03 Marzo 2023

COVID-19 has affected many aspects of our society. Visual communication, intended as the cultural products which convey information by using visual elements (e.g.: photography, motion pictures, visual art, etc.), has well expressed these changes. During the "Visual and Digital Media Culture" module (Prof. Antonio Opromolla) of the Bachelor Degree in "Innovative Technologies for Digital Communication" have had the opportunity to analyse the visual representation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting from a specific topic related to the COVID-19, they have conducted an initial work of research and a work of analysis of two street artworks related to the chosen topic.
Following, some of the project works realised by the students.
Effect on Young People due to the Lockdown (Luca Antonio Gulisano)
This research highlights the effects that the lockdown has had on young people in Italy. In this case, their point of view was analyzed in relation to the continuation of the restrictions imposed by the government. it was possible to notice how at the beginning of the lockdown, also probably thanks to the fact that it was assumed it was a short period of a few weeks, young people remained fairly neutral. However, with the continuation of the lockdown, problems emerged with sleep disturbances, eating disorders, suicidal ideas, etc. Unfortunately it was difficult to define exactly what the consequences were because the data are considerably different from region to region and above all over time, in fact the data changes dramatically from first impressions to those during and after the lockdown. Furthermore, many of the polls could be skewed because many students understood the lockdown as a holiday. All this translated into the creation of a video that aims to codify all the data into sensations, emotions and knowledge obtained by watching the video.
Resilience in Older People during COVID-19 (Andreana De Martino)
The results of this study revealed that many older adults were able to leverage protective factors at multiple levels to demonstrate resiliency to pandemic stressors.
In addition to that an holistic approach is required to improve individual, social and built environment to enhance marginalized older adults resilience from an unprecedent event. For that concern younger people this research reveals that they were more emotionally affected by COVID 19 pandemic than older people.
Reaction of Extraverted and Introverted People to Lockdown (Jacopo Petrucci)
This presentation reports the effects of the pandemic on people that fall into one of the two main approaches of interacting between the self and the otherness. Extraverted people and introverted people both fared pretty differently during the covid-19 lockdown, and a relatively thorough research followed by a social interview was my method of studying the outcomes of this period of isolation.
Reaction of extraverted and introverted people to lockdown
The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health (Elvira Parente)
This project concerns how mental health was affected during the long and difficult period of lockdown during Covid19, by not only young people and children, as indicated by the social research conducted , but also women, nursing and doctors. Though this project has brought to light a very widespread and very dangerous issue, in which the protagonist is precisely our mind, it has been understood how mental health is one of those fundamental factors for the safeguarding of our health in general.
The impact of COVID-19 on mental health_CANVAS
The impact of COVID-19 on mental health_Analysis
How Doctors and Nurses were affected during COVID-19 (Christina Raggi)
How Doctors and Nurses were affected during COVID-19_Canvas
How Doctors and Nurses were affected during COVID-19_Analysis