The aim of the Master is to train highly qualified professional figures within the field of ostheopathy applied to prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, with particular focus on the biomechanics of the lower and upper limbs, trunk with reference to water sports. The programme aims to specialize the candidates in anatomical, neurophysiological and postural assessment, as well as in the application of osteopathic techniques and associated medical therapies. Further objectives include the in-depth study of neuromuscular training and recovery methods for athletes, the integration of complementary therapies such as Taping Therapy, and the management of sports nutrition in order to improve the overall health and performance of athletes.
Target students and career opportunities
The expert in sports osteopathy is able to:
- Identify and assess somatic dysfunctions and musculoskeletal pathologies in athletes, using advanced diagnostic techniques and scientific methodologies.
- Apply specific osteopathic techniques to prevent and treat sports injuries, improving the athletes' functionality.
- Integrate therapies, such as taping therapy and sports nutrition to treatment plans for the purpose of optimising health and sports performance.
- Providing expert advice on prevention, injury management and optimal training, educating athletes and sports teams on the importance of osteopathic care."
Target students
- Medical Doctors
- Physiotherapists
- Candidates graduated in Ostheopathy
- Candidates graduated in Science of Physical Activity
Applicants for the Academic Master must have attained a Bachelor's Degree (minimum requirement for admission to the Academic Master).
Qualifications required:
- Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery (LM-41)
- Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy (L/SNT2)
- Bachelor's Degree in Phisical Activity (L-22)
- Candidates graduated in Ostheopathy
- Other equivalent or higher qualifications in relevant fields, subject to curriculum evaluation
The annual tuition for the registration to the Master is 5.300 €
Students wishing to enrol may request an appointment with the Guidance Office by calling +39 06 3400 6000.
Internal Faculty
The internal Faculty is comprised of professors with over-five-year professional experience on the subject matter.
Scientific Director
Roberto Fiore
Scientific Board
Federica Tamburella
Claudia Celletti
Carlo Baldari
Ludovica Cardinali
Joseph Zurlo
Teaching staff
Roberto Fiore
Federica Tamburella
Claudia Celletti
Nicola De Gasperis
Carlo Baldari
Ludovica Cardinale
Davide Fiore
Andrea Graffiti
Fabio Poli
Marialuisa Sette
Giorgio Di Giacomo
Andrea Rossi
Emiliano De Paolis
Alessio Franco
Simone Casucci
Matteo Castaldo
Paola Brignolo
Chiara Ferri
Alessio Gili
Matteo Arnone
Luca Fegatilli
Stefano Purchi
Alessandro Gavazzi
Subject 1 – Ostheopathy and prevention (6 CFU)
- Somatic dysfunction and neuro-postural assessment in injury prevention
- General osteopathy and prevention
- Neurophysiology applied to sporting activity
Subject 2 – Lower and upper limbs (15 CFU)
- Anathomy of lower and upper limbs
- Biomechanics and functional analysis of upper and lower limbs
- Lower limbs: specific movements: pacing and running analysis
- Lower limbs: related pathologies, locoregional objective examination and medical therapies
- Upper limbs: specific movements
- Upper limbs: related pathologies, locoregional objective examination and medical therapies
- Lower limbs: training and reinforcement methodology (with practice)
- Upper limbs: training and reinforcement methodology (with practice)
Subject 3 – Pelvis, thorax and lumbar/dorsal/cervical spine (18 CFU)
- Anatomy of spinal column, ribcage and pelvis
- Biomechanics and functional analysis column, rib cage and pelvis
- Pelvis and lumbar spine: related pathologies, locoregional objective examination and therapies
- Pelvis and cervico-dorsal spine: related pathologies, locoregional objective examination and therapies
- Pelvis and spine: training methodology and strengthening (with practice)
Subject 4 - Complementary physical therapies (3 CFU)
- Manual physiotherapy
- Instrumental physiotherapy
- Kinesiotaping, cupping, graston, functional bandaging
Subject 5 - Performance and recovery: the role of nutrition and training (3 CFU)
- The science of nutrition
- The role of nutrition in performance and recovery
- Sports Psychology
- The role of the mental coach (with practical cases)
- Principles of re-athletisation
Subject 6 - Sports in extraordinary environments (3 CFU)
- Extraordinary environments: types and characteristics
- Physiological, pathological and therapeutic aspects of altitude training
- Physiological, pathological and therapeutic aspects of training in water
Practical training/internship (9 CFU)
The practical training may be carried out in the following ways:
- Athletes at the Cerdo (former observational training) In Fic In Urc
- Sport-specific seminars: rowing, rugby, tennis, football, anti-doping
- Methodology of sports performance evaluation
- Principles of research methodology
Final Dissertation (9 CFU)
At the end of the course, each candidate is required to develop a final project, individually or in a group. Initially, the course director will define the line of project research. The students will then identify which professor will assist them during the project development phase.
The Final Project Work may be individual or group. In the latter case, the project contribution of each individual component will be specifically assessed.
Upon completion of each subject an examination of the topics covered is scheduled. The mark attained (expressed in thirtieths) will be part of the final mark for the Academic Master.