For the academic year 2025/2026, LINK CAMPUS UNIVERSITY is issuing the second call for the admission of students to the single cycle Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery for the Rome branch, in agreement with San Pietro Fatebenefratelli hospital.
The following places are available:
- 200 places available* for candidates from EU and non-EU countries permanently residing in Italy
10 places available* for candidates from non-EU countries residing abroad
* Ref. Art.1 Call
Submission of application form for the admission test
Registration for the admission test must be made starting on 10/03/2025 at 4.00 p.m. and mandatorily completed by 11 april 2025 at 4.00 p.m.
Test topics and admission criteria
The admission test consists of a written multiple-choice test presenting five answer options, from which the candidate must identify only one, discarding any incorrect, arbitrary or less likely conclusions. It consists in 60 questions in Italian on the basis of the syllabuses provided for in Attachment A and distributed as follows:
- 4 questions of reading skills and knowledge acquired throughout the studies
- 5 questions of logical reasoning and problems
- 23 questions of biology
- 15 questions of chemistry
- 13 questions of physics and mathematics
The duration of the admission test is 100 minutes.
Admission test date
The admission test will be held on 16/04/2025.
The locations for the admission test will be determined on the basis of the number of applications received and may also be located outside the venues of the university.
The time when candidates will be convened the locations of the test will be published by 14/04/2025.
Ranking and publication of results
By 17 april 2025 the candidates may log in to their personal page on the official website of the university using the codes contained in the credentials sheet included in the test package and view their paper and score.
On 17.04.2025 at 2.00 p.m., at the Blue Room, located on the 1st floor of the Rectorate the boxes of the biographical data sheets will be opened in public session to allow the candidate code and biographical data to be matched.
The ranking list will be published on 18.04.2025, on the official website of the university in anonymous form, using the candidate's pre-matriculation number.
For candidates from non-EU countries resident abroad, an autonomous ranking list will be provided by the University, which will also published anonymously using the candidate's pre-matriculation number.
The following candidates are admitted to the Course and may therefore proceed to pre-registration:
- a) with reference to the ranking list related to candidates from EU countries and non-EU countries legally residing in Italy: candidates placed in positions 1 to 200;
- b) with reference to the ranking list related to candidates from non-EU countries residing abroad: candidates placed in positions 1 to 10.
The condition of being eligible as a non-winning candidate refers only to the selection procedure in progress: no right arises from it in relation to access to Master's degree courses in years subsequent to the one in which the test was taken.
Registration requirements and deadlines
In the period between 4 p.m. on 18 April 2025 and 4 p.m. on 28 April 2025, candidates placed in a useful position and therefore admitted to the Course must proceed to enrolment exclusively in accordance with the procedures published on the course's institutional website.
The matriculation is completed with the full payment of the first installment of tuition fee.
Failure of admitted candidates to finalize their matriculation by the deadline will result in the renunciation of matriculation and will result in the short-listing of the ranking list.
Within 5 may 2025 the University will publish the list of subentrants who in turn must register within the period between 5 may at 4.00 p.m. and 9 may at 4.00 p.m.
Should subsequent replacements take place, the relevant payment period will be published together with the list of replacements.
Failure to pre-register within the specified deadlines will result in forfeiture of the right to enrol and the vacancies will be made available to other candidates with further shortlisting until the places defined within the quota allocated to the University are fully filled.
Summary table of deadlines and privacy notice
Activity |
date |
See Article Notice |
Submission of the application form |
From 4.00 p.m. on 10.3.2025 to 4.00 p.m. on 11.4.2025 |
Article 3 |
Svolgimento prova |
16.4.2025 |
Article 8 |
Implementation of the admission test |
14.4.2025 |
Article 8 |
Publication of scores achieved |
17.4.2025 |
Article 10 |
Opening of the envelopes |
17.4.2025 at 2.00 p.m. |
Article 10 |
Publication of the ranking list |
18.4.2025 |
Article 10 |
Pre-registration |
From 18.4.2025 on 4.00 p.m. to 28.4.2025 on 4.00 p.m. |
Article 11 |
Enrolment period with payment of 1st instalment |
Within 5.5.2025 |
Article 11 |
Pre-registration - first take over student |
From 5.5.2025 on 4.00 p.m. to 9.5.2025 on 4.00 p.m. |
Article 11 |
Enrolment period with payment of 1st instalment |
From 15 july 2025 to 31 july 2025 |
Article 11 |
Communication of graduation date and grade for those admitted conditionally |
From 15 july 2025 to 31 july 2025 |
Article 11 |
Payment of the second installment of the Tuition Fees |
10.10.2025 |
Article 11 |
Payment of the third installment of the Tuition Fees |
10.12.2025 |
Article 11 |
Payment of the fourth installment of the Tuition Fees |
6.2.2026 |
Article 11 |
First Call - Medicine and Surgery - a.y. 2025/2026 (17 january 2025)
Candidates will be able to register from 4:00 p.m. on wednesday 26 february 2025 and mandatorily within 4:00 p.m. on thursday 6 march 2025.
