The candidates can register starting at 4 p.m. on tuesday 1 april 2025 and mandatorily by 4 p.m. on monday 7 april 2025.
The matriculation process is considered finalized with full payment of the first installment of tuition, registration fees, regional fee and stamp duty.
The admission test for the Master's Degree in Dentistry for the academic year 2024/2025, provided for in the call issued by R.D. n. 2023 issued on 25.2.2025, will take place on 26.3.2025. The candidates are convocated at 10.00 a.m. and the test will begin at 10.30 a.m.
For candidates who have chosen to take the test at the Rome branch:
Link Campus University, via del Casale di San Pio V, 44 (near Piazza di Villa Carpegna) Ancient Library
(Free parking is available on site) -
For candidates who have chosen to take the test at the Città di Castello branch:
Link Campus University, via Carlo Marx, 20 – Classroom 1
(Free parking is available on site)
For the academic year 2024/2025, LINK CAMPUS UNIVERSITY is issuing the first call for the admission of students to the single cycle Master's Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics for the Città di Castello branch, in agreement with ASL no. 1 Umbria.
The following places are available:
- 60 for candidates from EU and non-EU countries permanently residing in Italy
*Territorial tax incentives
The University provides for important territorial tax incentives for students enroled in courses at the Città di Castello branch of the University and resident in:
- Città di Castello: 30% discount on the tuition fee
- province of Perugia and Arezzo: 20% discount on the tuition fee
- regions of Umbria, Tuscany and Marche: 10% discount on the tuition fee
Submission of application form for the admission test
Registration for the admission test must be made starting on 27/02/2025 at 4.00 p.m. and mandatorily completed by 21 march 2025 at 4.00 p.m.
Admission test date
The admission test will be held on 26/03/2025 at both the Rome and Città di Castello (PG) branches of Link Campus University.
The locations for the admission test will be determined on the basis of the number of applications received and may also be located outside the venues of the university.
The time when candidates will be convened the locations of the test will be published by 24/03/2025.
Test topics and admission criteria
The admission test consists of a written multiple-choice test presenting five answer options, from which the candidate must identify only one, discarding any incorrect, arbitrary or less likely conclusions. It consists in 60 questions in Italian on the basis of the syllabuses provided for in Attachment A and distributed as follows:
- 4 questions of reading skills and knowledge acquired throughout the studies
- 5 questions of logical reasoning and problems
- 23 questions of biology
- 15 questions of chemistry
- 13 questions in physics and mathematics
The admission test will last 100 minutes.
Ranking and publication of results and procedure for managing takeovers
By 27 march 2025 the candidates may log in to their personal page on the official website of the university using the codes contained in the credentials sheet included in the test package and view their paper and score.
After publication, the boxes of the biographical data sheets will be opened in public session to allow the candidate code and biographical data to be matched.
On the following day will be published on the official website of the university in anonymous form, using the candidate's pre-matriculation number.
Candidates placed in positions 1 to 60 are admitted to the course and may therefore proceed to enrol.
The status of eligible non-winner refers only to the current selection procedure: no right arises from it in relation to access to master's degree courses in years subsequent to the one in which the test was taken.
Registration requirements and deadlines
In the period between 4 p.m. on 1 April 2025 and 4 p.m. on 7 April 2025, candidates placed in a useful position and therefore admitted to the Course must proceed to enrolment exclusively in accordance with the procedures published on the course's institutional website.
The matriculation is completed with the full payment of the first installment of tuition fee.
Failure of admitted candidates to finalize their matriculation by the deadline will result in the renunciation of matriculation and will result in the sliding of the ranking list.
Within 8 april 2025, the University will publish the list of subentrants who in turn must register within the period between 9 april 2025 and 11 april 2025.
