
MBA in Sports Law and Management - XI edition

I level
1 year
Alternate weekends (saturday and sunday) and 1 week full time

February 2024


The aim of the 1st level MBA Master in Sports Law and Management is to train management figures capable of presiding over all aspects of management and organization in the field of sports.

In a global context, where sport represents not only a right of the individual but also a social and, above all, an economic phenomenon, the approach to sports dynamics requires professional figures capable of dealing with a wide range of careers: from the economic and financial management aspects of law, to security and communication.

Needless to say, the supply chain fueled by sports, the media interest originating from the phenomenon and, more generally, its economic potential, elevate the sports sphere to a business sector of considerable importance. However, said consideration must be accompanied by a further observation, which is probably clear, but which possesses a premise in educational terms that cannot be overlooked: the sports sector also carries a series of peculiarities that do not allow its outright assimilation to other areas of business. For this reason, at the dawn of the third millennium it, is not sufficient to have a common managerial preparation to manage the sports phenomenon as a whole, but it is necessary to decline the traditional subjects of an academic master in business administration in terms of sport, thus addressing its unique features. This course will pay particular attention to the historical evolution and values of sports, as well as to its social function and the impact of new technologies. Along this track, the figures that the master's degree aspires to train are:

  • Managers of national and international bodies and federations
  • Managers of sports associations and clubs
  • Sports event organizers and facility managers
  • Managers of the professional athlete

Target students and career opportunities

The Sports Manager is rapidly becoming an essential figure for sports companies, istitutions or associations revolving around business related activities in sports. The figures that the master's programme aspires to train are:

  • Managers of national and international bodies and federations

  • Managers  of sports associations and clubs

  • Sports event promoters and facility managers

  • Managers ofprofessional athletes


Applicants to the Master's course must have attained a Bachelor's Degree (minimum requirement for the admission to an Academic Master) or a Specialist Degree, a Master's Degree, and/or a Degree of the Old System obtained at a University of the Italian Republic or another equivalent Higher Institute, or another equivalent degree obtained at an International University, provided that said Degree Title is legally recognized in Italy. The candidates in possession of an an academic qualification obtained abroad must be in possession of the declaration of value of the qualification obtained, issued by the competent Italian diplomatic or consular representations of the country in which the qualification was obtained.


Students who wish to enroll may request an appointment with the Orientation Office, at the following number  +39 06 3400 6000


The formative internships will have a duration of 320 hours, to be carried out in the time frame, agreed with the hosting company (two to six months), consistent with the activities of the training project that will be assigned to the intern student.

The following, are a series of hosting companies and institutions for the purpose of the participation in the master.

  • B-Master s.r.l.
  • Lega Ciclismo
  • Lega Nazionale Dilettanti
  • FIB (Federazione Italiana Bocce)
  • FIBA (Federazione Italiana Badminton)
  • FCI (Federazione Ciclistica Italiana)
  • FICR (Federazione Italiana Cronometristi)
  • FIDAL (Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera)
  • FIGH (Federazione Italiana Gioco Handball)
  • FIP (Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro)
  • FIPAV (Federazione Italiana Pallavolo)
  • FIR (Federazione Italiana Rugby)
  • FISE(Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri)
  • Ordine dei commercialisti
  • S.S. Lazio
  • Sydic
  • Villa Flaminia

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