Pre-registration is completed with full payment of the first instalment of tuition fees and stamp duty.
Ranking list for the 20.02.2025 Admission Test - Medicine and Surgery
As an amendment to what was previously published notice is hereby given, pursuant to Article 9 (2) of DR Notice No. 1989/2025, that the President and the the Head of the Procedure will proceed to open the ballot boxes containing the master data forms of the candidates, in public session, at 12.00 on 21.2.25.
The admission test for the Single Cycle Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2025/2026, provided for in notice D.R. n. 1989 published on 17.1.2025, will be held at theErgife Palace Hotel Largo Lorenzo Mossa, 8 00165 Roma (via Aurelia) classroom A on 20.2.2025, with candidates convened at 9.30 a.m. and the test scheduled to begin at 10.30 a.m..
Access to the classroom area will be reported by appropriate signage (use the gate to the left of the billboard if arriving on foot and the gate to the right if arriving by car and needing to park).
LINK CAMPUS UNIVERSITY issued the first call for the admission to the Single Cycle Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery (Rome branch) for the academic year 2025/2026. The course is developed in collaboration with San Pietro Fatebenefratelli hospital.
The following places are available:
- 300 places* for candidates from EU and non-EU countries permanently resident in Italy
- 20 places* for candidates from non-EU countries resident abroad
* Ref. Art.1 Call
Submission of application for the admission test
Application for the admission test must be made from 16.00 on 20 January 2025 and must be completed by 16.00 on 17 February 2025.
Test topics and admission criteria
The admission test consists in a written multiple-choice test with five answer options, from which the candidate must identify only one, discarding any incorrect, arbitrary or less likely conclusions. It consists in 60 questions in Italian on the basis of the programmes indicated in Attachment A and distributed as follows:
- 4 questions on reading skills and knowledge acquired
- 5 logical reasoning questions and problems
- 23 questions on biology
- 15 chemistry questions
- 13 physics and mathematics questions
The admission test will last 100 minutes.
Date of the Admission Test
The admission test will take place on 20/02/2025.
The location of the admission test will be determined on the basis of the number of applications received and may also be identified outside the premises of Link Campus University.
The schedule and location of the admission test and the eventual distribution of the candidates in the classroom, should the number of candidates require the use of several classrooms, will be published by 17/02/2025.
Ranking lists and publication of results
Within 24 february 2025 the candidate will be able to log in using the link and the codes provided in the credentials sheet, contained in the test envelope, and view their examination paper and score on their personal page.
After the publication, a public session will be held to open the containers of personal data sheets, which will allow the candidate code and personal data to be matched.
Within 2 days after the opening of the registration card boxes, the ranking list will be published anonymously using the candidate's pre-registration number.
The following candidates are admitted to the Course and may therefore proceed to pre-registration:
- a) with reference to the ranking of candidates from EU countries and non-EU countries legally residing in Italy: candidates placed in positions 1 to 300;
- b) with reference to the ranking of candidates from non-EU countries residing abroad: candidates placed in positions 1 to 20.
The status of eligible non-winner refers only to the current selection procedure: no right arises from it in relation to access to master's degree courses in years subsequent to the one in which the test was taken.
Requirements and deadlines for pre-registration and enrolment
Pre-registration is completed with full payment of the first instalment of tuition fees.
Failure to complete pre-registration by the deadline will result in the renunciation of pre-registration and will lead to a short-listing of the ranking list.
