
Strategic Studies and Security Policies (LM-62)

The aim of the Bachelor's Degree Course is to offer high-profile, interdisciplinary training in order to develop critical analysis skills related to the social, political, economic and legal contexts distinctive of national and international scenarios. Throughout the course of the learning pathway, the students will progressively acquire highly qualifying skills and leadership and decision-making abilities, within both institutional and private organizational contexts. The Course sets the framework for a modern, professionally trained management figure, capable of understanding and speaking the language required to the figures who must assume responsibility in a scenario of high complexity and increasing traits of emergency. The course gives great importance to subjects related to the areas of history, economics, law, political science and sociology, combining them with training activities specific to Strategic Studies and Security Policy. In addition to the topics of government and administration, the Course devotes special attention to the aspects and skills related to security and political and administrative activities in the senior ranks of government and public and private institutions.

Furthermore, the course provides knowledge, abilities and competencies through the implementation of various laboratory activities in order to bring future graduates closer to the operational and professionalizing aspects of the desired career. In addition to laboratories, seminars and meetings with experts in the field, the course devotes specific attention to the acquisition of soft skills, not neglecting the in-depth analysis of case studies and the use of simulations.

The Course is divided into two curricula, one in Italian and one in English.

Career opportunities

  • national, european and international bodies and institutions

  • international organizations

  • local and national public administrations

  • Political parties, trade unions, representative organizations (lobbying, public affairs, institutional relations)

  • national and international NGOs

  • profit-oriented businesses and third-sector associations/foundations

  • news media and communication agencies

  • charities

  • think tank and research institutions

  • security experts

Modality of attendance

The learning activities are presential, however students meeting certain requirements can also participate in live streaming, wherever they are, interacting live with the classroom.


The learning pathway is divided into two learning pathways, one in Italian and one in English, mirroring each other in their own philosophy: both include the same core of compulsory teachings delivered in their respective languages (teachings related to the course's characterizing fields); the other subjects are provided in the respective languages and are integrated into the objectives of the learning pathway (including knowledge of scientific and professional method and content in the legal-institutional, political-economic, political-historical and sociological fields; interdisciplinary knowledge in the aforementioned fields addressed from a comparative and international perspective; knowledge of the methodologies of empirical research and experimental analysis of socio-political and economic-institutional phenomena; ability to operate at a technical-professional level in at least one area of application in professional fields as experts in specific areas of public policy and organizational analysis for technological change of apparatus in complex organizations; ability to use fluently the specific vocabulary of the discipline both in written and oral form).

In line with the educational objectives, both learning pathways guarantee a solid basic theoretical and methodological training in the traditional fields characterizing the degree class (historical, economic-statistical, legal, sociological, political).




Public Communication



Economy and disciplines of market economics



Ethics and digital policy









History of european integration



History of intelligence institutions



Strategic Studies



Total I Year






Law of Digital Platforms



Law and practice of cybersecurity



International Policy



Sociology of Security



Further Linguistic Knowledge



Insegnamenti a scelta



Further knowledge for the introduction into the job market






Final Dissertation



Total II Year






Dott. Ruggero Filippi



Palazzina Romagnoli - 1st Floor

Email: segreteria.studenti@unilink.it 

Tel: +39  06 3400 6255/6246/6080



Palazzina Romagnoli - 1st Floor

Office Hours
Monday - Wednesday - Friday: 10.00 - 13.00
Tuesday - Thursday: 14.30 - 16.30

Email: segreteria.docenti@unilink.it
Tel: +39  06 3400 6064/6059/6249

In order to be admitted to the Master's Degree in Strategic Studies and Security Policie, it is necessary to have attained a Bachelor's Degree, a degree recognized as suitable under special laws, or another degree obtained abroad and recognized as suitable.

