
Medicine and Surgery (LM-41)

The aim of the Single Cycle Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery is to train professional figures with solid biomedical skills, while developing the ability to care for the individual. Through effective health education, the medical professional will be able to prevent and treat various diseases, considering the individual patients in their entirety and in the social, cultural and economic context in which they live.

The learning pathway was developed with the aim to develop multidisciplinary professional skills that are mainly clinical, as well as interpersonal skills enabling effective and empathic patient management. The objective is to train doctors who are competent and attentive to the individual needs of each patient. The learning pathway will include traditional methods (lessons, discussion groups, seminars) and innovative methods (problem solving, experiential learning, decision making, role-play). Theoretical activities will be complemented by practical workshops starting from the first year of the course. Starting from the third year, students will carry out professional internships at hospitals affiliated with the University and internship periods aimed at preparing the final dissertation.


A degree in Medicine and Surgery is a requirement for access to medical specialisation schools and specific training courses in General Medicine.

Furthermore, graduated students will be able to work in various clinical, health and biomedical fields, either as employees or freelancers, in public or private facilities affiliated with the National Health System (SSN). For example, they can work in:

  • Hospitals and specialist centres
  • Clinics
  • Continuing care facilities
  • General medicine practices
  • Free-choice paediatrics practices
  • Universities and Research Centres
  • National and international health and humanitarian organisations
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Biomedical Companies

These are just some of the professional outlets: in fact, a degree in Medicine and Surgery offers wide-ranging possibilities and allows professionals to follow their passions and interests in various medical fields.



Teaching activities are in presence. There is an obligation of attendance, which is fulfilled through participation in at least 75% of the training activities.



Prof. Carlo Baldari





Silvia Migliaccio

Società Italiana di Scienze dell’Alimentazione


Liberato Berrino

Sezione di Farmacologia Clinica della Società Italiana di Farmacologia


Antonella Buccione


Casale di S. Pio V - 1st Floor

Email: medicina.segreteria@unilink.it

Tel: +39 06 3400 6086/6087/6088

In order to be admitted to the Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, it is necessary to have attained a secondary school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable.

The knowledge required of a student wishing to enrol in the medical school is defined by the subjects entered in the planned national written admission test. The subjects covered by the examination are: general culture and logical reasoning, physics and mathematics, chemistry, biology. Possession of the knowledge required for admission to the course is verified by passing the admission test.

The results of the admission test will be used to verify the need to assign Formative Obligations in the subjects of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics, to be fulfilled in the first year of the course. For each of these areas, no Formative Obligations will be attributed if the candidate has obtained a score greater than or equal to 50% of the maximum score obtainable for that area.

Otherwise, the student will have to attend remedial courses provided by the University and Formative Obligations are deemed to have been fulfilled by passing the corresponding examinations of the following subjects:

  1. Mathematics/Physics - upon passing Physics course;
  2. Biology - upon passing the Biology course;
  3. Chemistry - upon passing the Chemistry course;

Students who do not complete their Formative Obligations within the first year of the course will not be able to take exams in the second academic year.

The course supports students through 4 different types of tutoring:

  1. Orientation and transversal tutoring, carried out by Education Coordinators, aimed at supporting the students in the reception phase, introducing them into the university life, monitoring their learning pathway, motiving them throughout the course (with special reference to the planned results), supporting them in bureaucratic procedures, the latter in collaboration with the Student Administration Office;
  2. international tutoring, carried out by the International Office, which wil offer personalized assistance to both international students enrolled in the degree course and Erasmus students;
  3. didactic tutoring, provided by the didactic support staff (teaching assistants, doctoral students, holders of supplementary teaching contracts, etc.), who will support the students with supplementary teaching activities related to the specific subjects of the learning pathways;
  4. specialized tutoring, carried out by Education Coordination for inclusion, aimed at students with disabilities or specific learning disorders and special educational needs, aimed at reducing the obstacles that might prevent their full integration in the academic environment.

The workshop activities are designed as moments of learning by doing, through which the students will acquire and/or refine soft skills (team work, problem solving, leadership, communication skills, etc.), increasingly fundamental in the labour maket. Furthermore, workshops represent opportunities for in-depth experiential learning in direct contact with professionals in the field. The students will gain practical laboratory experience since the first year of the course in cutting-edge workshops equipped with modern and innovative medical-surgical technology.

Starting on the third year, during the clinical teaching period, students must acquire specific professional skills in the fields of internal medicine, general surgery, paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology and specialist clinics (cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, metabolism, oncology, etc.). For this purpose, students will carry out professional training activities at identified care facilities.

During the internship period, students will carry out practical activities with a good degree of autonomy, simulating professional activity, under the direct supervision of a professor-tutor.

The final dissertation consists in the discussion, before a special committee, of a written paper prepared under the guidance of a professor, on a topic related to a discipline in which the student has taken an examination. The paper contributes to developing the ability to investigate a given topic independently by going back to bibliographic and primary sources, while acquiring autonomy of judgement and argumentation skills. The paper may be written and discussed in Italian and/or English.

Le modalità di svolgimento della prova finale e le relative tempistiche sono definite nel calendario accademico, pubblicate sul sito web dell’Ateneo e comunicate dalla Segreteria Studenti.

The modality of implementation of the final examination and its timing are set out in the academic calendar, published on the University website and communicated by the Student Administration Office.

For further information, please consult the following link: https://www.unilink.it/en/students/final-dissertation

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