The following is an extract from R.D. n. 2026, 27.02.2025 related to the approval of the ranking list for the Healthcare Professions admission tests, academic year 2025/2026, 26 february 2025.
Pursuant to article 10 of the call provided for in RD 1990 issued on DR 1990 del 17.01.2025 all the eligible candidates can pre-register for the course of their first choice, it is therefore not necessary to publish individual rankings.
The payment of registrations can be made starting on 03.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m. and up to the deadline which is set on 10.03.2025 at 4.00 p.m. (as provided for in art. 10, par. 5, of the call provided for in DR 1766, 19.9.2024).
The University reserves the right to assign any unassigned positions through an additional admission test, as provided for in MD n. 1116, 31.7.2024 article 6, par 6 and 7.
Ranking list for the 26.02.2025 Admission Test - Healthcare Profession
The admission test for the Healthcare Professions Courses for the academic year 2025/2026, , provided for in the call issued by R.D. n. 1990, 17.1.2025, will take place at Link Campus University Via del Casale di S. Pio V, n. 44 - 00165 Rome (near Piazza Villa Carpegna), in Aula Antica Biblioteca and adjoining roomslocated in the "Casale di S. Pio V", on 26.2.2025. The candidates are convocated at 3.00 p.m. and the test will begin at ore
3.30 p.m..
Free parking is available on the premises of Link Campus University.
For the 2025-2026 academic year, registration to the Degree Courses for Healthcare Professions with programmed access, listed in the table below, is subject to passing an admission test.
n. | Class | Course | Location |
Places EU |
Places extra EU |
L01 | L/SNT1 | Nursing (qualifying for the healthcare profession of Nurse) ****** |
Rome San Pietro - Fatebenefratelli Hospital Via Cassia |
90 | 10 |
L02 | L/SNT2 | Physiotherapy (qualifying for the healthcare profession of Physiotherapist) |
Rome San Pietro - Fatebenefratelli Hospital Via Cassia |
65 | 10 |
L03 | L/SNT3 | Biomedical laboratory techniques (qualifying for the healthcare profession of Biomedical laboratory technician) |
Rome San Pietro - Fatebenefratelli Hospital Via Cassia |
65 | 10 |
L04 | L/SNT3 | Medical radiology, imaging and radiotherapy techniques (qualifying for the healthcare profession of Medical radiology technician) |
Rome San Pietro - Fatebenefratelli Hospital Via Cassia |
65 | 10 |
Pursuant to art. 2, paragraph 1, MD n. 1116, 31.7.2023 the admission test for the Degree Courses in healthcare professions is identical for access to all the types of courses activated at the same university, and during the test the candidate must proceed to enter on the personal data sheet, the choice of courses, in order of preference, up to a maximum of 4 options, one of which is compulsory.
The choice of at least one degree course is compulsory. If the candidates make no choice, they will be excluded from the evaluation and subsequently from any ranking list.
If, after the merit list has been completely filled, there are vacancies, the University will hold further tests in May, publishing the relevant notices, and in any case by September 2025 so that classes can begin at the end of September.
Admission test
The admission test will take place on 26/02/2025.
The location for the implementation of the admission test will be determined based on the number of applications. The admission test may take place at a different location than the headquarters of “Link Campus University”."
The convocation time of the candidates for the recognition operations, the location of the test and the possible distribution of the candidates in the classrooms, should the number of candidates result in the use of more than one classroom, will be published by 24/02/2025.
Submission of the application form for the admission test
L'iscrizione alla prova di ammissione deve essere effettuata a partire dalle ore 16.00 del 27 gennaio 2025 e completata inderogabilmente entro le ore 16.00 del 21 febbraio 2025, unitamente al pagamento della quota di partecipazione al test.
Registration for the admission test must be carried out from 27/01/2025 at 16:00 and completed without fail by 16:00 on 21/02/2025, along with payment of the test fee.
Test topics and admission criteria
Pursuant to Ministerial Decree N. 1116, July 31, 2024, the test for admission to degree courses in the health professions in the Italian language aimed at candidates from EU countries and non-EU countries referred to in Art. 39, paragraph 5, Legislative Decree No. 286 of July 25, 1998, as well as candidates from non-EU countries residing abroad, is prepared by each university and is identical for access to all types of courses activated at the same university.
The candidate must proceed to enter on the appropriate sheet, during the test, the choice of Courses, in order of preference, up to a maximum of 4 options, one of which is mandatory.