No later than 10 March 2025 the University will publish the list of sub-entrants, who in turn will have to pre-register between 4.00 p.m. on 11 March 2025 and 4.00 p.m. on 18 March 2025.
Should subsequent replacements take place, the relevant payment period will be published along with the list of replacements.
Failure to pre-register within the specified deadlines will result in forfeiture of the right to register and the vacancies will be made available to other candidates with further short-listing until the places defined within the quota allocated to the University are fully filled.
Summary table of deadlines, information and privacy
Activities |
date |
Article of the call |
Application Form |
From 20.1.2025 at 16:00 to 17.2.2025 at 16:00 |
Article 3 |
Publication - modality of implementation of the test |
13.2.2025 |
Article 8 |
Publication - hour and location of the test |
17.2.2025 |
Article 8 |
Publication - Scores achieved |
Within 24.2.2025 |
Article 9 |
Opening of the envelopes |
The date will disclosed at a later time |
Article 9 |
Publication - Ranking List |
Within 26.2.2025 |
Article 10 |
Deadline - Pre-registration |
Within 6.3.2025 at 16.00 |
Article 10 |
Publication - first list of take-over students |
Within 10.3.2025 |
Article 10 |
Pre-registration - first take over students |
Withing 18.3.2025 at 16.00 |
Article 10 |
Final Registration with Payment of the first installment of the Tuition Fees |
From 15 july 2025 to 31 july 2025 |
Article 10 |
Communication of graduation date and grade for candidates admitted upon approval |
From 15 july 2025 al 31 july 2025 |
Article 10 |
Payment of the second installment of the Tuition Fees |
10.11.2025 |
Article 10 |
Payment of the third installment of the Tuition Fees |
13.1.2026 |
Article 10 |
Payment of the fourth installment of the Tuition Fees |
10.3.2026 |
Article 10 |
We recommend that you print this page before continuing with the registration process, so that you have an easily accessible paper version. Please note that students who have already registered on the portal of the University can proceed directly to the second phase.
STEP 1 - Click on the "Register" button at the top right.
STEP 2 - Click on the "Web Registration" button.
STEP 3 - Fill in the module in its entirety, then click on the "Next" button.
ATTENTION: please verify your tax code, because in case of error the user cannot be registered correctly.
STEP 4 - Fill in the following form with the address of residence as stated in the title of the present section, then click on the "Next" button.
STEP 5 - Fill in the form related to the contact details only on the fields marked with an asterisk, in the "international prefix" field if you are in Italy, use 0039 as shown in the figure. Then click on the "Next" button.
STEP 6 - You will now visualize the summary screen. Verify the correctness of the data and click on the "Confirm" button.
STEP 7 - At the end of the registration process you will receive the login credentials.
STEP 8 - Return to the Home of the portal and click on the "Access" button on the top right.
STEP 9 - In the following screen click on the "Change Password" button.
STEP 10 - Enter the previously provided credentials and create a new password. Then click on the "Modify" button.
STEP 11 - Now you can login to the reserved area (ACCESS TO THE RESERVED AREA).
STEP 12 - Enter the access credentials with the newly changed password.
STEP 13 - Click on the the side menu item "ACCESS TO THE ADMISSION PROCEDURE (MEDICINE AND SURGERY LM-41)" as shown in figure.
We recommend that you print this page before continuing with the registration process, so that you have an easily accessible paper version.
STEP 1 - Access to your Reserved Area, as noted at the end of the first phase.
STEP 2 - Once you have clicked on "ACCESS TO THE ADMISSION PROCEDURE" button located at the bottom of the present page, you will access to the following page.
STEP 3 - Click on the "Login" button.
STEP 4 - Click on the "MENU" icon at the top right.
STEP 5 - Click on the "Student Administration Office" button and then on "Admission Test" and follow the video instructions.
In accordance with the provisions of Art. 8 paragraph 6 of the Call issued by DR N. 1989 of 17.1.2025, the procedures for the conduct of the admission test are published:
At the identification stage, the candidate will receive candidate a personal data file (to be kept on the desk compulsorily with the white side up) and choose a pair of self-adhesive labels.
