
Safety Science (L/DS)

(Naples Branch)

The Bachelor's Degree in Safety Science is a cutting-edge educational pathway that will open the door to a dynamic and exciting career to candidates who intend to become key members of the future ruling class interested in contributing to the security of society, both at a national and international level.

The aim of the Bachelor's Degree in Safety Science is to prepares the candidates for future global challenges: the world is facing new threats (from cybersecurity to terrorism) and the University of Studies Link aims to offer cultural tools and skills to handle these challenges effectively.

The Bachelor's Degree in Safety Science was developed in order to provide a comprehensive and multidisciplinary training in the field of civil defence and security and is entrusted to the strategic guidance of Programme Leader Prof. Francesco Paolo Tronca, assisted by Coordinator Prof. Tommaso Paparo.

The Bachelor's Degree in Safety Science offers a rigorous academic course that combines theoretical learning with practical experience: students will have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects, including security policy, risk management, threat analysis, and more.

Upon completion of the course, the students will acquire integrated transversal skills in law, economics, psychology, sociology, neuroscience applied to the technologies of defence and security of society, states and democratic institutions; subjects aimed at promoting the development of the person both in the individual and collective sphere.

As global security and defence challenges increase, the demand for qualified professionals in these fields is set to grow over the next decade. Looking to the future, the graduates in Safety Science will contribute to being the future ruling class that will take charge of defence and security needs in national, EU and international institutions as well as in the private market.

Modern states are born and develop to ensure peace and prosperity. Modern defence and security science is a field of study that focuses on the management of critical situations in defence and security and requires the acquisition of certain cultural drivers, fundamental pillars of orientation and basics of the characterising disciplines.

The Defence and Security Science degree course aims to lay the foundations of a new strategic knowledge in the evolution of Society, States and the Market to manage emergency and crisis situations to protect people, institutions, data, heritage, the economy, the environment.

The objective of the course in Safety Science entrusted to the vision and strategic guidance of Prof. Francesco Paolo Tronca is to provide students with a deep and comprehensive understanding of the complex defence and security scenarios and problems faced today in order to become professionals and experts in prevention, risk management and criticality governance in various fields.



Graduates can aspire to careers, including managerial careers, in the following sectors: Police, Armed Forces, Civil Defence, Fire Brigade, Local Police, State, Regional and Local Authority apparatuses, as well as in the public administration in general or in the private sector (high-tech companies in the defence and security sector; companies involved in the security of persons, data, property, the environment, etc.).

The Bachelor's Degree in Safety Science enables the candidates to access important career profiles, including qualified careers in the public institutions and the private sector.


The learning activities are presential, however students meeting certain requirements can also participate in live streaming, wherever they are, interacting live with the classroom.







Administrative law



Public law



Experimental physics



Fundamentals of Computer Science and cybersecurity



Civil protection and emergency law

Emergency law

Civil law







Infrastructure and transport regulation



Logical and deontological systems



Sociology of security



Contemporary history




Criminal law and procedure

Criminal law

Criminal procedure







Fundamentals of intelligence and socio-strategic analysis



Geo-economics and national security



Corporate organisation, audit and compliance



Security in the territory



Information processing systems - Methodologies and techniques for intelligence and infrastructure security



Optional Subject




Psicologia generale e sociale

General and social psychology (Module I)

General and social psychology (Module II)







