April 2025
The aim of the Master is to train a medical expert in ultrasound imaging diagnostics in the internist, paediatric and interventional spheres through an in-depth study of the technical aspects related to the mastery of the use of equipment, normal anatomy and the main pathological frameworks of the various organs and apparatuses found in clinical practice. Furthermore, ample space will be given to new technologies in both the diagnostic and interventional spheres, the management of medical-legal disputes, marketing and correct communication.
Target students and career opportunities
The aim of the Master is to train an expert in clinical ultrasound in paediatric internist and interventional settings. Those who acquire the title will be entered in a register and will be able to access services to discuss scientific innovations, compare and discuss clinical cases, etc.
Target Students
Doctors without specialisation and/or residents and/or specialists particularly but not exclusively in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Endocrinology.
For enrolment in the Master's course, possession of:
Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery, qualifications and examinations. The candidate's CV will be analysed in order to draw up the admission list should the maximum number of applicants be exceeded.
Tuition Fees
FAD Modality: 2.600,00 €
Blended Modality: 4.000,00 €
Information can be requested by e-mail ath the following address: and by telephone at the following number: +39 06 3224818 Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00 or through the University's common advertising channels.
Internal Faculty
The internal Faculty is comprised of professors with over-five-year professional experience on the subject matter.
Scientific Director
Prof. Francesco Pignataro
Scientific commission
Vincenzo Aloisantoni
Giorgio De Toma
Claudio Giorlandino
Federico Guercini
Nicola Illuzzi
Giandomenico Logroscino
Adriano Pellicelli
Gian Ludovico Rapaccini
Teaching Staff
Prof. Antonio Alcini
Specialist in Urology, Campus Biomedico Rome -
Dr. Laura Alessandroni
Specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome -
Prof. Clelia Cipolla
Specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome -
Prof. Giorgio De Toma
Full Professor - Università La Sapienza, Rome -
Dr. Francesca Gigliotti
Specialist in gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy - Fatebenefratelli Isola Tiberina Gemelli Isola Roma -
Prof. Claudio Giorlandino
Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, President of the Italian Society of Prenatal Diagnosis and. Maternal-Fetal Medicine (S.I.Di.P) -
Dr. Marco Gismant
Specialist in Internal Medicine Responsible for internist ultrasound service diagnostic centers in Rome -
Prof. Federico Guercini
Specialist in Urology Paideia International Hospital Urology Center -
Prof. Leo Guidobaldi
MD cytopathologist, UOC Pathologic Anatomy, Sandro Pertini Hospital, Rome -
Dr. Paolo Leone
Specialist in radiodiagnostics, Head of radiology department at Altamedica research center, Rome -
Prof. Giandomenico Logroscino
Specialist in Orthopedics - Chief of Orthopedics L'Aquila Hospital -
Dr. Manuela Nestola
Internal medicine specialist - internist multiparametric ultrasound service - Altamedica research center Rome -
Dr. Cristina Nisita
Specialist in gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy, senior sonographer diagnostic centers in Rome -
Dr. Cinzia Pajoncini
Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics Roman Multidisciplinary Group for the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain -
Prof. Adriano Pellicelli
Director of the liver disease department San Camillo Hospital - Rome -
Prof. Francesco Pignataro
Specialist in Internal Medicine, Head of pediatric internist and interventional multiparametric ultrasound service Altamedica research center Rome, Adjunct Professor International University Unicamillus Rome -
Prof. Adv. Alessandro Piromalli
Adjunct Professor - Università Internazionale Unicamillus, Rome -
Prof. Gian Ludovico Rapaccini
Professor of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome
Subject 1 - General ultrasound and ultrasound anatomy (6 CFU)
- Equipment: latest technology
- Setting
- Multiparametric ultrasound
- Ultrasound anatomy of various districts and apparatuses, in particular: neck, abdomen, urinary apparatus, breast, vascular, muscular
Subject 2 - Elements of neck physiology and pathology in clinical practice (6 CFU)
- Thyroid and parathyroids
- Lateralocervical region
- Vascular
- The clinician's view: Lectio Magistralis
Subject 3 - Elements of female and male breast physiology and pathology in clinical practice (6 CFU)
- Normal anatomy and pathological pictures of the breast
- Axillary region
- Latest technologies
Subject 4 - Elements of physiology and pathology of the abdomen: main pathological pictures (9 CFU)
- Liver and biliary tracti
- Pancreas
- Spleen
- Vascular
Subject 5 - Elements of physiology and pathology of the urogenital system: main pathological pictures (6 CFU)
- Kidneys and adrenals
- Bladder and prostate
- Latest technology: elastography in the study of the penis and prostate in multiparametric mode
Subject 6 - Elements of joint and muscle physiology and pathology (9 CFU))
- Shoulder, elbow, knee, wrist, hand ankle, muscle injuries
The Internship must be carried out with the following modalities:
- in presence at the affiliated institutions;
- virtual and/or simulated with the members of the teaching staff (elaboration of a project work, analysis and problem solving concerning films and case studies delivered by the lecturers, supervision of cases presented by the students), papers to be carried out.
It is possible to integrate the internship arrangements or to choose only one, in agreement with the Scientific Direction of the Master. Authorization for the intern to attend an approved structure is subject to the discretion of the host structure itself.
The internship period for the Master in FAD modality will be carried out online
Upon completion of each subject, an examination of the topics covered is scheduled. The grade (expressed in thirtieths) will form part of the final grade for the Master.