Summary table of deadlines and privacy notice
Activity | date | See Article Notice |
Registration application |
From 4.00 p.m. on 27.2.2025 to 4.00 p.m. on 21.3.2025 |
Article 3 |
Implementation of the admission test | 26.3.2025 | Article 6 |
Publication of candidate convocation time and test location | Within 24.3.2025 | Article 8 |
Publication of scores achieved | Within 27.3.2025 | Article 9 |
Opening of the envelopes | The date will be disclosed on the occasion of the admission test | Article 9 |
Publication of the ranking list | 27.3.2025 | Article 10 |
Enrolment period with payment of 1st instalment | From 1.4.2025 on 4:00 p.m.to 7.4.2025 on 4:00 p.m. | Article 10 |
Publication - first list of take-over students | Within 8.4.2025 | Article 10 |
Registration - first take over student | From 9.4.2025 to 11.4.2025 | Article 10 |
Payment of the second installment of the Tuition Fees | 7.05.2025 | Article 10 |
Payment of the third installment of the Tuition Fees | 6.06.2025 | Article 10 |
Payment of the fourth installment of the Tuition Fees | 7.07.2025 | Article 10 |
Submission of applications for change of location | From 27.2.2025 on 4:00 p.m.to to 21.3.2025 on 4:00 p.m. | Article 11 |
The Master's Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics provides a total of 360 CFU For the aforementioned purposes, the master's degree provides for a total of 360 CFU over six years, of which at least 90 CFU are to be acquired in professionalising clinical training activities to be carried out in an integrated manner with other training activities at university care facilities.
Upon completion of the learning pathway in Dentistry are able to perform activities related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and congenital and acquired anomalies of the teeth, mouth, jaw bones, temporomandibular joints and related tissues. Furthermore, graduates will be able to carry out dental rehabilitation, prescribing all the necessary medicines and devices for the practice of dentistry.
The graduates in dentistry will acquire a level of professional, cultural, decision-making and operational autonomy that will allow them to be constantly updated, having followed a training course characterized by a holistic approach to the oral health problems of the healthy or ill person, also with regards to the physical and social environment.
Frequency to the didactic activities is mandatory. Students who do not obtain the attendance certificates may not be admitted to sit the relevant examinations when enrolling in the following year's course.
In order to be admitted to take the final examination in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, students must have attended the courses and passed the examinations in all the subjects provided for in the Didactic Regulations and must also have followed the prescribed clinical exercises and practical training and obtained the relevant certificates. The degree examination consists in the discussion of a dissertation on a subject related to odontostomatology to be requested at least at the beginning of the final year of the course.
Graduates in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics have occupational outlets within the framework of the Dentistry Liberal Professions. They can carry out Level I and II management activities in the National Health System, according to the current regulations.
Learning Pathway - Master's Degree in Dentistry
First Year
Subject |
Human anatomy Human anatomy 1 Human anatomy 2 |
5 5 |
BIO/16 BIO/16 |
Biology and genetics Applied biology IS Applied biology IIS Genetics IIS |
4 4 2 |
BIO/13 BIO/13 MED/03 |
Medicinal chemistry Medicinal chemistry I Medicinal chemistry II |
3 4 |
BIO/10 BIO/10 |
Medical physics Medical physics I Medical physics II |
3 3 |
FIS/07 FIS/07 |
Histology Histology I Histology II |
3 4 |
BIO/17 BIO/17 |
English Language English Language I English Language II |
4 3 |
L-LIN/12 L-LIN/12 |
Behavioural sciences and scientific methodology Computer Science IS Computer Science IIS General psychology IS Medical statistics IS Medical statistics IIS History of medicine IS |
2 3 2 2 2 2 |
INF/01 INF/01 M-PSI/01 MED/01 MED/01 MED/02 |
2 |
Second Year
Biochemistry and molecular biology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology IS Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology IIS Biochemistry IS Biochemistry IIS Molecular biology IS Molecular biology IIS |
1 1 2 1 1 1 |
BIO/12 BIO/12 BIO/10 BIO/10 BIO/11 BIO/11 |
Physiology Physiology I Physiology II |
5 5 |
BIO/09 BIO/09 |
Occupational medicine and business organisation Occupational medicine IS Occupational medicine IIS Business organization IS Business organization IIS |
1 1 1 1 |
MED/44 MED/44 SECS-P/10 SECS-P/10 |
Microbiology and hygiene General and applied hygiene IS General and applied hygiene IIS Microbiology and clinical microbiology IS Microbiology and clinical microbiology IIS |
3 3 3 4 |
MED/42 MED/42 MED/07 MED/07 |
General pathology General pathology I General pathology II |
3 4 |
MED/04 MED/04 |
