-41 - Master's Degrees in Medicine and Surgery
- Degree Class L/SNT/2 - Bachelor's Degrees in Pysiotherapy
- Degree Class L/SNT/2 - Occupational Therapy
- Degree Class L/SNT/2 - Speech Therapy
- Degree Class L/SNT/2 - Developmental Neuro and Psychomotricity Therapy
Tuition Fees
The annual tuition for the registration to the Master is 4.000 €
Information can be requested by e-mail at the following address: and by telephone ath the following number: +39 06 3224818 Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00 or through the University's common advertising channels.
Internal Faculty
The internal Faculty is comprised of professors with over-five-year professional experience on the subject matter.
Scientific Director
Alberto Spalice
Didactic director
Prof. Massimo Bonucci
Scientific commission
Magda Di Renzo
Developmental Psychotherapist. Jungian analyst IAAP ARPA (Analytical Psychology Research Association) Didactic, President ICSAT (Italian commettee for the study of Autogenic Therapy and Autogenic Training), Head of the Therapy Service of the Institute of Orthophonology, Director of the school of specialization in developmental age psychotherapy with psychodynamic specialization IdO-MITE -
Alberto Spalice
Full Professor in Pediatrics 06/G1 MED38 from September 1, 2021 Director of the Department of Maternal Sciences of Pediatrics UOC since 28-7-2020 -
Stefania Ciasco
Professor of Physical Education and Support Teacher, head of the Network Coordination for Specialized Care, member of the teaching staff of the Lazio Region Qualification Course for “Educational Worker for Autonomy and Communication” -
Alessandro Laurenti
ISEF graduate, massophysiotherapist, osteopath D.O. with the Turtle Project team at the Institute of Orthophonology in Rome, professor in the Schools of Pediatric Osteopathy
Magda Di Renzo
Developmental Psychotherapist. Jungian analyst IAAP ARPA (Analytical Psychology Research Association) Didactic, President ICSAT (Italian commettee for the study of Autogenic Therapy and Autogenic Training), Head of the Therapy Service of the Institute of Orthophonology, Director of the school of specialization in developmental age psychotherapy with psychodynamic specialization IdO-MITE -
Elena Vanadia
Child neuropsychiatrist at the Institute of Orthophonology, Rome -
Alberto Spalice
Full Professor in Pediatrics 06/G1 MED38 from September 1, 2021 Director of the Department of Maternal Sciences of Pediatrics UOC since 28-7-2020 -
Cristina Panisi
Pediatra esperta di immunopatologia, dottorato di ricerca in psicologia, neuroscienze e statistica medica -
Stefania Ciasco
Professor of Physical Education and Support Teacher, head of the Network Coordination for Specialized Care, member of the teaching staff of the Lazio Region Qualification Course for “Educational Worker for Autonomy and Communication” -
Antonella Cerchiari
Coordinating speech therapist at Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, at the Rome, Palidoro and Santa Marinella branches -
Enrico Palladino
Psychologist -
Alessandro Laurenti
ISEF graduate, massophysiotherapist, osteopath at the team "Progetto Tartaruga" at the Institute of Orthophonology in Rome -
Valeria De Tommasi
Clinical psychologist, dance movement therapist -
Matteo Corbi
Developmental neuro and psychomotricity therapist, osteopath. -
Jorge Aranda
Osteopath, physical therapist, president of Hands with Heart Foundation
Subject 1 – Biopsychosocial foundations of disability (6 CFU)
- Introduction to the concept of “vulnerability” as an observational model of different abilities
- Integration of competencies: Attunement with the patient as mirroring and interpretation of somatic tensions
- The history of the body at the centre of diagnosis and treatment; Clinical Practice
- Observation model and neurophysiological foundations: Action-cognition-perception
- Integration or inclusion?
- Experiential-kinesthetic. The history of the body written by the body and the concept of embodiment; Basic elements of movement
- Experience leaves a trace on the body. Palpatory diagnosis; Clinical practice
Subject 2 - Diagnosis and integrated evaluation (6 CFU)
- Neurobiological processes and neurodevelopmental disorders: sectorial and specific disorders
- Npi and osteopathic integration in the clinic
- Osteopathy as a facilitator. Clinical part
- Neurodevelopment from an epigenetic perspective
- Biological complexity in neurodevelopmental disorders: an integrated approach
- Autism spectrum disorders: a paradigm of complexity and integration
Subject 3 – Intervention and manual therapy - Part I (6 CFU)
- Body mediation in autism: emotional tuning through manual therapy
- Manual therapy in autism: the body as a relational bridge
- Differential palpatory assessment: membranous and structural children, a view of the phenotype
- Sensoriality: palpatory integration and timing of manual treatment
- Paediatric manual treatment in children with ASD and body memory
Subject 4 - Intervention and manual therapy - Part II (9 CFU)
- Neurology: differential diagnosis of disabilities
- Pharmacology in neurology
- Physiatry in disability
- Philosophy of care
- Experiential-kinesthetic. Body space, outer space, relationship space.
- “Through movement we learn to relate our inner self to the outer world”.
- Neuropsychomotricity therapy in physical disability
- Integration of competences: Osteopathy supports neuropsychomotricity in Down syndrome
Subject 5 - From premature birth to infantile cerebral palsy (6 CFU)
- Touch: listening precedes treatment for a correct assessment of the phenotype and dysfunctional level
- Practice on body palpation
- Manual therapy in prematurity and infantile cerebral palsy
- Logopaedic approach to dysphagia
Subject 6 - Manual treatment in disability: palpatory diagnosis and manual approach (9 CFU)
- Disability-adapted manual therapy: detailed anamnesis
- Disability-adapted manual therapy: clinical observation and attunement with the patient
- Disability-adapted manual therapy: treatment principles
- Disability-adapted manual therapy: differential palpatory diagnosis. Treatment priorities
- Disability-adapted manual therapy: choice of manual approach
- Evaluation and manual treatment of the craniofacial sphere in relation to the disabled patient
- Application of craniofacial approach techniques in relation to the autonomic nervous system
- Stimulation/inhibition techniques of the central nervous system
- The practical training and exercises can be carried out in the following ways: in presence, at C.E.R.D.O. and affiliated facilities
Upon completion of each subject, an examination of the topics covered is scheduled. The grade (expressed in thirtieths) will form part of the final grade for the Master.