31 GENNAIO 2018

LCU to use regional funds to advance research and innovation
Research and innovation are central to the development and growth of any society and Link Campus University is strongly engaged in working across disciplines to contribute in addressing global challenges of XXI century.
We are proud to announce that LCU won funding from the three Italian Regions to advance research and inspire innovation in several sectors, including textile and fashion, innovative building systems, agriculture, ICT, and clinical support.
The research projects include 2 projects in Puglia (HINT, ChemTag), 2 in Lazio (ePOP-ZEB, Agri Drone) and 1 in Sardinia (PANGEA). Each project comprises the creation of a Research and Development unit and other facilities needed to support cutting-edge research.
Projects in detail
- HINT is designed to satisfy needs for the creation of a clinical support network. It intends to set up a platform managing all cases which involve access to diagnostic images offering application of specific skills even not physically detectable on the production site of the images themselves.
- ChemTag intends to develop a service tailored to the needs of companies working in the textile and clothing industries in the Puglia Region. This service consists of Cloud traceability of chemical analysis certified according to UNI EN, DIN, ISO, AATCC standards of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products in the textile field. The project aims to develop an innovative method of chemical traceability allowing added value to the textile logistics supply chain, expanding the boundaries compared to the traditional one.
- ePOP-ZEB involves the construction of an innovative building system for assembling modular wooden buildings (ePOP House) integrated with a Smart platform optimising energy management and with a BIM (Building Information Modeling) system that shows a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of the building components. The project can be divided into 3 primary subprojects aiming at studying and creating prototypes developed jointly between the companies and the research centres.
- The AgroDroneVision project focuses on the creation and development of an Integrated and Intelligent System for innovative applications with a high level of knowledge in the Precision Agriculture sector. The Integrated System is made of 3 main subsystems:
- Drone system
- Monitoring System
- Sensor System
Through this innovative system, the project intends to develop and validate a non-destructive method of qualitative-quantitative evaluation of open field crops in real-time and acquisition of high-resolution images integrated with information collected from various sensors. Such techniques have never been used in this field until today, mainly because of high costs and intrinsic difficulties related to their use.
- PANGEA project contributes to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector creating an integrated system of knowledge and skills advancing innovation in the theme park sector.
The project assumes that the current operational configuration of theme parks addresses 4 fundamental elements:
- The attractions in themselves conceived as self-sufficient islands with specific play and theme purposes;
- The backstage of monitoring and control
- The features of widespread setting and thematization, (mostly consisting of sound environments and multimedia shows at times and on fixed occasions, which provide the system with an experiential glue able to accentuate the immersion perceived by visitors and their identification in the supporting themes)
- The processes of virtual museum that intends to give a transmedia communication approach aimed at extending the experience even after the complete visit.
The project intends to work on all 4 elements, advancing innovation in the sector.