The admission test, cosnsits in a multiple choice written test which presents five answer options, from which the candidate must identify only one, discarding wrong, arbitrary or less likely conclusions. It consists in 60 questions delivered in Italian language based on the programmes provided for in Attachment A and distributed as follows:
- 4 questions testing reading skills and knowledge acquired thoughout the studies
- 5 logical reasoning questions and problems
- 23 biology questions
- 15 chemistry questions
- 13 questions of physics and mathematics
The admission test will last 100 minutes.
Ranking lists and publication of results
The general merit list will be published by 28 February 2025 anonymously, using the candidate's pre-matriculation number, as well as the rankings for individual courses, also in anonymous form.
For candidates from non-EU countries resident abroad, an autonomous general ranking list and individual course rankings will be drawn up by the University.
Candidates placed in a useful position in the individual course rankings are admitted to the course and may therefore proceed to pre-registration.
The deadline for pre-registration is 16:00 on 10 March 2025.
Each candidate will be included in all rankings for the chosen courses.
The candidate may pre-register only for the course for which they passed the test; if they passed the test for more than one ranking, they may pre-register only for the course for which he/she has expressed the highest order of preference.
Candidates who do not pre-register by 16:00 on 7 March 2025 will be considered as drop-outs.
Procedures and deadlines for registration
Between 16:00 on 1 March 2025 and 16:00 on 10 March 2025, candidates placed in a useful position and therefore admitted to the Courses must pre-register.
Pre-registration is completed with the full payment of the deposit on the first tuition instalment.
Failure to complete pre-enrolment by the deadline for candidates admitted will result in the renunciation of pre-enrolment and will determine the short-listing of the ranking list.
Summary table of deadlines, information and privacy
Activities | date | Article of the call |
Application Form | From 27.1.2025 at 16:00to 21.2.2025 at 16:00 | Article 4 |
Publication - hour and location of the test | 24.2.2025 | Article 3 |
Implementation of the admission test | 26.2.2025 | Article 3 |
Publication - Ranking List | Within 28.2.2025 | Article 10 |
Deadline - Pre-registration | 10.3.2025 at 16:00 | Article 10 |
Publication - first list of take-over students | Within 12.3.2025 | Article 10 |
Course change request for takeover motivated by better choice | Within 14.3.2025 at 12:00 | Article 10 |
Payment of any difference in tuition fees | Within 18.3.2025 | Article 10 |
Publication - first list of take-over students | Within 18.3.2025 | Article 10 |
Final Registration with Payment of the first installment of the Tuition Fees | From 15.7.2025 to 31.7.2025 | Article 11 |
Payment of the second installment of the Tuition Fees | 10.11.2025 | Article 11 |
Payment of the third installment of the Tuition Fees | 13.1.2026 | Article 11 |
Payment of the fourth installment of the Tuition Fees | 10.3.2026 | Article 11 |
Guidelines - Registration to the Portal
STEP 1 - Click on the "Register" button at the top right.
STEP 2 - Click on the "Web Registration" button.
STEP 3 - Fill in the module in its entirety, then click on the "Next" button.
ATTENTION: please verify your tax code, because in case of error the user cannot be registered correctly.
STEP 4 - Fill in the following form with the address of residence as stated in the title of the present section, then click on the "Next" button.
STEP 5 - Fill in the form related to the contact details only on the fields marked with an asterisk, in the "international prefix" field if you are in Italy, use 0039 as shown in the figure. Then click on the "Next" button.
STEP 6 - You will now visualize the summary screen. Verify the correctness of the data and click on the "Confirm" button.
STEP 7 - At the end of the registration process you will receive the login credentials.
STEP 8 - Return to the Home of the portal and click on the "Access" button on the top right.
STEP 9 - In the following screen click on the "Change Password" button.
STEP 10 - Enter the previously provided credentials and create a new password. Then click on the "Modify" button.
Guidelines - procedure of registration to the admission test - Healthcare Professions
STEP 1 - Now you can login to the reserved area (ACCESS TO THE RESERVED AREA).
STEP 2 - Enter the access credentials with the newly changed password.
STEP 3 - Click on the the side menu item "Access to the admission procedure to the Degree Courses"».
STEP 4 - Click on the "Login" button.
STEP 5 - Click on the "MENU" icon at the top right.
STEP 6 - Click on the "Student Administration Office" button and then on "Admission Test" and follow the video instructions.