April 2025
The Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) are gastrointestinal disorders characterised by variable and heterogeneous clinical manifestations. This necessarily entails a multidisciplinary evaluation to guide complex and highly specialised practical choices. The presence of multi-organ involvement in such pathologies implies a complex multidisciplinary approach involving professionals from different specialist disciplines.
The objectives of the master are the following:
- increasing clinical experience in the management of the patient with simple and complex IBD
- promoting a holistic management vision of the patient with IBD by meeting with experts from other specialities
- improving the ability to analyse diagnostic and therapeutic, medical and surgical pathways in the management of IBD assessing and mapping out the most suitable care pathways for patients with IBD for the integration into the day-to-day life
- analyzing and critically evaluating the clinical evidence on the therapeutic and management strategies available in the literature for the IBD patient and interpret it also in the light of ""real life"" experiences and studies
- analizing the clinical and management relationships of patients with IBD in the territory, both in general medicine setting and emergency medicine
Target students and career opportunities
- The learning pathway is designed for medical specialists who wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in this particular field of medicine.
- The aim of the Master is to deepen theoretical and practical knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases; train specialists capable of autonomously managing complex, multidisciplinary cases; and to promote scientific research and innovation in gastroenterology.
Admission Requirements
In order to be admitted to the Master, the candidates must have attained:
- Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery
Tuition fees
FAD Modality: 2.600,00 €
Blended Modality: 4.000,00 €
Information can be requested by e-mail ath the following address: and by telephone at the following number: +39 06 3224818 Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00 or through the University's common advertising channels.
Internal Faculty
The internal Faculty is comprised of professors with over-five-year professional experience on the subject matter.
Scientific Director
Dr. Maria Giovanna Graziani
Didactic Director
Dr. Cristiano Pagnini
Scientific commission
Lorella Pallotta
Giuseppe Villotti
Gianfranco Fanello
Teaching Staff
Dr Cristiano Pagnini
Gastroenterologist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr. Lorella Pallotta
Gastroenterologist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Giuseppe Villotti
Gastroenterologist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Gianfranco Fanello
Gastroenterologist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Alfredo Ascani
Pharmacist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Saverio Gratteri
Pharmacist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr. Raffaella La Russa
Dr Claudio Tubili
Dr Enrico Rosini
Dr Antonio Lugini
Oncologist, AO S.Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Angelo Zoli
Rheumatologist, Policlinico A. Gemelli, Rome -
Dr Augusto Pocobelli
Oculist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Emanuele Santoro
Surgeon, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Paolo Mazzocchi
Surgeon. AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr. Valentina Romeo
Surgeon, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Francesco Maneschi
Gynecologist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Pasquale Paolantonio
Radiologist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Roberto Porciello
Dermatologist, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata Rome -
Dr Emanuele Guglielmelli
Physician specializing in emergency medicine -
Dr Alberto Chiriatti
General Practitioner
SUBJECT 1 – Epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, natural history and follow-up of patients with IBD (6 CFU)
- IBD epidemiology in Italy and in the World
- Aetiopathogenic theories
- Pathophysiology of IBD
- Clinical presentation and diagnostic criteria
- Natural history of disease and population studies
- Care of patients with IBD
- Management of the IBD patient in the ward, day hospital and outpatient clinic
- Emergency-Urgency in patients with IBD
- Hospital-territory continuity in patients with IBD
- Patients with IBD in the General Medicine outpatient clinic
SUBJECT 2 – Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in the management of MICI (6 CFU)
- Principles of diagnostic and operative endoscopy
- Indications and upper and lower endoscopy in patients with IBD
- Prescriptive appropriateness of endoscopic examinations in patients with IBD
- Timing of endoscopy in follow-up, new guidelines
- Therapeutic endoscopy in patients with IBD
- Endoscopic emergencies in patients with IBD
SUBJECT 3 – Basic and advanced radiological diagnostic methods in patients with IBD (6 CFU)
- Introductory principles of radiological diagnostic methods
- Classical radiological methods
- New diagnostic methods
- Principles of reading and interpreting radiological examinations in patients with IBD
- Intestinal ultrasound and practical applications
- Operative diagnostic procedures
SUBJECT 4 – Principles of treatment of patients with IBD, definition and management of conventional therapy, biological and new generation drugs (9 CFU)
- Introduction and principles of treatment of patients with IBD
- Definition of therapeutic goals
- The concept of clinical, endoscopic, histological, radiological healing
- Treat To Target
- Principles and management of conventional therapy in ulcerative rectocolitis and Crohn's disease
- Biological drugs: clinical and conceptual revolution
- Management and treatment protocols of biological drugs in patients with IBD
- Registration and real-life studies for the treatment of patients with IBD
- Classical and new biologics
- Small molecules
- Future perspectives of drug treatment
SUBJECT 5 – Clinical nutrition, nutritional assessment and strategies for analysing and manipulating the gut microbiota in patients with IBD (6 CFU)
- Overview of clinical nutrition
- Assessment of nutritional status
- Malnutrition in
- Obesity and patients with IBD: possible relations and treatment
- Dietary therapy in patients with IBD
- The gut microbiota and the “microbiota revolution”
- Methods for assessing the gut microbiota
- The gut microbiota in patients with IBD
- Strategies for therapeutic manipulation of the microbiota
- Probiotics in patients with IBD
- Faecal transplantation: current indications and future perspectivese
SUBJECT 6 – Indications and surgical management of the patient with IBD assessment and management of extra-intestinal manifestations of disability and psychological distress in patients with IBD (9 CFU)
- Introduction to abdominal surgery
- Abdominal surgery in patients with IBD
- Indications for surgery in ulcerative rectocolitis and Crohn's disease
- Surgical techniques: indication, possibilities and limitations
- Pre- and post-surgical clinical and therapeutic management of patients with IBD
- Emergency and elective surgery
- Perianal disease
- Evaluation and management of Crohn's disease with perianal involvement
The internship period must be carried out according to the following modalities:
- FAD Modality
The practical training may be carried out for a number of hours equal to 150 in virtual and/or simulated modality with the member of the teaching staff (elaboration of a project work, analysis and problem solving concerning videos and case studies provided by the members of the teaching staff, supervision of cases presented by the students), elaborated in supervision with the members of the teaching staff; for the additional 100 hours in affiliated structures. - Blended Modality
The Internship period will be carried out mainly on the ""field"", in an appropriate setting conducive to experiential learning, under the supervision of a company tutor at appropriate facilities.
Upon completion of each subject an examination of the topics covered is scheduled. The grade (expressed in thirtieths) will form part of the final grade average for the Master.