Basics of Dentistry Dental hygiene I Dental hygiene I - Internship Dental hygiene II Dental hygiene II - Internship Preventive and community dentistry I Preventive and community dentistry II - Internship Clinical propaedeutics I Clinical propaedeutics I - Internship Clinical propaedeutics II Medical statistics I Medical statistics II |
1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 |
MED/50 MED/50 MED/50 MED/50 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/01 MED/28 |
2 |
Third Year
Pathological anatomy Pathological anatomy IS Pathological anatomy IIS |
3 4 |
MED/08 MED/08 |
Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy IS Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy IIS Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy IIS - Internship |
3 2 1 |
MED/36 MED/36 MED/36 |
Pharmacology Pharmacology I Pharmacology II |
3 4 |
BIO 14 BIO 14 |
Dental materials and prosthetic technologies Dental materials IS Dental materials IS - Internship Dental materials IIS Dental materials IIS - Internship Prosthetic and laboratory technologies IS Prosthetic and laboratory technologies IS - Internship Prosthetic and laboratory technologies IIS Prosthetic and laboratory technologies IIS - Internship |
2 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Special Odontostomatology and Dermatology Dermatology IS Dermatology IIS Odontostomatology special pathology IS Odontostomatology special pathology IS - Internship Odontostomatology special pathology IIS Odontostomatology special pathology IIS - Internship |
1 1 3 2 3 2 |
MED/35 MED/35 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Medical sciences Blood diseases I Blood diseases II Internal medicine I Internal medicine I - Internship Internal medicine II Internal medicine II - Internship Clinical pathology I Clinical pathology II |
1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 |
MED/15 MED/15 MED/09 MED/09 MED/09 MED/09 MED/05 MED/05 |
1 |
Fourth Year
Oral surgery Oral surgery I Oral surgery I - Internship Oral surgery II Oral surgery II - Internship |
3 1 4 2 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Gnathology Gnathology I Gnathology I - Internship Gnathology II |
2 1 3 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Forensic medicine Forensic medicine IS Forensic medicine IIS |
2 2 |
MED/43 MED/43 |
Neurology and psychiatry Neurology Neurology - Internship Psychiatry |
2 1 2 |
MED/26 MED/26 MED/25 |
Restorative dentistry Endodontics IIIS Endodontics IIIS - Internship Endodontics IVS Endodontics IVS - Internship Conservative dentistry IS Conservative dentistry IS - Internship Conservative dentistry IIS Conservative dentistry IIS - Internship Conservative dentistry IIIS Conservative dentistry IVS Conservative dentistry IVS - Internship |
2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Orthodontics Orthodontics IS Orthodontics IIS Orthodontics IIS - Internship Orthodontics IIIS Orthodontics IIIS - Internship Orthodontics IVS Orthodontics IVS - Internship |
3 2 1 4 1 3 1 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Periodontology Periodontology I Periodontology I - Internship Periodontology II Periodontology II - Internship |
2 1 2 2 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Dental prosthetics Dental prosthetics I Dental prosthetics I - Internship Dental prosthetics II Dental prosthetics II - Internship |
3 1 3 1 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Surgical sciences General Surgery IS General Surgery IIS Anaesthesiology and emergency treatment IS Anaesthesiology and emergency treatment IS - Internship Anaesthesiology and emergency treatment IIS Anaesthesiology and emergency treatment IIS - Internship |
2 2 2 2 2 2 |
MED/18 MED/18 MED/41 MED/41 MED/41 MED/41 |
2 |
Fifth Year
Implantology Oral surgery Oral surgery - Internship Dental clinic Dental clinic - Internship Paradontology Paradontology - Internship Dental prosthetics Dental prosthetics - Internship |
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Paediatric dentistry General and specialist paediatrics I General and specialist paediatrics II Paediatric dentistry I Paediatric dentistry II Paediatric dentistry II - Internship |
1 1 4 2 1 |
MED/38 MED/38 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
Maxillofacial pathology and therapy Maxillofacial surgery I Maxillofacial surgery II Otolaryngology I Otolaryngology II |
3 2 1 1 |
MED/29 MED/29 MED/31 MED/31 |
Prosthetic and periodontal rehabilitation Paradontology I Paradontology II Paradontology II - Internship Dental prosthetics I Dental prosthetics I - Internship Dental prosthetics II |
1 1 1 1 1 1 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
2 |
Sixth Year
Integrated dentistry therapy Dental clinic Dental clinic - Internship Preventive and community dentistry - Internship |
4 8 6 |
MED/28 MED/28 MED/28 |
TPV dentistry disciplines I |
15 |
MED/28 |
TPV dentistry disciplines II |
15 |
MED/28 |
1 |
Final Dissertation |
8 |
In order to be admitted to the Master's Degree in Dentistry, the candidate must have attained a five-year upper secondary school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable under the regulations in force.
