21 March 2025
The Second Level Academic Master in Regenerative medicine and surgery in vascular and vulnology: from management to therapy - I edition aims to train physicians, biologists, biotechnologists, nurses (with Master's degree) in the use of the most innovative and effective Regenerative Medicine techniques, in compliance with the current regulations and the most accredited protocols shared by the scientific community." Furthermore, the course aims to contribute to the homogeneous training of the various professions gravitating around such a highly specialized environment. In addition to the specialized skills, specific to the Vascular and Vulnological field, the Academic Master provides multidisciplinary skills of Regenerative Medicine, ranging from the relevant legislation to healthcare management and therapy.
Target students and career opportunities
The Master's Degree is aimed at candidates who have completed a Master's Degree, a Specialist Degree, or a Degree attained under the old academic system, specifically in: Medicine and Surgery (LM-41); Physiotherapy (LM-SNT/2); Nursing (LM-SNT/1); Biology (LM-06); Medical, Veterinary, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (LM-9).
Tuition Fee
The annual tuition, without tax benefits, for the registration to the Master is €3,500
Students wishing to enrol may request an appointment with the Postgraduate Office by calling +39 06 3400 6000
Internal Faculty
The internal Faculty is comprised of professors with over-five-year professional experience on the subject matter.
Scientific Director
Dr. Massimo Danese
Scientific commission
Prof. Massimo Danese
Prof. Gianluca Costa
Prof. Giuseppina Catanzaro
Prof. Alessio Gili
Prof. Elisabetta Mantuano
Prof. Roul Saggini
Prof. Michele Angelo Farina
SUBJECT 1 – Biochemistry and Medical Biotechnology Genetics and Molecular Biology (12 CFU)
SUBJECT 2 – Transfusion Medicine, C. S., Health Legislation and Clinical Applications (6 CFU)
SUBJECT 3 – Ozone therapy (6 CFU)
SUBJECT 4 – Vascular Pathology (18 CFU)
Upon completion of each subject, the candidates must sit an examination related to the topics covered. The grade attained (expressed in thirtieths) will form an integral part of the final grade average of the Master.