
Primary Education Sciences (LM-85 bis)

Call - Primary Education Sciences a.y. 2025/2026 (4 march 2025)

For the academic year 2025/2026, Link Campus University announces the entrance test for the admission to the five-year Single-Cycle Master's Degree Course in Primary Education Sciences [Class LM-85 bis] at Link Campus University,  Città di Castello branch.
The admission test will take place at the Rome and Città di Castello branches of the University.

Enrollment in the course is subject to passing the admission test for:

  • 440 places available for candidates from EU and non-EU countries permanently residing in Italy
  •  20   places available for candidates from EU and non-EU countries residing abroad.

The number of places on offer may be subject to increase following the issuing of the enrolment planning decree for the academic year 2025/2026 by the Ministry for Universities and Research (M.U.R.), provided for by Law no. 264 of 2 August 1999.

In the event that, after the ranking list has been completely filled, vacancies should remain, the University will carry out further admission tests by publishing the relative notices.

Before the beginning or during the course of the 2025/2026 academic year, notices for transfers to years subsequent to the first year may also be published if there are vacancies.

Modality of submission of the application form and deadlines

Participation in the selection is subject to, under penalty of exclusion:

a) to the submission of the application starting from 4.00 p.m. on 10/03/2025 and no later than 4.00 p.m. on 05/04/2025 exclusively through the online procedure

b) to the payment of the test participation fee, amounting to euro 50,00 (fifty/00)

During the registration phase, in addition to providing all the data required by the procedure, the candidates must specify at which branch of the University (Rome or Città di Castello) they wish to take the test, give their consent to the processing of personal data and acknowledge that they have read the Call.

Date, location and modality of access to the admission test

The admission test will take place on 10 april 2025 at the Rome and Città di Castello branches of Link Campus University.

The location(s) of the test and the time of identification operations, will be announced within 7 April 2025, by publication on the official website of “Link Campus University”

The publication will count as a notification to the participants in the test. No communication will be sent to participants. The absence of a candidate will be considered as renunciation of participation, whatever the cause.

The location(s) of the test and the time of identification operations, will be announced at least five days before the tests by publication on the official website of “Link Campus University”

Characteristics of the test, test evaluation criteria and formulation of the ranking list

The entrance test consists in eighty (80) questions presenting four answer options, from which the candidate must identify the correct one, on topics of linguistic competence and logical reasoning; literary, historical-social and geographical culture; and mathematical-scientific culture.

The test will include:

  • fourty (40) language proficiency and logical reasoning questions;
  • twenty (20) literary, socio-historical and geographical culture questions;  
  • twenty (20) mathematical-scientific culture questions.

A time limit of 150 minutes is allocated for the performance of the test. 

Publication of the ranking list 

On 14.04.2025, the ranking list will be published anonymously using the candidates' pre-registration number.

For candidates from non-EU countries resident abroad, an autonomous ranking list is established by the University, which will also published anonymously using the candidates' pre-registration number.

Requirements and deadlines for pre-registration and enrolment

Nel periodo compreso tra le ore 16.00 del 14 aprile 2025 e le ore 16.00 del 28 aprile 2025 i candidati collocati in posizione utile e quindi ammessi al Corso devono procedere alla pre-immatricolazione.In the period between 4.00 p.m. on 14 April 2025 and 4.00 p.m. on 28 April 2025, candidates placed in a useful position and therefore admitted to the Course must proceed to pre-registration.

Pre-registration is completed with full payment of the first instalment of tuition fees.

Failure to complete enrolment by the deadline will result in the renunciation of enrolment and will lead to the ranking list being short-listed.

By 5 May 2025, the University will publish the list of sub-entrants, who in turn must pre-register between 4 p.m. on 5 May 2025 and 4 p.m. on 9 May 2025.

Should subsequent sub-entries take place, the relevant payment period will be published along with the list of sub-entrants.

Failure to pre-register by the indicated deadline will result in forfeiture of the right to enrol, and the vacancies will be made available to other candidates with further shortlisting until the places defined within the quota allocated to the University are fully filled.

The publication of all notices serves as notification to interested parties; no communication will be sent to candidates.

Summary table of deadlines, information and privacy

Guidelines for the registration to the academic portal

STEP 1 - Click on the "Register" button at the top right.


STEP 2 - Click on the "Web Registration" button.


STEP 3 - Fill in the module in its entirety, then click on the "Next" button.
ATTENTION: please verify your tax code, because in case of error the user cannot be registered correctly.


STEP 4 - Fill in the following form with the address of residence as stated in the title of the present section, then click on the "Next" button.


STEP 5 - Fill in the form related to the contact details only on the fields marked with an asterisk, in the "international prefix" field if you are in Italy, use 0039 as shown in the figure. Then click on the "Next" button.


STEP 6 - You will now visualize the summary screen. Verify the correctness of the data and click on the "Confirm" button.


STEP 7 - At the end of the registration process you will receive the login credentials.


STEP 8 - Return to the Home of the portal and click on the "Access" button on the top right.


STEP 9 - In the following screen click on the "Change Password" button.


STEP 10 - Enter the previously provided credentials and create a new password. Then click on the "Modify" button.

Guide to the registration process for Primary Education Sciences (LM-85 bis)

STEP 1 - Now you can login to the reserved area (ACCESS TO THE RESERVED AREA).


STEP 2 - Enter the access credentials with the newly changed password.


STEP 3 - Click on the the side menu item "ACCESS TO THE DEGREE COURSE" as shown in figure.


STEP 4 - Click on the "Login" button.


STEP 5 - Click on the "MENU" icon at the top right.


STEP 6 - Click on the "Student Administration Office" button and then on "Admission Test".



Request Information