The single cycle master's degree in dentistry is subject to limited number according to Article 1 of Law 264/99.
The teaching organization requires that students admitted to the first year of the course have an adequate knowledge of the Italian language and an initial preparation, obtained in the course of their previous studies, covering knowledge in the fields of logic, general culture, biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics.
The student's initial knowledge is verified by passing the admission test, which is regulated by a special Ministerial Decree issued by MUR each year. Students admitted to the course who show initial deficiencies will be assigned an additional training obligation (OFA) which must be met during the first year of the course on the basis of criteria defined in the Regulations of the Course of Study.
For the purpose of taking the final examination, the student must have taken all the courses and passed the related examinations.
Pursuant to Articles 1 and 3 of Law n. 163 of 8 November 2021, the final examination for a single-cycle Master's Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics - class LM-46 qualifies the candidate to practise as a dentist. For this purpose, the aforementioned final examination includes the performance of a Practical Assessment Test (PPV) of the professional skills acquired through an internal Practical-Valuative Internship (PTV) within the study courses, aimed at ascertaining the candidate's level of practical preparation for the licence to practise the profession, which precedes the discussion of the dissertation. The Practical Assessment Test consists in the discussion of three multidisciplinary clinical cases treated as first practitioner during the Practical-Valuative Internship, involving multidisciplinary treatment plans with services relating to the majority of the disciplines covered by the Practical-Valuative Internship, according to the methods identified by the protocol drawn up by the Conference of Presidents of the Degree Courses in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, in agreement with the National Dental Register Commission. In order to pass the Practical Assessment Test, students must obtain an aptitude mark, following which they will gain access to the discussion of the final dissertation.
The discussion of the final dissertation involves the presentation of an original dissertation prepared by the student under the guidance of a supervising professor. The dissertation committee acts as co-supervisor during the discussion, otherwise the figure of a co-supervisor may be appointed. The final mark is determined in Committee in line with the regulations laid down by the University.
The modality of implementation of the final examination and its timing are defined in the academic calendar, published on the University website and communicated by the Student Administration Office.
For further information, please consult the following link: https://www.unilink.it/en/students/final-dissertation
Guidelines: Registration to the Portal
STEP 1 - Click on the "Register" button at the top right.
STEP 2 - Click on the "Web Registration" button.
STEP 3 - Fill in the module in its entirety, then click on the "Next" button.
ATTENTION: please verify your tax code, because in case of error the user cannot be registered correctly.
STEP 4 - Fill in the following form with the address of residence as stated in the title of the present section, then click on the "Next" button.
STEP 5 - Fill in the form related to the contact details only on the fields marked with an asterisk, in the "international prefix" field if you are in Italy, use 0039 as shown in the figure. Then click on the "Next" button.
STEP 6 - You will now visualize the summary screen. Verify the correctness of the data and click on the "Confirm" button.
STEP 7 - At the end of the registration process you will receive the login credentials.
STEP 8 - Return to the Home of the portal and click on the "Access" button on the top right.
STEP 9 - In the following screen click on the "Change Password" button.
STEP 10 - Enter the previously provided credentials and create a new password. Then click on the "Modify" button.
STEP 11 - Now you can login to the reserved area (ACCESS TO THE RESERVED AREA).
STEP 12 - Enter the access credentials with the newly changed password.
STEP 13 - Click on the the side menu item "ACCESS TO THE ADMISSION PROCEDURE (MEDICINE AND SURGERY LM-41)" as shown in figure.
We recommend that you print this page before continuing with the registration process, so that you have an easily accessible paper version.
STEP 1 - Access to your Reserved Area, as noted at the end of the first phase.
STEP 2 - Once you have clicked on "ACCESS TO THE ADMISSION PROCEDURE" button located at the bottom of the present page, you will access to the following page.
STEP 3 - Click on the "Login" button.
STEP 4 - Click on the "MENU" icon at the top right.
STEP 5 - Click on the "Student Administration Office" button and then on "Admission Test" and follow the video instructions.