Training and orientation traineeships



Final Dissertation






Professor Email Subject Course Profile
BENINCAMPI Alessandro a.benincampi@unilink.it Comparative Legal Systems  
BRUNORI Alessandro a.brunori@unilink.it Criminal law and procedure  
CAPRÌ Tindara t.capri@unilink.it General and social psychology  
CASAMENTO Nicomede n.casamento@unilink.it Infrastructure and transport regulation  
CASTALDO Fabio Massimo   European Defence and Security Systems  
DANESI Arturo a.danesi@unilink.it Information processing systems
Methodologies and techniques for intelligence and infrastructure security
DI BLASI Giuseppe Maria g.diblasi@unilink.it Fundamentals of Computer Science and cybersecurity  
DI GENOVA Massimo m.digenova@unilink.it Experimental Physics  
DONATELLI Samuele s.donatelli@unilink.it Public Law  
FERRIGNI Nicola n.ferrigni@unilink.it Sociology of Security  
GABRIELE Alberto a.gabriele@unilink.it English  
GARDINI Francesca f.gardini@unilink.it Administrative Law  
GHISLERI Alessandra   Defence and Security Communication Sciences  
GIORDANO Filippo Maria f.giordano@unilink.it Contemporary History  
GRASSO Paolo p.grasso@unilink.it Administrative Law  
GUGLIELMO Stefania   Logical and Deontological Systems  
LUCIANÒ Francesco f.luciano@unilink.it Parliamentary Defence and Security Law
Infrastructure and Transport Regulation
MAIELLARO Giuseppe Fabrizio gf.maiellaro@unilink.it Security in the territory  
MALATACCA Francesca f.malatacca@unilink.it Criminology
Psychology of deviance and violence
General and Social Psychology
MARGHERITA Emanuele Gabriel e.margherita@unilink.it Corporate organisation, audit and compliance  
MIRIGLIANI Francesco Fortunato   Logical and deontological systems  
MORO Flavia f.moro@unilink.it Civil protection and emergency law  
PAGLIARA Michela m.pagliara@unilink.it Cognitive science for security and intelligence  
PAPARO Tommaso t.paparo@unilink.it Public Law  
PIGLIUCCI Michele m.pigliucci@unilink.it Geo-economics and national security  
PRIOLO Giuseppe g.priolo@unilink.it Logical and deontological systems  
ROLLI Iolanda i.rolli@unilink.it Fundamentals of intelligence and socio-strategic analysis  
SCAROINA Elisa e.scaroina@unilink.it Criminal law and procedure  
SILERI Pierpaolo   Health risk management  
TRONCA Francesco Paolo f.tronca@unilink.it Public Law
Civil and Emergency Law
ZORZI GIIUSTINIANI Flavia f.zorzigiustiniani@unilink.it EU Law: European privacy and security regulations  


Dott. Luca Alberto Rossi



In order to be admitted to the course of study, the student must have an upper secondary school diploma or other qualification recognised as suitable according to current legislation. At the same time, the student must have adequate knowledge of general culture and logic-mathematics, as well as the ability to understand texts.

The knowledge required for admission is assessed by means of a special test, which may be taken only once and the outcome of which is communicated to the student at the end of the test. Failure to pass the test results in the assignment of additional training obligations (OFA), which the student must fulfil within the first year of the course.

The Course of Study supports the students through 4 different types of tutoring:

  1. Orientation and soft skill-aimed tutoring, carried out by the Educational Coordinator, who assists the students in the stages of orientation, insertion into university life, monitoring of the learning pathway and motivation (always having as a reference the planned results), support in the completion of bureaucratic procedures, the latter in collaboration with the Student Administration Office;
  2. international orientation tutoring, carried out by the International office, which offers personalized assistance to both international students enrolled in the Course of Study and Erasmus students;
  3. educational tutoring, entrusted to teaching support figures (teaching assistants, doctoral students, holders of supplementary teaching contracts, etc.), who support the students with supplementary teaching activities related to specific teachings;
  4. specialized tutoring, carried out by the Inclusion Education Coordinator, for students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (DSA) and special educational needs (BES), aimed at reducing the obstacles that could prevent their full inclusion in the university environment.

The workshop activities are designed as moments of learning by doing, through which the students will acquire and/or refine soft skills (team work, problem solving, leadership, communication skills, etc.), increasingly fundamental in the labour maket. Furthermore, workshops represent opportunities for in-depth experiential learning in direct contact with professionals in the field.

Co-ordinator, Education Coordinator, Career Service and Link University teaching staff dedicate personalised time to students to understand each student's growth and possible career progression based on the merit findings of the study pathway.

Practical training.

    • In addition to theoretical lessons, the courses include practical-operational experiences at consortium organisations and companies to learn how to handle emergency situations and use safety tools.

The following is a series of examples of internships:

    • Internships in companies specialising in IT security; for the purpose of learning how to detect threats, protect networks and data.
    • Internships in International Organisations - understand diplomacy and global crisis management.
    • Experience in private companies in sectors such as defence, logistics, security consultancy or risk management.
    • Internships in emergency services or humanitarian organisations - learn health crisis management.
    • Traineeships with intelligence agencies or companies - acquire skills in information analysis
    • Internships and/or experience with the police, civil defence and/or fire brigade.

The following is a complete list of partner Companies and Institutions: https://www.unilink.it/en/partnerships-with-companies-and-institutions

The final dissertation consists in the discussion, before a special committee, of a written paper prepared under the guidance of a professor, on a topic related to a discipline in which the student has taken an examination.

While not requiring specific characteristics of originality, the paper should demonstrate the acquired mastery of the analytical tools learned in the course of study, the ability to integrate the diversified disciplinary knowledge learned, as well as the communication skills suitable for a fruitful entry into the labour market and/or the continuation of the educational path in the two-year master's degree program.

The paper may be written and discussed in Italian and/or English.

The manner of conducting the final examination and its timing are defined in the academic calendar, published on the University website and communicated by the Student Administration Office. For further information, please consult the following link: https://www.unilink.it/en/students/final-dissertation

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