
Service Innovation & Digital Transformation

I level
1 year
alternate weekends (Saturday and Sunday)
February 2021*

Starting Date - February 2021

The beginning of the Master is susceptible to the variation in the light of the epidemiological emergency and/or the achievement of the quorum of the enrolled students.


The aim of the Master in Service Innovation & Digital Transformation is to challenge employees of public and private companies, creating the conditions to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude required to be able to innovate using digital technologies to meet challenges in the services sector.

Upon successful completion of the Master, the students will be able to face complex problems, identify possible solutions and design concrete proposals.

The aim of the Master is to train professional figures able to apply transversal knowledge to the development of innovations for a wide range of business professions such as: Social InnovatorDigital InnovatorData Project ManagerOpen innovation & Services DesignerProspective AnalystNew Business Model ManagerResilient Manager e Creative Technologist.



The candidates of the Master must be in possession of a Bachelor's Degree (minimum requirement for the admission to the Academic Master), a Specialist Degree, Master's Degree and/or a Degree of the Old Order issued by one of the Universities of the Italian Republic or an International Academic Institution providing equivalent study titles.
The candidates who attained an academic title abroad must be in possession of a declaration of the title attained, issued by the competent diplomatic representatives of the country where the aforementioned title was attained.



The annunal tutition fee for the access to the Master amounts to € 10.000



Students who wish to enroll in the course may request an appointment with the Orientation Office by dialing the following number: +39 06 94802282


For the Academic Year 2020/21 Link Campus University, has designed the Link Switch Formula to meet the changing needs of students by offering high-level instruction and a safe learning environment. You can choose between the Smart formula, which will allow you to follow all the lessons live from your computer in live streaming modality, and the SafeClass formula, which is in presence-based modality, implemented in a mini-classes of up to 25 students. You may switch from one to the other mode at any time, according to your needs.

  • Principles of innovation
  • Innovative technology
  • Digital transformation
  • Innovation economy
  • Innovation psychology
  • Megatrend
  • Innovation - related programmes and policies
  • Service innovation strategy
  • Digital processes and technologies for the collaboration and the involvement in organizations
  • Data analytics in service
  • Workshop: Establishing innovation scenarios
  • Service design
  • Value creation
  • Interaction design I
  • Workshop: Designing the interaction in innovative services
  • Customer & user experience
  • Interaction design II
  • Visual design
  • Workshop: prototyping innovative services
  • Digital marketing
  • Community management
  • Social media strategy
  • Digital & interactive storytelling
  • Engagement & gamification
  • Workshop: creating and realizing a marketing and communication plan

Each candidate of the Master is required to create a Project Work related to the themes developed in the course.
The aim of the final project is to propose one or more innovative solutions through the in-depth analysis of context variables, processes and application models. As a matter of fact, the project may relate to both the innovation of an activity and the change of an organizational structure, or rather the creation of a new operational procedure.
The PW may be individual or collaborative, in the latter case the individual contribution will be the subject of a specific evaluation.

Scientific Director - Lorenza Parisi

Scientific Coordinator - Antonio Opromolla


under update