
Smart Public Administration - VII Edition

I level
1 Year
Alternate weekends (saturday and sunday: 09:30/13:15 – 14:15/18:00)

October 2024


Bringing innovation and smart technology management into the Italian public administration and integrating new technologies into the public system is now not only a necessity, but also a regulatory obligation.

Nowadays, it has become a must for all stakeholders in the public sector to be trained in the new concept of Smart Public Administration, so that they can gain professional skills to work with Smart Cities, enabling technologies for Public Administration, networking and distruptive innovation in local authorities, emerging concepts of New Public Management, Digital Transformation and Smart Governance.

The Master in Smart Public Administration aims to provide management, organizational and leadership knowledge required to govern the digital transformation of the Public Administration and its transition to the future of Public Government 4.0.

The main objective is to train figures capable of concretely supporting the public administrations on issues related to technological and process innovation, information systems, listening tools, involvement of stakeholders and, more in general, on management principles for the innovation of material and immaterial assets.

Thanks to the knowledge of the relevant legislation and the conscious use of new technologies, the students will be able to design, manage and promote technological integration pathways in the public area.

Target students and career opportunities

Target students 

The Master in Smart Public Administration is the ideal meeting point for the new professionals of the Smart Public Administrations, oriented towards innovative change in the public system, culturally oriented towards the technological and managerial progress of a new concept of Smart Administration.

the ideal candidate for the Master is a manager who is mentally open, curious,  and consciously respectful of the constraints and peculiarities of the public role but distant from the bureaucratic and inert mentality of the old, essentially extinct models of public administration. The ideal manager is  endowed with strong public ethics, socially responsible, ready for change and understanding of the dynamic develpment of territories and their innovative digital evolution; strongly motivated to make the Public Administrations of the future a place of well-being and ethical development for the country thanks to a conscious and comprehensive use of enabling and inclusive technologies.

The Master offers a valid study platform both for the competitions in the Public Administration and for career paths in Public and Private Organisations.

The potential candidates of the Master in Public Administration may aspire to the following positions:

  • PA Managers
  • Employees at Public Administrations and similar institutions
  • Personnel involved in data processing procedures
  • Freelancers
  • Management consultants
  • Asset Managers
  • Property Managers
  • Facility Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Graduate Students

Career opportunities

The Master is highly recommended for candidates who wish to train for responsibility roles within the Smart Public Administration (local authorities, central government, central and regional public agencies, chamber of commerce, cooperatives, social security institutions, independent authorities, in-house entities and entrusted with public services), but also for private organizations providing consulting services to Public Administrations.

Il Master in Smart Public Administration mira alla formazione di figure professionali in grado di presiedere l’intero processo innovativo e tecnologico nella Pubblica Amministrazione, con la preparazione di un ampio spettro di profili professionali fortemente innovativi, declinabili in base alle necessità del contesto operativo di riferimento:

  • Smart Community Designer e Manager
  • Community Manager
  • Digital Strategic Planner
  • Data Manager
  • Data Specialist
  • Responsabile Privacy
  • Digital Facilitator
  • Document Manager
  • Smart Public Project Manager
  • Knowledge Management Officer
  • Geographic Information Manager
  • Bim Manager
  • Smart Public Administration Consultant


The candidates of the Master must be in possession of a Bachelor's Degree (minimum requirement for the admission to the Master), a Specialist Degree, Master's Degree and/or "old system" Degree attained at an italian University or an equivalent institution. The candidates in possession of an academic title obtained abroad must be in possession of the declaration of value of the aforementioned qualification, issued by the competent Italian diplomatic or consular representatives of the country in which they obtained the qualification.


The annual tuition, without tax benefits, for the registration to the Master is € 10.000


Students wishing to enrol may request an appointment with the Guidance Office by calling +39 06 3400 6000

Internal Faculty

The Internal Faculty is comprised of more than 70% professors with over-five-years professional experience on the subject matter.

Scientific Director

  • Danila Scarozza

  • Agenda Digitale, Open Government e Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale (normativa generale, GDPR, privacy, sicurezza)
  • Administration and digital service - Three-Year AgID planning and Interoperability Model
  • ICT legislation in the Public Administrations 
  • The concept and models of smart territories
  • The government and monitoring of smart territories
  • Dematerialization, electronic document, electronic invoicing, document workflow and electronic storage of accounting, fiscal, and administrative documents.
    Innovation for growth: a new strategic approach to design, monitoring and scalability of intervention models for business, ecosystems and examples of public-private partnerships for the development of innovative services 
    Planning of services for a community: design thinking, sustainability, smart regulation and ethics 
    Workshops and testimonies
  • Communication through the social media and digital marketing. 
    Meaning and themes of social innovation and fields of application of social innovation projects. 
    Management and development of communities
    Model of digital competence and digital inclusion
    The approach to digital inclusion: methodologies, practices and experiences, learning methodologies for digital competencies
    Educational models, design and provision of training activities for adults and management of groups
    Methodologies of participation processes
  • Identifying innovation scenarios
    Planning of the technological aspect of GIM
    Integrated planning of a smart territory - Planning in the financial field.
    Integrated planning of a smart territory - Planning in the social and technological field.
    Integrated planning of a smart territory - Planning in the environental-urban-architectural field
    Analysis of the needs for digital competencies and interventions for the purpose of their development
  • Management control and system of indicators in the performance cycle
    Engineering of business and services
    Project management 
    Change management 
  • Management of spatial data
    Open Data, Big Data and Smart Data Platform at the service of the city-user
    Digital technologies (Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing. IoT. AI, blockchain) 

Each candidate of Master's Degree is required to prepare a professional training Project Work consistent with the topics covered by the course. Said Project Work is an integral part of the Master's teaching activity, and is subject to assessment, providing 15 university training credits (CFU). The aim of the final project is to submit one or more innovative and/or improving solutions through an in-depth study of context variables, processes and application models. The project may involve either the innovation of an activity, or the setting up or changing of an organisational structure, or even the improvement of a new operational procedure or the development of a new process. The PW can be individual or group: in the latter case, the individual contribution will be subject to specific evaluation.


The candidates will be required to take a final test at the end of each Unit. The grade attained for each test (expressed in thirtieths) will be an integral part of the final grade of the Master.

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