In particular, the candidate must possess knowledge related to the course topics acquired through a degree in the following classes:

  • L-14 Legal Services;
  • L-16 Organization Administration;
  • L- 18 Economics and Business Management;
  • L-20 Communication Sciences;
  • L-33 Economics;
  • L-36 Political Science and International Relations;
  • L-37 Social Sciences for Cooperation, Development and Peace;
  • L-39 Social Service Sciences;
  • L-40 Sociology;
  • L-42 History;
  • LMG/01 Law;
  • L-05 Philosophy;
  • L-06 Geography;
  • L-19 Education and Training Sciences;
  • L/DS Defense and Security Sciences.

The candidates who attained a Bachelor's degree from the corresponding classes formerly 509/99 and graduates who attained a four-year degree equivalent to the above-mentioned ones from systems prior to DM 509/99 and DM 270/04 may also enroll.

However, the Bachelor's Degree in Strategic Studies and Security Policy aims to intercept students also from other disciplinary fields therefore in possession of a bachelor's degree in other classes, or another degree obtained abroad recognized as suitable, or a degree related to the former four-year system, provided that they have acquired, according to a specific allocation at least:

  • 9 credits in the scientific-disciplinary fields M-STO/04 or SPS/02 or SPS/03;
  • 12 credits in the scientific-disciplinary fields SPS/01 or SPS/04;
  • 6 credits in the scientific-disciplinary fields IUS/01 or IUS/07 or IUS/08 or IUS/09 or IUS/13;
  • 12 credits in the scientific-disciplinary fields SECS-P/01 or SECS-P/02 or SECS-P/06;
  • 12 credits in the scientific-disciplinary fields SPS/07 or SPS/08 or SPS/11.

Possession of the curricular requirements and/or the required knowledge and skills, through the evaluation of the student's previous university career and the adequacy of personal preparation through tests and/or interviews, is verified in accordance with the Statute and Regulations of the University.

For graduates from foreign universities, the adequacy of the curricular requirements will be assessed on a case-by-case basis based on the consistency between the programs carried out in the different disciplinary areas, the educational foundations deemed necessary for the advanced training offered by the course of study, as well as the language skills required.

Furthermore, the students must be fluent in Italian and English (written and oral) or at least be above a B2 level, based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Said requirement will be verified by means of an entrance test.

The methods for ascertaining the curricular requirements and English language proficiency are described in the University Teaching Regulations.

The Course of Study supports the students through 4 different types of tutoring:

  1. Orientation and soft skill-aimed tutoring, carried out by the Educational Coordinator, who assists the students in the stages of orientation, insertion into university life, monitoring of the learning pathway and motivation (always having as a reference the planned results), support in the completion of bureaucratic procedures, the latter in collaboration with the Student Administration Office;

  2. international orientation tutoring, carried out by the International office, which offers personalized assistance to both international students enrolled in the Course of Study and Erasmus students;

  3. educational tutoring, entrusted to teaching support figures (teaching assistants, doctoral students, holders of supplementary teaching contracts, etc.), who support the students with supplementary teaching activities related to specific teachings;

  4. specialized tutoring, carried out by the Inclusion Education Coordinator, for students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (DSA) and special educational needs (BES), aimed at reducing the obstacles that could prevent their full inclusion in the university environment.

The workshop activities are designed as moments of learning by doing, through which the students will acquire and/or refine soft skills (team work, problem solving, leadership, communication skills, etc.), increasingly fundamental in the labour maket. Furthermore, workshops represent opportunities for in-depth experiential learning in direct contact with professionals in the field.

The Course of Study reserves special credits for orientation training internships, to be carried out within the University, as well as internships and apprenticeships at institutions, agencies, organizations and foundations, enterprises.

The final dissertation consists in the elaboration and oral discussion of a final dissertation in front of a special committee, elaborated in an original way by the student under the guidance of a supervisor, which has as its object the in-depth study of a theoretical topic or the realization of a field research or the elaboration of a specific project developed in the internship experience. Successful completion of the final dissertation results in the acquisition of an appropriate number of CFUs. Dissertations may be written, depending on the curriculum, in Italian or English.

Please refer to the didactic regulations for the procedures.

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