
Pharmacy (LM-13)

The aim of the Single Cycle Master's Degree in Pharmacy is to enable the Master's Degree graduates (LM-13 class Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy) to work as pharmacists and as experts in pharmaceuticals and health products.

The nature and breadth of the educational activities provided in the learning pathway give the Pharmacy graduate a good command of the scientific method of investigation and the ability to independently develop, finalise and apply original ideas or procedures in research contexts as well as at various levels of the health sector.

The aim of the Master's Degree Course in Pharmacy is to train health professionals able to inform and educate on the use of drugs, phytotherapeutic and nutraceuticals and health products (medical devices, medical-surgical aids, cosmetics, food supplements, dietary and herbal products, diagnostic products).

In addition to the essential preparation for the profession of pharmacist, the candidates will attain an advanced scientific background in the health field aimed at training a professional figure as an expert in pharmaceuticals and their use for therapeutic purposes who is able to constitute a fundamental link between patient, doctor and public health structure (pharmaceutical care), collaborating in the monitoring of drugs on the territory,  in terms of pharmaco-economics, pharmaco-epidemiology as well as tolerability and efficacy, to the implementation of therapy in both territorial and hospital settings, providing the patient and the doctor himself with those indications that are essential for the appropriate use of drugs. Furthermore, the graduates will be able to access to the School of Specialization in Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cosmetic Science and Technology, Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry and others, to Masters and PhD degrees in the biological, pharmacological or chemical-pharmaceutical fields.

The degree course in Pharmacy is articulated into 5 years and 300 CFU, and includes a preparatory two-year course and a specialised three-year course.

The courses in the two-year course are geared towards learning the basics that are indispensable for tackling the disciplines envisaged in the three-year specialised course, such as biological, chemical, physiological, physio-pathological and medical disciplines. The courses are developed in accordance with European Union Directives. The training includes a six-month evaluative practical internship in a pharmacy open to the public or a hospital pharmacy under the supervision of a professional tutor and an academic tutor, as provided for in 651/2022.



  • Pharmacist in approved pharmacies
    Pharmacies open to the public (private and public).
  • Pharmacist in commercial establishments
    Commercial establishments selling medicines without prescription
  • Pharmacist employed by the National Health Service
    Managing pharmacist in the pharmaceutical offices and services of the ASLs, managing pharmacist, director or collaborator, in hospital pharmacies and pharmaceutical services of the ASLs
  • Pharmacist in intermediate distribution
    Intermediate distributors (wholesalers and stockists).
  • Pharmacist in control laboratories
    Public and private laboratories for analysis and advice to industry.
  • Pharmacist in science dissemination
    Scientific journals, popular newspapers, media such as radio, television and the Web.
  • Pharmacist working in the industry
    Chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, medical devices and medical-surgical devices industry, industry consulting companies.  








Palazzina Romagnoli - 1st Floor

Email: segreteria.studenti@unilink.it 

Tel: +39  06 3400 6246/6080



Palazzina Romagnoli - 1st Floor

Office Hours
Monday - Wednesday - Friday: 10.00 - 13.00
Tuesday - Thursday: 14.30 - 16.30

Email: segreteria.docenti@unilink.it Tel: +39 06 3400 6064/6059/6249

This is a programmed number degree course.

In order to be admitted to a single-cycle degree course, it is necessary to have attained an upper secondary school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable.

Without prejudice to the admission requirement, there will be an evaluation for the possession of adequate knowledge in the following subjects: languages (Italian and English) and basic sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology). The aforementioned preparation will be verified by means of a non-selective assessment test. Any negative result will entail additional educational obligations (OFA) to be fulfilled in the first year of the course. The Regulations of the Course detail the cases in which the student is exempt from the test and the cases in which the OFAs can be considered to have been fulfilled.



The final examination consists in the discussion of a final dissertation written in an original manner by the student under the guidance of a Supervisor and a Co-Supervisor in compliance with and in accordance with the procedures laid down in the relevant Student Regulations and the Guidelines for the final examination of the course of study.

The contents of the final examination must guarantee the student's attainment of the ability to investigate a specific topic related to a specific course or another didactic activity, through the critical analysis of the relevant scientific literature and, where envisaged, to tackle, develop and manage an applied research project.

The final examination may relate to any course, included in the student's learning pathway, concerning an educational activity:

  • basic;
  • characterising;
  • related or supplementary;
  • optional.

The final dissertation may fall under one of the following reference types:

  • compilative dissertation (also known as bibliographical or theoretical theses), based on the discussion of the most relevant books and scientific articles (published in national and international journals) in relation to the chosen subject;
  • empirical dissertations (known, depending on the different disciplines, as research or experimental dissertations), based on participation in applied research work.

For all aspects not regulated here, the regulations for the final dissertation.

The final examination may be written in a foreign language, agreed in advance with the professor, and in this case an extended summary, in Italian, of the work carried out must also be prepared.

Students who meet all the following requirements are admitted to the final examination:

  1. being, to date of the examination, in order with their administrative position;
  2. having successfully completed all the examinations set out in their study plan and having carried out their internship activities; 
  3. having complied with the provisions of the Guidelines for the Final Dissertation.

The modality of implementation of the final dissertation and the relevant timetable are defined in the academic calendar, published on the official website of the University and communicated by the Student Administration Office. For further information, please consult the following link: https://www.unilink.it/en/students/final-dissertation


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