On the desk of the assigned seat, the candidate will find an instruction sheet containing information on how to fill out the answer form and a black ballpoint pen.
Upon completion of the identification procedure, the President will draw two witness candidates by lot and in their presence open the boxes of CINECA sealed envelopes.
The supervisory staff will then provide the candidate with a sealed envelope prepared by CINECA. The envelope can be opened only at the beginning of the test after the announcement by the President.
The envelope contains:
a) a sheet dedicated to the rough draft of the test;
b) the questions related to the admission test, bearing the envelope identification code;
c) an answer form, bearing the envelope identification code;
d) a credentials sheet (to be kept by the candidate) which will allow the candidate to access the restricted area to view the test and its score before the publication of the ranking list.
Please note: should any replacement become necessary during the course of the test of even one of the documents indicated in points b), and c), the envelope should be completely replaced as they are marked with the same envelope identification code. Any corrections or marks made by the candidate on the biographical sheet shall not entail its replacement.
Replacement of the biographical sheet only never entails replacement of the envelope in any case.
At this point, the candidate must check upon invitation of the President the contents of the master sheet and the correspondence of the chosen label codes, which must be the same on both; and must signs at the bottom of the master sheet, the declaration of truthfulness of the personal data file and correspondence of the label codes.
At the President's signal, the candidate opens the CINECA envelope.
It is reiterated that, as already stated in Article 8 of the call, during the course of the test each candidate:
- may not carry bags or backpacks, manuals, textbooks and/or even partial reproductions of them, handwritten notes, blank sheets of paper, reference material, cell phones, PDAs, smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, earphones, webcams and other similar instrumentation, under penalty of cancellation of the test; therefore, the student may only have on the desk a black pen, water, any medication and the material received from the University;
- may not, under penalty of cancellation of the test, interact with other candidates, attempt to copy and/or exchange any materials, including master records and/or answer forms. In such cases, the paper will not be corrected and the corresponding score will not be determined;
- must make use only of black pen, provided by the University;
The Supervisory Committee during the test will be composed of at least the President or his delegate, one or more members of the Committee, and administrative staff units (varying in number in proportion to the number of candidates per classroom).
Upon conclusion of the time time allotted for the test (100 minutes) the supervisory staff will proceed to collect the pen, making sure the candidate has signed the biographical sheet.
The candidates at Upon invitation of the President, the candidate proceed to insert the sheets in which the questions related to the test are printed, the sheet dedicated to the draft and the instruction sheet into the CINECA envelope. They will retain the credentials sheet that will allow them to access the reserved page to view their test and its score before the publication of the ranking list.
The envelopes are collected by the supervisory staff and placed in the appropriate container.
Upon completion of the test, each candidate is left with, in addition to the credentials sheet, the mbiographical sheet, the answer form and the pair of labels, again at the invitation of the chair, the candidate proceeds to affix one of the labels on the previously signed master sheet and one on the answer form.
At this point, upon invitation of the supervisory staff, the candidate goes to the chair of the Commission and places the answer form and the biographical sheet in the containers provided.
During these operations, the candidate may not use pens, pencils or any other instrument suitable for writing to make changes, additions and\or corrections to the answer form, under penalty of having the test cancelled by the Classroom Commission.
In such cases the paper will not be corrected and the corresponding score will not be determined.
Tests are subject to cancellation by the classroom committee if the answer form (both front and back) is signed or marked by the candidate or a member of the committee. In such a case, the paper will not be corrected and the corresponding score will not be determined.
The committee must retain:
- the response forms intended for CINECA placed in the appropriate boxes;
- the personal data file placed in the appropriate boxes;
and after being placed in the envelope received by the candidates and collected by the supervisory staff
- the sheets on which the questions related to the test are printed;
- the sheet dedicated to the draft;
- the instruction sheet.
Upon completion of the test, the President shall:
- close the special containers provided by CINECA containing the master sheets;
- close the special containers provided by CINECA containing the answer forms, after counting them;
- sign the labels used to close the containers.
During the conduct of the test, the use of restrooms is not permitted except for proven and documented needs related to health conditions.
Please Note: Witness candidates will not be allowed to leave the classroom until all tasks have been completed by the candidates and the answer forms have been counted and the classroom minutes have been signed.